Taoist Master, Stop Fighting. The Heavenly Path Is Almost Destroyed

Chapter 477 Asuna is coming! Western Land, Amethyst Disaster, Despair World, The Last Soldier in the

The sky is gray.

Stifling heat, humidity, and no cool breeze.

Aksa Baibian Xuanbing tugged on his straight collar with some irritation. He exerted force with his big hands, and the discipline buckle on the collar immediately fell apart, but this could not relax the dark clouds in his heart. Every bit.

Since an inexplicable feeling of heart palpitations suddenly appeared in his heart three days ago, until now, this feeling of heart palpitations has become more and more intense as time goes by.

But no matter what probing methods he used and how hard he tried, he still couldn't find the source of his heart palpitations.

"Did that weird uncle of the human realm have another breakthrough in his cultivation?"

Standing on the top of the mountain, the Baibian Xuanbing looked at the bloody defense line still standing tall and majestic in the distance. His pupils shrank for a moment, and he felt a little uncertain in his eyes.

Just two months ago, when he was still thinking about whether to cooperate with the human race in order to get rid of the clutches of the demon army, an accident happened. A powerful master who could break the limit of the third level emerged from the human race in the Western Continent.

This shocking change directly changed the situation of the Western Continent War, allowing the Soldier Legion and the Demon Legion to unite together.

The situation is both offensive and defensive, with friendly and enemy forces changing their offensive and defensive positions several times, which can be described as a twist of fate.

"The Hundred-Changing Mysterious Weapon, you are indeed here."

"Brother Wolf and I have been feeling palpitation inexplicably since two days ago, but we can't find any reason. Have you found any clues here?"

Under the pressure of the great uncle of the human race, Jin Dan Shenhou, the atmosphere between the demons and soldiers is now much more harmonious than before.

External pressure is always the best glue for internal cracks.

"Do the two demon commanders also have such a premonition?" Baibian Xuanbing glanced at the faces of the two demon commanders, and then sighed,

"Although I have no definite evidence, if my guess is correct, the source of all these changes is probably the human race on the opposite side."

Following the direction pointed by the Baibian Xuanbing's finger, they saw a handsome young man in a blood-colored robe smiling at them on the city wall of the blood-colored defense line in the distance.

The young man's smile looks confident, calm, and enthusiastic, but for some reason, if someone looks at him, it always gives people a creepy feeling, as if there is a terrifying soul living inside this body, which makes people feel terrified. People feel cold in their hearts.

"Two demon commanders, no matter what conspiracy these beasts have, let's retreat separately." After a long silence, Baibian Xuanbing couldn't help but suggest again.

"Isn't it a pity to retreat now? Except for the one from far away, most of the masters in the human race have been killed in the fierce battle with us. Although the price is a bit high, with the help of the military formation, We may not be able to kill it!" The demon with an extremely disproportionate head-to-body ratio and a huge black dragon head couldn't help but say.

"Two of you, haven't you noticed? The group of human masters we killed before, our Hundred Transformations Mysterious Weapon thought it was our own unparalleled military skills, so we were able to trap and kill so many human masters, but until now, we It’s a bit of a taste.”

"All of this seems to be going too smoothly, as if there is an invisible hand cooperating with us and controlling everything."

"Furthermore, according to the intelligence of several tongues among the human race I captured, the previous cultivation level of Lord Jin Dan Shenhou, who is very good at beautifying appearance, was not ideal.

His cultivation level seemed to have increased with the heavy casualties suffered by the human elites. He even showed weakness for a time and kept tempting us to attack the city. It was not until the last defense line was broken that he showed his third-level cultivation level. "

"Bai Bian Xuan Bing, do you mean to say that this beast deliberately used our hands to eliminate dissidents, and finally took over the power like it is now?" The Black Dragon Demon Commander asked again in surprise.

"Brother Long, you're wrong (Liao). If it was just an internal fight among their human race, Marshal Bai Bian Xuan Bing wouldn't have to be so afraid."

The Red Wolf Demon Commander turned around and looked into the distance, "If I guess correctly, Marshal of the Variety of Mysterious Arms means - Human Demon!"

Regarding the last two words, the red wolf demon commander spoke particularly hard, with fear in his eyes.

The three powerful figures looked at each other, and for a moment they were speechless again.

Withdrawing, it is easy to say, how to withdraw and where to withdraw?

If they continue to stay in the human realm, it is better to maintain the current coercive situation and prevent the human race from taking a moment to gather more strength to fight them.

But if each goes back to his own home, each looks for his own mother.

Both the Black Dragon Demon Commander and the Red Wolf Demon Commander knew that they could not go back.

Previously, when the four-pole dome formation was wide open and the four demon lords were all threatening the human realm, they had a chance to return through the demon pool opening a channel.

However, the two demons were blinded by eating lard and learned about the death of their brothers, the Blood Dragon Demon Marshal and the Hundred-Headed Demon Wolf, through magic weapons.

