Taoist Master, Stop Fighting. The Heavenly Path Is Almost Destroyed

Chapter 475: The power of the Eastern Demon Emperor, the dramatic changes in the demonic realm, Qi L

"I am the Demon Lord of the East, and I must suppress all enemies in the world!"

The empty echo swirled and stirred in the void, spreading to a more distant area.

Through the rock wall, through the dark river, through the sand and gravel, through the soil, and finally, drilled out of the riverbed.

Perhaps the essence that supports the operation of the dragon tomb was completely absorbed by the Demon Lord of the East along with the strange light band.

At this moment, the huge dragon tomb suddenly shook violently.

Everything began to fall apart, and the many huge dragon corpses that had been floating in the airspace before also lost their floating power and suddenly fell to the rock layer.

"Ancestor, rest in peace~"

"Your mission has been completed. The next road should be walked by me, the Demon Lord of the East."

In the void, a trace of sadness appeared on the head of an old demon dragon. It lowered its head and sighed, and the magic essence was lightly raised.

In the blink of an eye, the crystal-like palm of the East Demon Lord suddenly revealed a terrifying dragon claw.

As his five fingers grasped the air, just as the many huge dragon corpses were about to touch the rock layer, they began to hover strangely.

A gorgeous purple-red flame suddenly climbed up the many dragon corpses, and they began to burn like torches.

The firelight broke through the darkness, illuminated the face of the East Demon Lord, and also illuminated the way forward for the East Demon Lord.


After half a cup of tea, the dry riverbed above the dragon tomb gradually cracked, and then slowly closed after a majestic figure emerged from it.



The sky was dim, and it was about to get bright.

At this time, the middle of the white tower was still brightly lit, and a turtle-headed demon was looking at a memorial in his hand and didn't know how to write it.

The memorial recorded a piece of information.

The serious impact of the release of slaves by the Demonic Righteousness Church on the Dongji Demon Kingdom has caused some demon nobles in the Dongji Demon Kingdom to complain bitterly.

The power of example is infinite.

Many demon nobles in the Dongji Demon Kingdom were surprised to find that the slaves and ordinary demons who used to be submissive in the past actually began to grow teeth and dared to make demands to the great demon nobles.

At first, they thought it was just an accidental accident. As long as they suppressed it bloodily as usual, things would be depressed like countless historical marks, and things would return to the track they should have.

Soon, they found that they were wrong, and they were very wrong.

A local riot developed into a massive riot.

The damn mud legs who could only bow their heads and be submissive suddenly grew teeth and were not afraid of death.

After executing one leader, another leader soon emerged.

After the bloody suppression, the slaves and some ordinary demons who knew they could not win actually played a non-violent non-cooperation-like sit-in.

This rogue warfare method immediately annoyed the demon nobles.

Killing is only one of the means of ruling. If all these talking tools are killed, who will work and warm the bed for the demon masters?

The situation suddenly became awkward.

If it is not handled well, things will be bad if other regions follow suit.

The demon nobles came to their senses and reacted. They were ready to negotiate with this group of "thugs". If the demands were not excessive, they would not mind showing their kindness and really listening to the voices from the "thugs".

For example, they could not eat red meat and lichen for two days in a month. Talk, talk.

However, the result of the negotiation made the demon nobles look livid.

The representatives of the thugs actually ran over with a handwritten copy of the "Fairness Magic Codex" that they had gotten from somewhere unknown.

The rioting demons and slaves wanted to fight for the same rights as those in the Fair Magic Code. In their mouths, only the ferocious beasts in the current Demon Yi Sect eat red meat lichens, and the demons don't eat that stuff anymore.

The demon nobles ordered them to work and paid them wages, which was simply like a paradise on earth.

In the world, one dog barks at the shadow, and a hundred dogs bark at the sound.

The demons in the demon world, one demon is false, and thousands of demons are real.

After a little beautification and processing through the filter of communication studies, Yi Chen himself, who didn't point out the remote breeding technology, couldn't have thought that he actually had such a group of big germs in the demon world....

This group of people is even more loyal to him than the orthodoxy in the current Demon Yi Sect.

"Old turtle, you are still reviewing documents here so late, what's the matter, is there something difficult that makes you hesitate to report it?"

Suddenly, the lights jumped, the black wind took shape, and a shadow immediately swallowed the figure of the turtle-headed demon.

Running quickly in the sky under the cover of night, the East Demon Lord finally returned to his loyal white tower after a while.

"King... King, you... have you broken through?"

"Old Turtle deserves death, I should call you His Majesty the Demon Emperor now."

"Old Turtle Demon respectfully welcomes His Majesty the East Demon Emperor."

"There is no big deal in the East Demon Kingdom, Your Majesty is the top priority of our East Demon Kingdom, as long as Your Majesty comes back, everything is just a mustard disease."

