Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 360 10 years later

.., Taoist Master Huang Ting

"Sex practice."

Ao Le bit his lip and said softly, "Father, Third Brother, they, and Le'er all practice the Immortal Way. If your husband wants to learn it, Le'er will teach him."

Feeling his palms being wrapped in warmth, Ao Le looked at Lu Qingfeng with his big watery eyes, waiting for a response.


After Lu Qingfeng heard this, he thought to himself.

I had made a guess from Ao Lie earlier, but now I heard Ao Le's words and knew that my guess was good. However, Ao Lie would not know how he would feel if he knew that he had hidden the secret of immortality and was sold out like this by Ao Le.

"My father asked me to choose between the two paths of 'nature' and 'fate'. I have my own considerations. If you teach me the method of immortality, you may offend my father."

Lu Qingfeng held Ao Le's hand, feeling as cold as cold jade, and shook his head with a smile.

"No...it's okay."

Ao Le looked panicked, shook his head and said, "My father loves me, even if...even if he knew, he wouldn't blame me."

Lu Qingfeng looked at Ao Le, staring at her delicate face, which made Ao Le a little flustered and shy.

He resisted not lowering his head and looked at Lu Qingfeng.

There was a bit of determination in his weak eyes.

"Except for my father and third brother, my husband will be the person closest to me from now on. If my husband treats me well, I..."

Ao Le whispered.

He rarely talks at ordinary times, but when he suddenly spoke so much, he seemed to be incoherent and incoherent.

"I see."

Lu Qingfeng could feel the goodwill that Ao Le was trying to convey, and couldn't help but smile, "I heard from my third brother that the Dragon Clan has a long lifespan, so the method of practice is not 'Xing Cultivation', not 'Life Cultivation', I think it is this immortal way." But I am a human race, with a short lifespan and limited qualifications. I may not achieve anything if I practice the immortal way. Instead, after a hundred years, the loess will be cultivated, and then you will be left alone?"

Lu Qingfeng knew that because Minjiang Longjun felt guilty towards Ao Le, if Ao Le wanted to teach him the immortal method, he only had to say it, and Longjun would never refuse.

But Minjiang Longjun took the immortal method so seriously that he only passed it on to his children. If he practices it, he may attract more attention in the future and may not be free.

It is better to take the path of ‘sexual cultivation’.

Sex is covered up.

Immortality is included.

It can also become a surprise comeback card in the future.


After hearing these words, Ao Le didn't know whether he should teach Lu Qingfeng the immortal way or not.

Lu Qingfeng stood up and did not give her a chance to struggle. He took Ao Le to the study and said, "Practice is important. The third brother said that 'Xing Cultivation' is weird and the method is obscure. Before practicing, you must read these classics thoroughly and understand them clearly." The important thing is to calm down your mind before you can officially start practicing. Don't think too much, help me understand these classics as soon as possible, so that I can practice as early as possible."


Enter the study.

Two large piles of classics as tall as one person were piled up. Ao Le blinked and never mentioned the immortal method again.

Help Lu Qingfeng, explain his doubts word for word and sentence by sentence, and study the classics.

time flies.

Lu Qingfeng officially came into contact with the ‘sexual cultivation’ system in the Immortal Qin Realm. In the process of studying the classics, his relationship with Ao Le quickly grew closer, and his relationship warmed up.

A flash.

Ten years have passed.

Minjiang Dragon Palace.

In the Prince Consort's Mansion.

Lu Qingfeng sat cross-legged in the meditation room, practicing quietly.

In the Dragon Palace, under the eyes of Minjiang Dragon Lord, I dare not practice the Immortal Way for the time being. In the past ten years, I have been studying the method of 'sexual cultivation'.

First, he studied classics and understood the principles of spiritual practice.

Then he started practicing.

Minjiang Longjun did not teach Lu Qingfeng the immortal method, but this method of sexual cultivation was generous. In Liuli Pavilion that day, among the top methods listed by Ao Lie, Lu Qingfeng chose one called "Golden Tiger and White Dragon Talisman Technique".

