Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 390 Invincible!

"Evergreen Dog Thief!"

Yun Che pointed at the visitor and exclaimed.

The real people of the White Bone Demon Sect are heartbroken——

The soul-locking Heavenly King, who had cultivated in the Dharma Realm, was killed by Chang Qingzi in just ten breaths? !

"The dog thief is stronger!"

Everyone was shocked.

Qingzhou Taoist's eyes focused on the person who came, and he opened his mouth and asked, "Is this the famous Chang Qing Zi in the White Bone Realm?"

"Xiao Qian Lei Prison!"

6 Qingfeng ignored it at all and raised his hand to the sky. The wind and clouds gathered in the sky, and thunder descended, covering Taoist Qingzhou and all the real people of the White Bone Demon Sect.

His trip.

Just to kill people.

"What an evergreen boy!"

Seeing Lu Qingfeng's strength, Taoist Qingzhou suddenly lost his previous relaxed mood. Even though his face was solemn, he was also angry.


Facing the thunder in the sky, he made a hand seal and used a flying sword to fly through the air and hit Lu Qingfeng.

"Little tricks!"

6 Qingfeng flicked his fingers——


The flying sword immediately opened a hole, the spiritual light disappeared, and the spirituality faded and fell to the ground.

Only one encounter.

Qingzhou Taoist's flying sword was broken!

"How dare you break my flying sword!"

Taoist Qingzhou felt heartbroken. This was a sixth-level flying sword, which was extremely rare. It is also a sacrifice that is made from the heart and has extraordinary power. This time he was broken, and his strength was reduced by at least 30%.

"Let's take action together!"

Taoist Qingzhou shouted loudly. Master Huanyou and others saw that this 'Taoist Changqing' was stronger, so they killed the Soul-locking Heavenly King first because he was so powerful that they didn't know whether to advance or retreat. At this time, I heard Qingzhou Taoist speak and reacted——

They have so many Dan-forming masters, but the other party is only one.

Even if you have a golden elixir cultivation level, what do you have to fear?

As soon as I think about it——


Master Huanyou took the lead in the charge, his white bones flashing with mysterious light, and a magic sword appeared in his hand, stabbing straight towards Lu Qingfeng. Behind him, other real people from the White Bone Demon Sect followed suit, coming from all directions.


Magical weapon.

Breaking through the air and attacking, the sky changes.

With such momentum, even Master Jin Dan had no choice but to get out of the way.

"court death!"

6 Qingfeng is fearless.


With a bang, a palm shot up.


The thunder in the sky moved with it.

Amidst the flashing and roaring, a white jade-like palm landed on the body of the real person Huanyou——


Master Huanyou looked horrified, feeling that everything was locked up, down, left and right, unable to move. As the palm fell, thunder mixed with force swept through the whole body.


There was a bang.

The next moment.

Immortal Huanyou suddenly exploded, and the white-bone demonic body that had been refined inside was unable to hold even a single palm before Lu Qingfeng moved forward.

The body is broken.

A roll of dim light.

Take the soul of Huanyou Master together with the real elixir.

Lu Qingfeng was able to find some time in the air, and he put the index and middle fingers of his other hand together and made a random stroke. More than a dozen magical instruments in the air were broken into pieces and fell down.

Everything was out of control for a while.

The sky-wide spells collapsed under the thunder, even before they reached Lu Qingfeng.



Killing the Soul-locking Heavenly King first, and then killing Master Huanyou with one palm, really frightened everyone to death. I originally thought of swarming up and using the crowd to bully the few, but I didn't dare to have this thought at this moment. I turned around and fled in all directions.


"Where to escape!"

As Lu Qingfeng thought, the Xiao Qian Lei Prison, which had been brewing for a long time, finally moved.

Boom boom boom!


Streams of thunder descended and landed on the heads of all the real people.



Screams and screams sounded, but they were quite short.

On the contrary, flowers of thunder mixed with flesh and blood bloomed in all directions. They were so gorgeous and intoxicating that they couldn't help but rob your mind.

The Small Thousand Thunder Prison stretches across the sky, covering dozens of miles in radius.