Seeing that the demon blocking the light and shadow behind him is the East Demon Lord, as if he thought of something, a touch of ecstasy suddenly climbed onto the face of the turtle-headed demon, it was so excited that it trembled all over, and immediately bowed its head.

"Stand up, how many times have I said that the friendship between you and me, Old Turtle, does not need to be like this."

A steady and pleasant voice came, and in response to the words of the East Demon Lord, the old turtle demon responded with a simple smile, and for a moment, the color became more respectful and the courtesy became more polite.

"Forget it, let me take a look at what problems can stump the real wise men of my Eastern Demon Kingdom."

He took the document on the Old Turtle Demon's desk into the palm of his hand and took a closer look. For a moment, the face of the Demon Lord Dongji gradually became gloomy.

At this time, it already knew why the old turtle was in such trouble.

It is not difficult to provide some benefits to ordinary demons and slaves. Even this time, as long as you agree to 10% or 20% of the conditions proposed by this group of 'thugs', the matter can be settled.

But what’s difficult to deal with is the future. If the thugs behind see that this has worked, what will you do if they make trouble again in the future?

The demon nobles would rather give most of the benefits to the leader of the rebellion than give any of them to the slaves and ordinary demons below. This is based on this consideration.

After all, after this limelight, what do they want to do with the riot leaders who have taken advantage of them? Isn't that just a matter of just flattening and rounding them?

The red blood stones were given to these slaves and ordinary demons, what a sin!

This consideration is actually the same as the core considerations of straight men who are criticized by girls.

For example, people who put it on men’s heads often say something like this:

"Can't you coax me? You just know how to reason with me~"

"What I want to hear is not that you reason with me, but that you give in to me."

In fact, sometimes it's not that boys don't understand this principle, nor that they can't give in or compromise.

The reason why they are straight men is that they are afraid of being made. They are as afraid as passing the Qin theory.

"Today I will cut five cities, and tomorrow I will cut ten cities. I will have a good night's rest, and I will look around, and the Qin soldiers have arrived again." ’

"Galulan, you bastard!"

"Is it going to destroy the foundation of my demonic realm?"

"Old Turtle, arrest all the leaders of the troublemaker. Also, do you seem to remember that Naga Loulan sent some of the slaves who were restored to free people to the barren land on our border to be reclaimed and planted with cotton? "

"Growing cotton in the Demon Realm, luckily he could have imagined that, except for those weak ethnic groups, how could we, the Demon Nobles, have ever been afraid of extreme cold weather?"

"Old Turtle, I'm going to send you my order right away. Let the legions stationed at the border tie up all the slaves from the Demonic Theocracy who have been restored to free people. Anyone who refuses to obey will be killed!"

"Galulan doesn't want these slaves. I, the Dongji Demon Kingdom, will suffer some losses, so I will help them collect them."

"Your majesty is wise! Compared with your majesty, the wisdom of this veteran is like the light of a firefly. How can it compete with your majesty in the bright moon? Your majesty, you are the true wise man of our Eastern Demon Kingdom."

"First tie up the slaves, let the thugs see their fate, extinguish the fire in their hearts, and then kill all the leaders in front of them. This storm will definitely spread."

"Even if this situation happens again in the future, those thugs will have to think twice before they act. Your Majesty's move is another huge ballast stone for our Dongji Demon Kingdom~"

Upon hearing this, the turtle-headed demon immediately knelt down on the ground again and called out to the Holy Spirit. Hearing this, Dongji Demon Lord Long Yan was delighted. He immediately grinned and said:

"Old Turtle, Old Turtle, what a mouth you have~"

"But do you think my methods only stop here? Haha."

"Old Turtle, pass on my emperor's order and send three envoys to the three major demon kingdoms respectively. Inform them to come to our East Ji Royal City in ten days to participate in my demon emperor's coronation ceremony and discuss the future matters of the demon kingdom."

"Regardless of any reason, if anyone is absent, they will look down on me and undermine the overall situation of the demon realm. When the time comes, they will not blame me for raising an army and trampling their demon king's city to the ground."

"Okay, Old Turtle, you have to work harder during this period and go down and do these things. In the next ten days, I will focus on practice and become familiar with the power of the fifth realm."

Speaking of this, Dongji Demon Lord, no, it should be called Dongji Demon Emperor at this time, a look of pride suddenly appeared on its face.

"It's nothing serious, don't bother me."

With a flash of his body, the figure of the old demon dragon disappeared immediately, leaving only an indifferent voice echoing in the room.

"I respectfully send you off to your Majesty!"

Although there was no demon in the room at this moment, Old Turtle still kowtowed heavily three times in the direction where the Dongji Demon Emperor was leaving before slowly getting up and starting to set up.

The top priority now is to give orders to the legions on the border to kidnap all the slaves who are farming on the border of the Demonic Theocracy.

Anyone who refuses to obey will be killed!

In the West Extreme King's City, there is a huge and magnificent room.

There was a splash, the sound of water.