The Western Continent was so weak that the four demon lords all took action. They didn't know how they could lose in this battle. Moreover, they also had a huge advantage in the battle of the Western Continent.

Therefore, the two demons were eager to take the credit and even collected enough materials for the demon pool to avoid sharing the credit with other demons, so they chose to refuse.

As a result, the situation changed a thousand times. They were fine when they came, but they couldn't go back.

This boomerang was heavy and ruthless, hitting them right between the eyebrows.

Now that the four-pole dome formation in the Demonic Realm has long since fallen apart, there is no use for them to form the Demonic Pool again, so they have become a lone army wandering in the human realm.

"Brother Baibian Xuanbing, since we all have spiritual senses to warn, there is a high probability that something earth-shattering will happen. Why don't you open the passage to the Soldier Realm and let us go together?"

"Brother, don't worry. We can swear to heaven that we will protect the Soldier Clan and protect it from oppression by other alien races in the future!"

The Red Wolf Demon Marshal rolled his eyes, and immediately forced a smile on his face and suggested to Baibian Xuanbing.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! Two Demon Marshals, don't mention this matter again!"

Baibian Xuanbing's expression changed drastically, and he immediately refused.

No one knows the true status of the Soldier Realm better than Baibian Xuanbing. Before, it was still pulling the tiger skin and preaching to the two demons that it was just a legion in the Soldier Realm.

Once this tiger skin was peeled off, and the two demons found a way to get the coordinates of the Demon Realm to the Human Realm, then the end of the Soldier Realm would be truly here.

He Baibian Xuanbing would rather die than agree to lead the demons into the Soldier Realm.

After a secret talk, the three of them finally parted unhappily again, choosing to continue to maintain the siege and pressure.

Everyone says that meat eaters are despicable and cannot be consulted.

In fact, as meat eaters, they also have their own unspeakable difficulties.

A plan, blending and reconciling with each other under many different interests, and finally presenting to the world are all kinds of absurd and stupid operations, which have made the reputation of meat eaters despicable.

Whether it is the Hundred Changes Mysterious Soldiers or the two great demon marshals, they are not despised, but they are too smart.

If the Hundred Changes Mysterious Soldiers want to withdraw, you can try to withdraw alone. The demon army will not beat your brains out, and they can't go back. If you want to withdraw, then withdraw together, otherwise everyone will keep holding on.

And even if they really want to withdraw, the Golden Gall God Marquis in the distance is likely to lead the crowd to kill directly, and then they still need to unite to achieve a balance.

The Hundred Changes Black Soldier is well aware of the evil intentions of the Demon Legion. He knows that this group of bastards has probably become suspicious. They even came here to pretend to be stupid and make suggestions. They want to use the Soldier Realm as a springboard to plot against the Human Realm.

If they really get what they want, the Demons will station troops in the Soldier Realm... Even if there is only a one in a thousand chance, even if the Demon Legion pats its chest and says that it will guarantee the safety of their tribe and will never let other alien races bully them, the Hundred Changes Black Soldier cannot accept this result.

It is impossible that the beautiful soldiers in the Soldier Clan who were ravaged by the Demons will also stick their butts up high when they think of the prosperity and stability of their own Soldier Realm.

How can there be such a tribe in the world~


The moonlight is like silver.

A breeze suddenly blew between heaven and earth, blowing the grass and trees slightly. The Hundred Changes Mysterious Soldier, who was perched on the open space of the military camp, looked at the boundless starry sky, and the ominous premonition in his heart suddenly disappeared.

The countless sounds of insects and frogs inside and outside the military camp suddenly stopped, and then all kinds of insects, ants, flying birds and scurried up.


The Hundred Changes Mysterious Soldier opened his mouth, his mind swept all around, and finally looked up at the sky.

The sight kept rising, and there was no place in the sky above.

A huge blood-colored meteorite passed through the many obstacles of the golden strong wind, passed through the space medium as solid as black iron, and finally appeared in the sky of the Western Land of the Human Realm.

"Haha, it's your majesty!"

"Your majesty has finally arrived in the human realm."

"Praise to the Supreme Saint Emperor Mahakala, His Majesty Asna!!!

"May everyone call your name! "

Inside the bloody defense line, a handsome young man who had changed into another set of luxurious robes was standing on the top of the city and kowtowing like crazy. This scene made the many guards around him panic.

Can a great monk who has broken through the limit suddenly become crazy?

They followed the hopeful eyes of the Golden Gall God Marquis and looked at the sky, but found nothing. After a few breaths, a strong sense of horror suddenly descended on the hearts of all the guards.

I saw a huge red meteorite suddenly appear in the sky. Its thick surface seemed to be resisting the erosion of some strange force. It quickly withered and peeled off in the crazy friction and burning, revealing a huge Amethyst sculpture head.

Along with the falling and burning of the red meteorite, a strange amethyst sculpture figure over a hundred meters tall finally appeared in front of all living beings.

"Who is calling me~"

"Haha, Your Majesty, it's..."