[Exercise: Golden Tiger and White Dragon Talisman]

[Grade: Exquisite]

[Explanation: The secret method of Yunfu Sect. After the Yunfu Sect was destroyed, it was obtained by Minjiang Dragon Lord and kept in the Liuli Pavilion of Minjiang Dragon Palace. It ranked ninth among the 320 magical methods of sexual cultivation in Minjiang Dragon Palace. It can be practiced to the third realm of sexual cultivation - the realm of return to unity. Visualize the talismans to nourish your mind. If you are successful in practice, you can draw talismans in the air and sacrifice golden tigers and white dragons. The Dharma is mysterious and powerful. 】

In a quiet room.

Under Lu Qingfeng's seat is a futon made from thousands of years of ice jade deep in the North Sea. The meditation and concentration talismans are burned by the masters of sex cultivation in Minjiang Dragon Palace. The cultivation can get twice the result with half the effort and its value is immeasurable.

Burn incense on the side, this incense is called "nourishing incense". It is originally made from twenty-four kinds of soothing and calming medicines such as the God-nourishing grass and the calming flower. It is the top spiritual object in the two realms of opening the mind and condensing the soul. It was also worshiped with incense in the Minjiang Longjun Temple for three hundred years, and its magical effect increased by more than ten times.

A stick of calming incense, even a strong person in the third level of sexual cultivation can't ask for it.

Beside Lu Qingfeng, in the direction of nine stars, there were nine incense sticks burning at the same time. In a quiet room, the living soul is at peace and external demons do not arise.

Between the knees.

There are also two large seals, one dragon and one tiger.

The tiger is a golden tiger, and the dragon is a white dragon. Each has a strong energy on it, and there are many talismans inside and outside. It is obvious that they are two important treasures.

[Magical weapon: Golden Tiger Seal]

[Level: Level 6]

[Explanation: The Yunfu Sect's most important treasure has been refined over many generations using the "Golden Tiger and White Dragon Talisman". If activated according to the law, the "Golden Tiger" can be summoned to conquer demons. It contains mysteries and can help with spiritual practice. 】

[Magical weapon: White Dragon Seal]

[Level: Level 6]

[Explanation: The Yunfu Sect's most important treasure has been refined over many generations using the "Golden Tiger and White Dragon Talisman". If activated according to the law, the "White Dragon" can be summoned to conquer demons. It contains mysteries and can help with spiritual practice. 】

These two magical artifacts were collected by Minjiang Dragon Lord seven years ago. It took a year to obtain them and gave them to Lu Qingfeng to help him practice.

The way of sexual cultivation.

By concentrating your mind, meditating and contemplating, until your soul becomes stronger, you will be able to enlighten and leave the body.

At this time, we enter the first state of sexual cultivation - the state of enlightenment.

Those with excellent qualifications can reach enlightenment in as little as three to five months or as little as ten days by concentrating their mind and concentration.

Lu Qingfeng had no experience before.

It took three years to read all kinds of classics. There is a method of 'initiation', and within three years I have read all the Dragon Palace sexual cultivation classics, and my early accumulation is dozens or hundreds of times higher than that of ordinary practitioners.

Then practice——

One day enlightenment.

It alarmed the Dragon Palace and was praised by the Dragon King himself, calling him 'a rare genius'. The guests at the banquet celebrated and ordered people to search for two important treasures, the Golden Tiger Seal and the White Dragon Seal.

A year later, two important treasures were delivered to Lu Qingfeng.

The awakening of the soul is only the beginning of sexual cultivation.

It is said that it is enlightened, but in fact it is extremely weak and cannot even perform the most superficial Taoist method.

We must continue to strengthen our soul.

There are three ways to strengthen the soul.

First, the soul wanders in the starry night and enters the dream world.

It talks about being mysterious, but in fact it is taking advantage of the night to sneak into the sleep of all creatures. All living beings have thoughts, and they are most loose during sleep, so they are not very defensive. At the beginning, let go of the dreams of grass, trees, fish and insects. The thoughts are pure and the most stable, and you can choose to devour them. After your living soul has grown stronger and your character has been refined, you can go to sleep.

People have seven emotions and six desires, and their thoughts are the most complex.

