Taoist Master, Stop Fighting. The Heavenly Path Is Almost Destroyed

Chapter 293 The past was the past, and the present is now. Pindao is no longer what he used to be!

"Really, the ghost is still here."

The underworld reappeared. When they first met, Yi Chen had a shallow cultivation and could not see the mystery of the underworld. But now that they met again, he had a deeper understanding of it.

"It is not an illusory projection like a mirage, but it is not an entity either. This red house is actually in a state of superposition of reality and reality, as if it can switch between the two states at any time."

"The underworld that can last forever in this world is indeed extremely mysterious."

"It seems that if you don't touch the core of this thing and go to the extreme depths, you won't be able to get rid of the entanglement of this thing."

A trace of solemnity flashed in Yi Chen's eyes. He changed directions several times and continued to do some tests. However, the underworld followed him like a shadow as before.

Just as he was deep in thought, the door of the Red Mansion suddenly creaked.

The door opened.

A pool of bright red blood flowed out evenly from the vermilion threshold, and finally stopped in front of Yi Chen. It was so bright that it seemed like a red carpet inviting him to enter.

A rich sweet fishy smell suddenly spread in the air.

"Is this human blood? No, no, this shouldn't be human blood, but what is certain is that this thing is fresh, and this way of invitation is quite interesting."

The golden flames burst out under Yi Chen's feet, forming a circle of rich golden light that resisted the spread of the red carpet of blood. This was the truth behind the red carpet of blood.

"I'll come in if you let me in?"

"Young horsemen, do you have the habit of walking through the main entrance?"

Yi Chen walked slowly towards the side wall. Since there was no danger in walking sideways last time, he still chose to walk sideways this time. Do not increase the number of entities unless necessary. This is a kind of inheritance~

With a dashing Dongguan Zai hurdle, Yi Chen soon arrived in the front yard.

What he didn't know was that black and red blood was soon dripping from the blood-colored plaque hanging inside the gate, converging into a twisted '二' on the ground.

As soon as he stepped into the underworld, Yi Chen wanted to repeat his old trick and broke in through the window to see if there was any leftover treasure. However, he saw that the scenery in front of him was changing. In the blink of an eye, he was already in a familiar long street. superior.

At this moment, Yi Chen suddenly felt the blood mark on his left chest becoming hot. When he lowered his head and looked down, the image of a black crystal suddenly appeared in his mind, and a crooked "six" character on the blood mark slowly became prominent.

Upon seeing this, Yi Chen immediately understood the meaning of this handwriting.

"You want me to collect six black crystal stones that look like this?"

He looked towards the back, only to see the howling wind behind him, the thick fog filled the air, and there was no way back. Yi Chen used his free hand to shoot out a powerful force of energy and submerged himself into the rolling fog, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any waves.

"Forget it, I will play with you." Suddenly a ferocious smile appeared on Yi Chen's face. He condensed for a moment, then immediately turned around and walked towards the direction of his 'old friend' who sold melons back then.

As he moved forward, the fog on both sides gradually dispersed.

The melon stalls of the past are still there today, but the melon sellers are nowhere to be seen.

"Boss, is anyone here?"

"Boss, someone stole your melons."


A big hand pressed on the stall and lifted it up.

The Jingguan suddenly collapsed, and the sky was full of human skulls rolling down, but Yi Chen's eyes were staring straight at the front of the long street, and there was no movement at the moment.

"Now it seems that the weird ones that have been killed will not appear the next time they come in."

"I just don't know what's behind the end of this long street. Maybe it's a new beginning?"

"Where can I get the black crystal stone?"

"Forget it, let's continue looking ahead."

Yi Chen continued to walk forward, and at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Suddenly, the fog in front began to dance crazily as if it was irritated.

There was a roar in the distance, and a familiar momentum suddenly emerged from the distance, rushing towards Yi Chen's direction.

Hearing the roar in the distance, Yi Chen's expression turned strange for a moment.

This momentum and voice are somewhat familiar.

A strange wind blew by, and the gray-white mist quickly receded toward the rear. On the dim street, a green-faced and fanged evil ghost suddenly appeared, dragging a thick chain.

"Boy, I've been waiting for you for a year. I'm sure you'll appear here soon."

"It's been a year, and you're finally here. Is there anyone who can save you this time?" The green-faced and fanged evil ghost said with a ferocious smile, his aura in the middle stage of the Real Realm clearly revealed.

Under the skylight, a big word "Xing" on the evil ghost's chest is very conspicuous.