A few thunderbolts can take away a real Xudan person.

Dozens of thunderbolts fell, and Master Shidan could not escape death.

And in the Small Thousand Thunder Prison, which is tens of miles away, there are more than a thousand or ten thousand thunders?

A bunch of smashing.

The hills were flattened, and the flat areas were blasted with craters dozens of feet deep.

There are more than 20 Alchemy Masters from the White Bone Demon Sect, including the sect leader Huanyou Master——


Except for Taoist Qingzhou, there was no one alive on the field.

The power of great supernatural powers, accumulated in seventeen lifetimes, was undoubtedly revealed when Lu Qingfeng was promoted to Dan Ji when dealing with ordinary real people in these remote places.

No one can withstand the second round of Lu Qingfeng!

"This son——"

The Qingzhou Taoist was so frightened that the dead souls emerged. While resisting the thunder from all directions, he suddenly waved the whisk in his hand and took out a pocket boat. The magic power swept across, he sacrificed the boat vessel and turned around to escape.

Don't dare to hesitate at all.

[Magical Weapon: Hanxia Qingzhou]

[Level: Level 6]

[Explanation: The escape magic weapon can release the cold cloud barrier. It is made from the magnetic light of the earth's poles. It can ignore the blockade and disrupt the interceptor's true energy and magic power, as well as the secret treasure of the magic weapon]

This Hanxia Qingzhou is indeed outstanding, and it can be considered the top among the sixth level. Once sacrificed, he took Taoist Qingzhou and fled far away, ignoring the thunder in the sky.

"Want to leave?!"


Taoist Qingzhou stood on the Hanxia Qingzhou, but a frightening sound came from his ears. Turning around, he saw Chang Qingzi strolling leisurely in the courtyard, and he caught up with him in an instant.

A palm shot landed on Hanxia Qingzhou——


Ignoring the barrier of cold clouds that shrouded the outside, he slapped the boat body with a huge palm print. True Yuan Explosion, Hanxia

The barrier was torn to pieces. Staggering and about to fall, thunder seeped in among the chaos.

Han Xia's light boat immediately descended downwards.

"not good!"

Taoist Qingzhou tried his best to control it.

But the next moment.

The white jade-like palm was raised again, but it passed through the boat and took a picture of the Taoist Qingzhou inside.

"Fellow Taoist, stop!"

"I have--"


Before he finished speaking, a palm fell. Thunder swept across, and a green bead and a red bead suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, and wind and fire moved together.


Taoist Qingzhou couldn't move. The strong evil in his body covered his whole body. He received a palm, but he was still injured. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. His figure fell back hundreds of feet, and his energy quickly collapsed.

"To be able to receive a slap from a poor man."

"Something famous."

6 Qingfeng said softly, and kept pushing forward with his feet.

"Fellow Taoist, please spare my life."

"I have--"

Taoist Qingzhou was frightened and had no power to fight back, so he quickly begged for mercy.

Bang bang bang!

6 Qingfeng ignored it completely.

One hand held a green bead, the other held a red bead, and they fell one after another. The wind and fire moved together to create a great wind and fire. Thunder mixed in, adding to the power.

Three palms fell.

There wasn't even time for a sentence.


Taoist Qingzhou followed in the footsteps of Master Huanyou and other Masters of the White Bone Demon Sect. His body was shattered and turned into a rain of blood. When a golden elixir appears, it will break through the air and run away.

"Long wait!"

6 Qingfeng chuckled, and the purple-gold alms bowl on his waist appeared in the air at some point. The two rays of light entangled, roaring like a dragon, and firmly fixed the golden elixir.


Within the golden elixir, Taoist Qingzhou's soul could be heard roaring in terror.

Immediately afterwards.

There was a flash of light.

The golden elixir disappeared and the roar disappeared.

Peace returns to heaven and earth.

6 Qingfeng looked around and inside Yunyan Mountain.

The accumulation in the sect has been wiped out by him many times, and those who are still valuable in the White Bone Demon Sect should be in the mustard space of the real people. These people were all killed by Lu Qingfeng. After returning to the Phantom Wave Sea, they could get them all after some calculations.

