Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 366 10 years

As the first batch of military training materials from Dragon Palace arrived at Yuanhu, forty-eight military training generals arrived.

Seven thousand miles away from Yuanhu Lake and the Changshan Islands, a massive military training began.

Among the forty-eight generals, those who are familiar with the nature of water will practice aquatic life in the water.

The rest train the monsters in the mountains.

Regardless of whether they are aquatics or spirits, they all practice the superficial life path method. Once you advance from the first level of body refining to the second level of soul refining, it is easy to condense your strength and essence, expand your flesh and blood, and change your body shape.

If you transform into a human body, you can arrange your troops in formation.

For example, the Minjiang Navy was an elite group that had reached the second level.

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, in terms of close combat, it can even be compared with the monks of the Immortal Spiritual Void Stage, and those with excellent qualifications can achieve the second level of Fate Path after practicing for decades or even ten years. Compared to the Immortal Dao Lingxu who had to practice for hundreds of years before he could achieve anything, he was undoubtedly very fast.

Although he has reached the second level of the path of destiny, he only has a lifespan of more than two hundred years.

But the secret of the Immortal Way is not known to outsiders. For example, in the Minjiang Dragon Palace, there are only five members of the family including Long Jun and Ao Le practicing.

Secondly, the Immortal Path has extremely high qualification requirements, and there are so many monks who are trapped in the Fetal Breathing Realm and the Acquired Heaven Realm. On the other hand, looking at fate, the threshold is much smaller. No matter how poor your qualifications are, as long as you study hard and practice hard, you can reach the level of bright energy and dark energy in the body refining realm, which can be compared to the foundation-building Qi-entraining and foundation-building liquid condensation monks to a certain extent.

Live a wonderful life.

Sexuality is weird.

The path to immortality is difficult.

In the Immortal Qin Realm, there are the most practitioners of Fate Dao. Most of the military officers, mountain spirits, aquatic tribes, and monsters from all directions practice the path of destiny.


There are many practitioners of the Way of Life, and the first and second realms are like clouds and rain.

But the only person who can achieve the third level is a top-notch person, and the difficulty is only three points easier than forming the elixir of the Immortal Path and unifying the Sexual Path.

For example, none of the water tribes and spirits in Yuan Lake have reached the third level. The strongest ones are only those who have refined the six and seven souls in the second level.

Yuanhu Shuijun recruited troops, and there were a lot of people who responded.

In one day.

Thirty thousand spirits and one hundred thousand water tribes came to throw themselves at him.

Lu Qingfeng did not reject anyone who came, and divided forty-eight battalions, which were drilled by the generals individually.

time flies.

Fast forward a hundred years.

Minjiang Dragon Palace.

Prime Minister Gui presented the memorial, "Your Majesty, this is the new memorial handed over by the Prince Consort."

"Why is it him again!"

Long Jun rubbed his brows, looked at the zhezi in Prime Minister Gui's hand, waved his hand and said, "I won't look at the zhezi anymore. It's just asking for food and wages. Whatever he wants, just order someone to send it to him."

"The quantity this time is relatively large, I still need you to take a look at it."

Prime Minister Gui handed the zhezi to Longjun Minjiang.


After hearing this, Minjiang Longjun took the book with a light sigh and took a look at it.

The green face and red beard suddenly trembled——


"This evil!"

Minjiang Dragon Lord suddenly threw the fold on the case, and looked at Prime Minister Gui with his hands on the case, and said angrily, "What kind of magic did this villain practice and what kind of soldiers did he train? Do you still want to evacuate our Minjiang Dragon Palace?!"

The papers on the case were scattered——

Two million pounds of pig iron.

Five hundred thousand catties of copper.

One hundred thousand catties of gold.

Agate and Dendrobium.

Emerald Dendrobium.

Pearl Dendrobium.

Thirty thousand firewood trees.

Hundreds of barrels of demon blood.

Twenty demon pills.

The list is so long that you can’t see the end at a glance.

When Minjiang Longjun saw it, his anger arose again, and he was about to smash the fold with a wave of his sleeves.

"Your Majesty, please calm down."

Gui Chenglian hurriedly stretched out his hand to grab it, "The prince-in-law is not a person who doesn't know the rules. Since the fold has been handed over, it must have been after careful consideration. Moreover, the road to Yuanhu Lake is long, remote and dangerous, and His Highness is also in Yuanhu. The prince-in-law needs to train a lot more. It’s also a prudent move.”