"Damn rat, you made me suffer a month of water imprisonment. If I don't skin you and dismember you today, it's hard to relieve the hatred in my heart."

At this moment, Yi Chen finally recognized the identity of the evil ghost in front of him. When he first entered the long street and killed the old man selling melons, a portal suddenly appeared. Just when he was about to run away, there was a powerful ghost aura. It emerged from a distance and rushed towards him.

His beloved relatives and friends, Pipihu, who had made great contributions to him, were split into two pieces in this way.

"You unruly boy, don't think that you can run rampant in front of my executioners just because you killed an examiner before. You should die!"

With a sneer, the evil ghost locked the iron chain in his hand and immediately wrapped it around Yi Chen's majestic body three times. It exerted force with its big arm and pulled hard, and soon the smile on his face froze.

A smile suddenly appeared on Yi Chen's cold face.

The smile didn't disappear, it just shifted.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. How could Niubi's cultivation improve so rapidly in just one year?"

"Then was then, and the present is now!"

"You don't understand my astonishing wisdom at all. Today's poor people are no longer what they used to be, and you have become a ridiculous ant."

The indifferent voice echoed down the street. Yi Chen grinned widely, hooked his little finger on the chain and pulled it. Suddenly, the evil ghost's huge figure flew towards him like a toy, and a big hand suddenly appeared above his head and pulled it away. Pushed to the ground.

"Trash, why are you so weak!"

"You scared me, you know?

Do you know how I got through this year?

Do you know how hard I have worked this year?

You guys scared me! "

"Did the underworld just accept a bunch of rubbish like you? You bastards!"

"Tell Pindao everything you know about this place, and I can give you a pleasure, how about it!" Yi Chen roared ferociously.

Just when he pressed down on the evil ghost with green face and fangs, the memory extraction ability had been activated, but unfortunately it failed. The memory of this evil ghost was blocked by a strange force, and no information was obtained at all.

"You must give up on this idea. You have no idea what kind of place this is. You can't get out. You can never escape His gaze, not even the most powerful son of Hades can."

"Everyone will eventually perish and be eaten by Him, and you will join us and become monsters like us! Haha!"

"If you can kill me completely, then I will really thank you." Faced with Yi Chen's threat, the evil ghost retorted with a crazy look on his face and struggled to get up several times.

Looking at the evil ghost who looked like a crazy demon, Yi Chen's eyes flashed with a look of surprise. Even from the few words of the evil ghost, he was able to piece together some useful information.

For example, the evil ghost in front of him was transformed from someone who was targeted by the underworld just like him in the past.

For example, the strange immortality. When he killed the old man selling melons, he still remembered that the old man appeared in the front yard again at the end. At that time, he clearly remembered that there was a pile of belts piled in the corner of the front yard. Bloody torture device.

There is also this person who calls himself the executioner, which seems to be a very interesting title.

"Idiot, tell me if my power can help you escape." Yi Chen squatted down, stared into the blue eyes of the green-faced fanged demon, stretched out a finger, and a glaze golden flame suddenly emerged from it.

Without waiting for the evil spirit to answer, the flames at his fingertips suddenly swelled up, covering the evil spirit's entire lower body.

"Ah ah ah, not enough, not enough! Haha!"

"I'm waiting for you, I'm waiting for you! The better you are, the happier He will be. Sooner or later you will die @! # ¥!"

The evil ghost was suppressed by Yi Chen and could not move. He lay on the long street, sometimes wailing in pain, sometimes laughing crazily, and sometimes saying incoherent words. It was not until the golden flame swallowed up his head that his voice finally echoed in the long street. disappear above.

Among the ashes, a black crystal sparkled.

After the evil ghost died, all the fog on the long street dissipated, and at the end of the long street, a black stone palace was clearly visible.

With Yi Chen's superb eyesight, the three words "Secret Gambling Hall" on the plaque in front of the stone hall appeared in detail.


Yi Chen picked up the black crystal stone on the ground and stared into the distance with an incomprehensible expression. He looked up at the sky, smiled, and then strode away into the distance.


In a simple stone hall, in front of a long vermilion table.

An old man with narrow eyes, a thin body and a goatee with long nails sat in a black wheelchair. He looked at the four objects on the table in front of him indifferently.

"What do you mean by this?"

"My secret gambling palace is a place for gambling, and luck is also a part of strength. Do you think so?"

There were four boxes lined up in front of Goatee Hu Tao.

Above the main hall stood four young figures with weathered faces.