The handsome young man faced the amethyst sculpture without dodging, his face flashing with piety and madness alternately.

The guards around him wanted to take him away, but he was blown away hundreds of meters away by his casual sleeves, spitting blood.


There was a loud noise.

Under the huge amethyst sculpture, a pair of silver-patterned cloud boots of the Golden Gallbladder God Marquis were revealed.

He did not move.

"What a foolish believer, but your role is limited to this."

"Do you think that there is no price for coming? "

In the horrified eyes of the crowd, the corner of the huge purple crystal humanoid sculpture's mouth suddenly pulled out a mocking arc.

The smile that was outlined revealed a taste of disgust.

He was counterattacked by the will of the world and could not move at all at that time. This idiot did not hide.

At this moment, the purple crystal humanoid sculpture that had just landed suddenly moved. He looked up at the boundless starry sky, suddenly opened his arms and shouted:

"What an interesting world~Spirituality, dedicate all your spirituality to the supreme Majesty Asna!"

"This is your supreme honor~"

"Use your flesh and blood to build my divine body."

"Use your spirituality to make me never fall~"

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

The sky spun and the earth spun. The purple crystal sculpture suddenly turned in all directions. A thick layer of crystal chips immediately disintegrated into powder and flew into the sky, enveloping the retreating demon army, soldier army, and human city area.

Countless crystal chips the size of a fingernail emitted a faint purple light, and soon formed a huge strange light curtain in front of the major armies.

This strange light curtain covered an area of ​​no less than one million square kilometers.

Countless crystal chips were scattered on the ground like rain hitting banana leaves. Any creature that came into contact with the purple crystal chips was immediately drilled into the body and disappeared.

The terrifying alienation occurred in an instant. Tigers and leopards, human beings, demon beasts, soldiers, and demon troops, all creatures whose defenses were broken in this wave of attacks suddenly flashed with strange purple light in their pupils.

Without any hesitation, they all killed all the creatures they could touch.

A green-skinned frog that had escaped by chance and was jumping wildly was caught up by a rhino with strange purple light flashing in its eyes and stepped on it.

A weak and turbid spiritual light was absorbed into the purple crystal dust in the blood mist.

Suddenly, the power of the parasitic strange rhino became stronger again, adding the power of a frog.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

The eyes of the Hundred Changes Mysterious Soldier were bloodshot at this moment, and under the support of military spirit, he tried his best to stop all the crystal dust around him.

The scene in front of him was beyond all its cognition. It had no idea what was going on and how to deal with it.

With his eyesight, he could clearly see that where the purple crystal sculpture had stood before, a five-meter square, pure and flawless purple crystal had an illusory figure slowly twisting, observing everything around it indifferently.

"Evil demon! Stop!"

"If you have anything to do, come to me, the Hundred Changes Mysterious Soldier. I will kill you or cut you into pieces. I will be your slave or servant. All is up to you."

He cut a mutated soldier in half with a knife, and the Hundred Changes Mysterious Soldier's eyes had turned blood red at this time.

A flash of purple light appeared, and a gorgeous light suddenly bloomed in the body of the soldier who was split in half. His body, which was split in half, was immediately reunited under the effect of the light, and he came towards the Hundred Changes Mysterious Soldier again, showing an extremely powerful and strange immortality.

It was not until the Hundred Changes Mysterious Soldier killed him forty-nine times that the strange soldier who was infected by the alienation stopped his steps of resurrection, and only his hands and feet were still moving slightly on the ground.

The black shadow in the extremely pure purple crystal in the distance did not respond to the roar of the Hundred Changes Mysterious Soldier.

Ignoring is sometimes the greatest humiliation.

Apart from this strange immortality, the Hundred Changes Mysterious Soldier also found that these monsters infected and mutated by the purple crystal chips also have terrifying plundering abilities.

The power of those creatures killed by them will be absorbed by them almost 100%, and they will grow rapidly.

With him in the center of the Soldier Corps, he led the entire army with the only true scripture left by the Soldier Master, "The Divine Method of the Heavenly General of the Yubingjun", and only then was he able to knock down most of the purple crystal chips that were scattered towards the Soldier Corps.

The Demon Corps did not have such a secret method as him, and suffered heavy losses in the first wave of attacks. As the momentum of the strongest crystal monster chasing and fighting outside the Demon Corps was no less than that of the cultivator who had broken the limit once, and it was still increasing with the killing.

Combined with its strange immortality, it made the Black Dragon Demon Marshal, who bit it in two again, feel desperate.

"Are all the last elites of my soldier race going to be buried here by me?" The Hundred Changes Black Soldier was filled with grief at this moment. He cut off the most powerful crystal monster again and took a quick glance at the distance.

The chaos continued at this time, and the sound of fighting shook the sky.

In the distant human city, there were also flames and cries, which were deafening, and it looked like the end of the world.

There were also countless humans rushing out of the city, facing this scene that seemed like the end of the world, and began to kowtow, praying to the gods to send down a savior to eliminate the disaster.

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