"Know what's appropriate?"

"A safe move?!"

The Minjiang Dragon Lord's red beard trembled wildly, his eyes widened, and he pointed to the east and said angrily, "In the past hundred years of Guangyuan, let's not mention how many treasures, food, and wages he has taken away from our Minjiang Dragon Palace, nor how much he has embezzled and kept for himself. Just for the time being. He said that I made him the Water Lord of Yuan Lake, with jurisdiction over seven thousand miles of water and a hundred thousand miles of evil spirits. Just take a look, in the past hundred years, has he even taken half a step out of Yuan Lake?!"

"Do you know what the outside world is talking about?"


"They all say that I have been catching my son-in-law for three hundred years, but in the end I caught a greedy and lazy old turtle with a shrunken head!"

The Minjiang Longjun became angrier as he spoke. He really blew his beard and stared, his face turning red.


Prime Minister Gui grabbed the folding book and smiled mischievously after hearing this.

A shrinking old turtle?

Isn’t this like ‘pointing at the monk and scolding the bald man’?

Minjiang Longjun saw that Prime Minister Gui didn't say anything. He looked up and saw his expression and immediately realized, "I am angry and confused."

Prime Minister Turtle shook his head, "What the Prince Consort wants seems to be a lot, but it is not precious. If these resources can be used to build a fourth-level master, if it is ten times more, what will your Majesty regret?"

"The fourth realm?"

"Even if you become the fourth realm, I'm afraid you won't be able to change your timid nature."

Mentioning the 'Fourth Realm', Minjiang Longjun finally lost some of his anger.

Upon seeing this, Prime Minister Gui smiled and said, "My Prince Consort's talent for cultivation is unknown to everyone in the Dragon Palace and even within the Qi Kingdom.

Earlier, he was addicted to external things such as alchemy, weapon refining, formations, and military training. He was trapped in the Soul Condensation Realm for thirty-eight years and could not break through the Earth Soul Realm. There was a lot of negative voices in the Qi Kingdom, ridiculing the Prince Consort and the Emperor. How many?

Zhuge Yan, the prime minister of Qi, splashed ink on the Jinluan Palace and wrote "Shang Guangyuan", which spread throughout the Qi Dynasty in one day.

Even in the Dragon Palace, there were as many articles as snowflakes impeaching the prince-in-law for embezzling food and wages in the name of military training, and clamoring to remove the prince-son-in-law, and the officials were furious.

But what is the result?

Your Majesty supports me.

The Prince Consort is determined to give up his ‘nature’ and cultivate his ‘destiny’.

In just three years, he broke through the first realm to refine his body and entered the second realm to refine his soul.

Then every three years, one soul will be condensed.

Twenty-one years later, the seven souls were refined.

In another seven years, he reached the third stage of destiny, ‘Forging Pills’.

Questions were raised from all sides, but all were speechless.

"Injury to Guangyuan" was a lifelong shame for Zhuge Yan.

It has been almost a hundred years since the Prince Consort has been the Lord of Yuanhu Water, and it has only been a hundred or so years since he entered the Dragon Palace. He has gone from being an ignorant mortal to cultivating to the third level of the path of destiny - the realm of forging pills.

Six years ago, he reached the second level of the Dan Forging Realm, ‘Holding the Dan’, where he could smelt seven souls and hold the Dan with strength.

According to this trend, at least a few hundred years, Dragon Palace will definitely have another fourth realm monk.

It's also a good thing to have a more stable temperament. "

Talking about Lu Qingfeng.

Prime Minister Gui felt a burst of emotion in his heart, and his tone was quite passionate.

Although the prince-in-law captured by your Majesty is a little gentle, low-key, and loves money, his talent and courage are truly astonishing——

At the "advanced age" of sixty-four years old, he gave up his "nature" and cultivated his "fate". In just sixty-two years, he reached the second level of the realm of destiny. Even if it were not for the distraction of elixir refining, weapon refining, military training and many other external things, it is not known that he would have reached the third or even fourth level of Guiyi Realm at this moment.

Such talent.

Along with "Shang Guangyuan", a masterpiece written by Zhuge Yan, the prime minister of Qi, it also spread throughout Qi, adding a lot of excitement to Minjiang Dragon Palace.