There are two men and two women. One of the two male monks has a Chinese character face and the other is tall and thin. As for the two female monks, one is hot and the other is short, like a lolita.

Lin Zhongjian calmed down, remembered the information he knew before, and immediately took a step forward and said: "Palace Master, this is just a small thought on my part."

"Palace Master, you might as well meet him first, and then we can talk further."

The first box was opened, containing ten drops of golden essence.

The same goes for the second box.

The third and fourth boxes turned out to be treasures with the nature of storage spaces. They contained various black hearts and livers. At a glance, each box contained no less than a thousand.

"Interesting. It seems that you are well prepared. You even know the preferences of this palace master."

"You can take out these things, what do you want to exchange for them?"

"Of course we want to win the next gambling game reliably, and I hope the palace master will do it." Lin Zhongjian said in a deep voice.

Lin Zhongjian was also overjoyed at this moment. The Four Swordsmen of Yuezhong accidentally entered the underworld together by chance, and they have been plagued by nightmares ever since. They have experienced it twice so far, and now this is the third time.

Those who are targeted by Hades are the children of Hades.

Fortunately, the four of them have extraordinary family backgrounds and used family channels to obtain a lot of information. During the two previous missions, they met other children of the underworld and learned a lot of secrets about the underworld. This secret gambling palace is It was mentioned by a son of Hades whom I met by chance last time.

The underworld is absurd and strange. The monsters in it do not kill people on sight, but follow a certain rule. As long as they do not cross the red line, they have great discretion.

Among them, there were clever sons of the underworld who discovered the flaws and created a situation that was favorable to them.

For example, this secret gambling hall was like this. They prepared a lot of things for this trip to the underworld, but they didn't expect that they were lucky enough to actually run into the secret gambling hall mentioned in the intelligence.

"You are also thoughtful. Except for the fourth seat, you can choose a seat at will. Someone will be here soon." The Taoist priest with a goat beard glanced greedily at the four things and suddenly spoke.

The four people in Lin Zhongjian couldn't help but look happy when they heard it, and they sat down one after another.

The hall suddenly fell into silence. Not long after, with a creak, the door of the stone hall opened again, and a majestic Taoist walked slowly into the hall.

"Since everyone is here, please sit down."

"Let me reiterate that the Secret Gambling Hall is a place for gambling. Those who lose will lose their lives, and those who survive can get a piece of black crystal."

"The rules of the secret gambling game are very simple. I have a rare treasure in my hand, called Stormy Sky. If you pull the spring, there is a one-fifth chance of triggering this rare treasure, and the end result is a blow to the head. Do you understand?"

Yi Chen looked at the five red armchairs in a circle on the hall. He saw this scene as soon as he came in, and he was speechless for a while.

This underworld is really good at playing. The so-called secret gambling game is 80% similar to the Russian roulette in his previous life.

"Can I not play?" Yi Chen said tentatively.

"What do you think? If you enter my Secret Gambling Hall, you must play my game to please me."

"If you don't play, you will die immediately! If you play, you may still survive. Do you want to play?" A strong malicious force attacked Yi Chen.

Yi Chen glanced at the five people in the hall with a cold gaze. For a moment, he always felt something was wrong, but it didn't matter. He could play with them.

"There are no other seats. You are the last one. Go to seat number four and sit down. The game begins!" The goatee sitting in the wheelchair sneered.

After Yi Chen sat down, suddenly a bulge appeared above the table of seat number one on the round table in front of the chair, and a black box suddenly appeared.

Five strange metals stretched out of the box, flashing a cold light, and behind them was a black trigger spring.

"Aim at the center of the eyebrows, press the spring, someone dies, and the game is over!"

"I am a kind-hearted person who is rare here, hehe."

The number one person is a tall and thin man. Yi Chen looked at the four people around him with an inexplicable expression.

The people in the first, second, and third seats did not fire, and soon the rainstorm and clear sky came to his hands.

Everyone looked at Yi Chen with a playful look on their faces.

"It's my turn!" Yi Chen slowly picked up the Stormy Sky and aimed it at his forehead. In the expectant eyes of everyone, he suddenly turned his hand and shot it towards the forehead of Lin Zhongjian, who was sitting in the fifth place.

Thanks to the big brother with the last number 5713 for the reward.

I was delayed by something today. I will definitely update twice tomorrow. Thank you for your monthly ticket support, recommendation ticket support, and subscription support. Wangzi will code until 1 o'clock and post it together tomorrow.

Wangzi bows~

PS: The underworld must be different from before. I have to work hard. There will be some unexpected things.

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