A jade-white ankle immediately stepped on the brightly colored thick cashmere blanket, and the water droplets that slipped from the jade foot immediately dripped onto the cashmere and were absorbed by it.

Step by step.

The owner of the jade-white ankles skipped towards the dressing mirror. In front of the bright mirror, a beautiful body suddenly appeared slowly.

The scenery is scorching across Taoyao, and the dark green lightly sweeps across the willow brows!

As the beauty looked back, a beautiful and cold face that was not like what should be seen in the human world suddenly appeared on the mirror.

Between the beauty's eyebrows, a peach blossom mark shines brightly, which is particularly eye-catching.

"Tsk tsk, Yuanjun is so beautiful!"

The beauty in the bronze mirror carefully looked at her beautiful face, and couldn't help showing a somewhat proud smile on her face. The corners of her mouth were raised, and her lips were shaped like hooks. A strong "second-rate" temperament immediately made this picture The cool feeling on the beautiful face was completely destroyed.

The beauty in the mirror suddenly showed the beauty of a husky that has taken over a Persian cat~

Yuan Jun lowered his head and couldn't see his feet. She raised her eyebrows, and the gauze skirt on the hanger suddenly flew towards her body without any wind.

Underwear, gauze skirt, waistband, hosta, socks...

After taking out a piece of rouge paper and sipping it gently, the satisfied Yuanjun broke free from his peerless appearance, and proudly took out a peach blossom mask and put it on himself.

Experience tells her that wearing a mask can save her a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Hey, just two words, excellent!"

"Yue Qingping, that's all."

After puffing up her chest proudly, Yuan Jun immediately walked out of the door. She was going back to her room to learn the magic of sending gods in the void.

Of the nine Void Secret Treasures, she has only retrieved one of the Gu Sculpture Secret Treasures, and there are still eight secret treasures that have not yet been retrieved.

It's a pity that she struggled to recall, and now the memory that suddenly appeared in her mind could only recall the next five places, and she still found nothing about the last three secrets.

"But this should be enough."

"Xiaolang is still too young. He wants to overpower Yuanjun. In the blink of an eye, he may have the heart but not the strength."

"But who was Yuan Jun before? Forget it. If you can't figure it out, just think about it. There must be a road for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will naturally sink when it reaches the bridge. You will know it when the time comes."

Thinking of this, the two lines on the peach blossom mask that were originally slightly frowning and slowly getting closer suddenly relaxed.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. No one knows better than Yuan Jun how to refuse mental internal friction~

Yuanjun, who was happy again, rubbed the dull hair on his head and entered his sleeping place with a squeak.

The room suddenly fell into darkness, except for a figure floating on the bed, which was emitting an uncertain light under the support of the magic power of peach blossom petals.

Behind the screen in the inner room, a crystal coffin covered with white cloth was lying quietly in the corner.

An old man with silver hair is still sleeping peacefully.



"Let me go! Let me go! What are you going to do?"

"You dare to violate the "Magic Book of Fairness". Aren't you afraid that the Holy Lord Garulan will hang you on the flagpole and kill everyone in your family?"

The moonlight was like water, and Master Qi Longhu, who was about to go back to rest after a day's work, had a sudden look in his eyes.

Ever since he was exiled to the Demonic Realm, for some unknown reason, a strange white cloud suddenly appeared in his body. After absorbing it, his cultivation level began to advance rapidly like a rocket. Now he has touched the edge of the seventh level of the real person realm.

And until now, most of this cloud has not been absorbed.

Although he could not figure out the source of this strange and auspicious white cloud in his body, Qi Longhu already regarded it as his biggest trump card to get out of trouble in the future.

This was also an important reason why he stayed in the Demonic Cult to grow cotton with peace of mind.

Unexpectedly, just a few days after settling down, he had been planting well just now, but he was caught again.

Looking at the terrifying demon with a ferocious aura in front of him, whose strength was definitely above the level of the True Lord, Qi Longhu carefully concealed his strength. Seeing that the demon in front of him had no intention of killing, he hesitated for a few times before finally stopping his action. thought.

The strange white cloud in his body has endless uses. As long as he wants to, any restrictions placed in his body can be erased.

Just be patient, he will have plenty of opportunities later.

"Oh? It's a good human slave. My old catfish is really lucky this time. This slave can be worth a lot of blood essence stones if he catches it and sells it."

"Boy, don't worry about your so-called holy Lord Garulan. He will soon be in danger of himself."

"In this demonic realm, there can only be one piece of sky, and that is the supreme leader of our Dongji Demon Kingdom, the Dongji Demon Emperor!"


With a strike of the hand knife, Qi Longhu's vision suddenly went dark. A demon with a catfish head couldn't help grinning under the moonlight. It immediately waved to the men behind it and said:

"Carry it away, carry it away."

"The national fortune of our Dongji Demon Kingdom has arrived, and I, the old catfish, have also benefited from it. If I catch this animal and bring it back, the Generalissimo will definitely reward me. I am not bad luck today!"

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