"If I hadn't seen that he was practicing diligently, I would have demoted him to the position of Yuanhu Shuijun and go back to the Dragon Palace to avoid embarrassment outside."

Thinking of Lu Qingfeng's progress in cultivation, Minjiang Longjun finally calmed down.

Prime Minister Turtle smiled and said nothing, knowing in his heart——

Minjiang Longjun said he was ruthless, but when his consort's cultivation was stagnant, he resisted criticism from inside and outside the Dragon Palace. He turned a blind eye to his almost blatant greed for military training, food and pay, and never dismissed him.

This shows the respect and love for the prince-in-law.

Minjiang Longjun glanced at the zhezi in the hand of Prime Minister Gui and said impatiently, "Send it to him quickly and tell him that next time he does not reach the level of 'Inner Alchemy Expansion Zhengang', he will not clear away the demons and demons within one hundred thousand miles of Yuan Lake." You, don’t bother me again!"

"He shrinks his head for a hundred years. He is not embarrassed. I even blush for him!"


Guicheng responded and respectfully stepped back with the fold in hand.

It's winter.

Rain and snow were flying in the sky, and there were three feet of snow on the ground.

High in the void.

There is a divine light traveling around.

With the seven thousand miles of Yuan Lake as the center, the territory of one hundred thousand miles is either raining or snowing, sunny, windy, or shady. The land is vast and diverse.

Suddenly there was a strong wind and dark clouds gathered.

There was lightning and thunder, and the sky was drooping and oppressive to the extreme.

The divine light stopped, revealing the figure in the middle. The robes and decorations of the fourth-grade water god dispersed, and it was Lu Qingfeng who was wearing a green shirt.

Yuanhu century.

Hundreds of years of service to God.

Practice for hundreds of years.

The nourishing Qi moves into the nourishing body.

For a hundred years, Lu Qingfeng has been in charge of Yuanhu Lake, exercising the power of Shuijun. He is in charge of rain, thunder, floods, and tides in Yuanhu Lake; he is in charge of the cool climate and weather changes; he is in charge of snow, hail, freezing, and frost...

He also practices the way of nature, life, and immortality.

"Use the weather to nourish the spirit, the earth to nourish the energy, and the people to nourish the essence."

The essence and spirit are sublimated, which is very different from the ordinary world.

His demeanor is truly extraordinary. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

In the mist of the immortal path, there is one part of the majesty of the gods and one part of the killing of the warriors.

"One hundred and ten years."

Lu Qingfeng looked up at the sky and saw the thunder brewing, and couldn't help but smile.

He has been practicing in the Immortal Qin Realm for one hundred and ten years.

I did not practice immortality for the first ten years.

After arriving at Yuanhu Lake, he began to practice. With the divine position in his body, the blessing of luck, and abundant resources, Lu Qingfeng's strength has grown by leaps and bounds. In just a hundred years, he has grown from scratch to reach the pinnacle of spiritual weakness.

Today is the fourth and ninth heavenly tribulation, and we are about to enter the realm of elixir formation.

It can be said to be a very fast practice.

Even if there were not many delays along the way, the hundred years could be shortened by another twenty years.

Even now.

The way of life is superior to the immortal way in terms of the speed of practice, and the third level is comparable to the immortal way's elixir formation stage. However, only a very small number of top geniuses in the world can achieve the third level of cultivation within a hundred years.

In the Qi State, except for the "Yuanhu Shuijun", no such person has ever been heard of.

"After forming the elixir, many chores will be much easier."

A hundred years flashed through Lu Qingfeng's mind.


The catastrophe was brewing and finally came true.

Lu Qingfeng was so familiar with it that he soared into the sky and submerged into the clouds, surviving the catastrophe in his physical body.

Beyond the sky.

A sword light cut through the sky and fell outside the calamity cloud.

The sword light fell, and a person appeared.

This man looked middle-aged, dressed in white Taoist robes, and his eyebrows were as sharp as swords. After falling, he put his hands behind his back and showed no movement.

From the west, two more rays of light came. Wrapped in wind and thunder, it roared in.


When it fell in the air, it made a sound like a landslide or the ground cracking, and the energy and blood rushed straight into the sky.

But it was Lan Feihu and Yuan Bi.

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