When you are sleeping, if your thoughts are scattered around you, you can select them and swallow them to strengthen your soul.

If this method is done step by step, it is the most reliable, with small achievements, and it will not be a problem to show off one's power in front of others by using a few tricks.

But there are also disadvantages.

At first, the progress was slow.

Secondly, the mind is unstable and easily influenced. If you can't control yourself and eat indiscriminately, you will be penetrated and corroded by these thoughts, and it is common for your temperament to change drastically.

Therefore, most of the ordinary monks have weird and extreme personalities, causing trouble without even realizing it, and eventually die. This is the consequences of having no inheritance and swallowing thoughts indiscriminately.

As for this second method, it is cruel, and it is a method of swallowing souls.

Swallow the soul!

Especially the souls of the newly dead.

There is great terror between life and death. The newly dead soul has the most intense emotions and the most intense thoughts before and after death, but they still remain in the soul.

Devouring it at this time is better than swallowing the thoughts in sleep in March or May. The soul will grow stronger and the cultivation level will advance by leaps and bounds.


The emotional impact that needs to be endured is also far greater than the former. The former is good at cultivating the nature of mind and can also control the original mind. The impact of the latter is so strong that there is no way to defend against it, and everyone's temperament changes drastically.

Moreover, this method is evil and cruel, and it will be entangled with cause and effect, and the sin is not small. Although heaven will not care about it, there are many righteous and chivalrous people in the world, Confucian scholars uphold justice, and Taoists subjugate demons and eliminate evil. Once encountered, there will be death but no life.

He was an evil monk that everyone wanted to beat.

Lu Qingfeng had the Minjiang Dragon Palace at his back, so neither of these two methods could be used.

He took the orthodox path——

Nourish your soul with the Dharma and practice it quietly.

Ordinary cultivation has no method of practice, such and such, it is just random thoughts.

Lu Qingfeng is different. He has the "Golden Tiger and White Dragon Talisman". If you are in the Yunfu Sect, a master will give you a talisman - either a physical object, or something that is inserted into your heart. If you practice with it, you can nourish your soul and grow rapidly.

Now the Yunfu Sect is destroyed.

But in the Minjiang Dragon Palace, there are masters who practice the "Golden Tiger and White Dragon Talisman". As the Prince Consort of Dragon Palace, who dares not to give face? Ao Lie said hello, and immediately several masters of the Guiyi Realm who practiced the "Golden Tiger and White Dragon Talisman" presented the talismans that had been sacrificed for many years for Lu Qingfeng to practice.

In one year, Lu Qingfeng made rapid progress.

The living soul is strong, can perform rough Taoist techniques, and can draw simple talismans. In terms of his fighting skills alone, he can actually match the true Qi realm of immortality.

Even if Lu Qingfeng relies on Dragon Palace, he has all kinds of conveniences.

But in just one year, it is comparable to the immortal realm of true energy, which also shows the rapid achievements and rapid progress in sexual cultivation.

Only the physical body is still weak, only better than a mortal who has never practiced. Moreover, due to the limitation of souls, the maximum combat power can be exerted under the starry night. Appearing in the daytime, one is that it is greatly suppressed and the power of Taoism is greatly reduced. Second, the scorching sun will burn, and the living soul will also be traumatized.

Only after you have fully awakened, advanced to the soul-condensing realm, and condensed the human soul, can you reveal your body in the daytime without fear of the scorching sun.

one year later. UU Reading www.uukansshu.net

After obtaining the Golden Tiger Seal and the White Dragon Seal, Lu Qingfeng's practice became even faster.

The two seals are suppressed, and you visualize the golden tiger and the white dragon. The living soul leaves the body and travels in the starry night, swallowing the sky and eating the earth. The moonlight and starlight shine down, and the living soul grows rapidly.

Today, the living soul is strong and the opportunity to condense the soul has arrived.


Among the starry nights.

A group of living souls fell into the air, constantly changing. Outside there are golden tigers roaring and white dragons swimming around, guarding the living souls and warding off evil spirits.

The living soul is constantly changing.

The moonlight falls and the stars fall.

An indifferent voice came from the self-born soul——

"Human soul, condense!"

( = )

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