As for the White Bone Demon Sect without the real person in charge, there is no need for Lu Qingfeng to take action again, and it will collapse like Tianyou Mountain in the future.


Without stopping for a moment, he turned around and left.

Outside Yunyan Mountain.

The fighting was shocking and spread hundreds of miles, attracting the attention of many monks.

"That's Taoist Changqing!"

"Taoist Changqing killed all the White Bone Demon Sect masters?!"



"Taoist Changqing's strength is definitely no less than that of the Fierce Wave Sea Liehuo Sanren. It's too terrifying."

There was discussion all around.

It can be foreseen that from today on, the Evergreen Taoist in the White Bone Realm will be as famous as the Fierce Wave Sea Liehuo San people, and will be famous both inside and outside the country.

"Once you enter the core."

"The real person is invincible."

Phantom wave sea.

6 Qingfeng held the Dutian Xuan Mingce in his hand and felt the roaring movement of the Dutian Fortune Pool. The souls of real people were being refined and transformed into Dutian ghost generals, and he immediately smiled.

After being promoted to Dan Dan.

Even if he only relies on his own background, he can transcend the ranks and fight against Jin Dan Zhenren, and win the battle. Dutian Xuan Mingce joined in, and he was even more invincible.

Compared with when Lingxu was weak, his strength increased dramatically.

Even Jindan Zhenren is not his enemy.

"With my current strength, only Yuanshen Zhenyi can fight with me." Lu Qingfeng is well aware of the strength at all levels in the pill formation stage.

In the Xiaguang Realm and even in the entire Biyang Lake realm, there are only a very small number of Master Jiedan masters who master level magic, and most of them practice exquisite level skills.

6 Qingfeng crushed them all, whether it was magic, magic, skills, or magical weapons.

Can be called invincible.

"This Taoist Qingzhou travels in Hanxia Qingzhou and travels around the world in search of opportunities. It is really extraordinary that a casual cultivator can reach the realm of golden elixir."


"Why bother putting your ideas on my head."

6 Qingfeng shook his head.

He came to Yunyan Mountain from the Huanbo Sea, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net and heard and saw all the words and deeds of Taoist Qingzhou and Master Huanyou outside Yunyan Mountain.

It's about yourself.

After a little calculation, you will know the purpose of this person's visit.

"First, they inquired about Lu Qingfeng of Xuanyuan Sect from all directions, and then peeped outside Xuanyuan Water for many days. Then they came straight to the Bone Realm——"

The intention is obvious.

It was nothing more than passing by Xuanyuan Realm and hearing that a new real person in Xuanyuan Sect had a great opportunity, and I felt greedy. But the news of Lu Qingfeng's departure has not yet been released, so Taoist Qingzhou thought he was in the Xuanyuan Water Realm. There are a lot of real people from Xuanyuan Sect among them. Although he is strong, he cannot defeat the crowd with a small number.

So he came to Yunyan Mountain to cooperate with the White Bone Demon Sect.

He dealt with the threat of Chang Qingzi for the White Bone Demon Sect, and the real people of the White Bone Demon Sect helped him hold back the real people of Xuanyuan Sect, so that he could calmly deal with Lu Qingfeng and gain opportunities from him.

And after you get it.

The strongest White Bone Demon Sect is only a real person in the Dharma-Judging Realm. He is not a threat to him. He can just withdraw and leave without any worries in the future.

This was Taoist Qingzhou's plan, his so-called 'deal' when he came to Yunyan Mountain.


6 Qingfeng masters the "Seven Birds Xiaoyan Divine Number" and the "Great Law of Heaven Listening and Earth Seeing". Everything is in his heart and everything is visible.

After arriving.

Catch them all!

"The White Bone Demon Sect's real person is gone."

"There will be chaos again within and outside the Three Kingdoms."

Can imagine.

If Taoist Changqing kills all the White Bone Demon Sect masters in one fell swoop, what kind of shock will it cause in the Three Realms?

But all this has nothing to do with Lu Qingfeng.

He retreated to Fire Island.

Don't listen to external things, just practice.

Most of the energy is still put into the game.

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