Taoist Quick Wear

16-The Revenge of the Ghost

Jiang Yao, male, born in 1990, grew up with his mother in a small county town in Shanqing City. In the photo, the mother and son are smiling and warm, but the woman with a delicate and gentle face is thin and has been ill for a long time, which is a bit ominous.

Jiang Yao inherited his mother's outstanding appearance, even better than her. His eyes are too beautiful, and when he smiles, people feel itchy. In the yellowed old photo, he is holding a little girl's hand, shy and timid.

It was also this year that Jiang Yao's mother passed away, and he was taken back to the Jiang family by his biological father whom he had never met.

The Jiang family is an old-fashioned family. They have been developing abroad before. They have assets of over 100 million yuan on the surface and have backers in secret. After the reform and opening up, the Jiang family responded to the call and invested heavily in the domestic market. For a time, they were the most popular. Jiang's father was the person in charge of the domestic market. He was injured while traveling and was rescued by Jiang Yao's mother. The two lived together for a period of time, and Jiang's mother gave birth to Jiang Yao.

Jiang's father had a childhood sweetheart, and he did not marry Jiang Yao's mother.

Jiang's father married his fiancée and had a son named Jiang Shun.

After Jiang Yao was taken back, he became a thorn in Jiang Shun's side.

Jiang's father was away on business trips all year round and rarely came home.

Madam Jiang treated Jiang Yao harshly, and no one would risk offending Madam Jiang to tell Jiang's father.

Jiang Shun was the legitimate heir.

Jiang Yao was just an illegitimate child who was not allowed to see the light of day.

Jiang Yao was two years older than Jiang Shun, but he was not as good as Jiang Shun in all aspects. Jiang Shun was healthy and strong, smart and sensible, and Madam Jiang and Jiang's father loved him very much. Jiang Yao was weak and sickly, timid as a mouse, and timid when he spoke, and dared not look at people.

The two studied in the same school and the same class. Jiang Shun performed particularly well and took care of Jiang Yao everywhere. Teachers and classmates praised him for caring for his brother, and even Jiang's father thought so.

In fact, Jiang Shun often beat Jiang Yao in places that were not visible to the public.

Mrs. Jiang, who knew the truth, didn't care.

It was Jiang Yao's blessing to be Jiang Shun's toy.

Even though Jiang Shun would avoid people in the villa, he was still seen by some servants. According to a nanny's recollection, Jiang Yao's clothes were all covered with blue and purple scars, whip marks, and pinholes, which was very pitiful. Under Jiang Shun's abuse, Jiang Yao, who was already taciturn, was even more reluctant to speak.

It was okay when the two were young, and Jiang Yao was just beaten.

When Jiang Shun began to grow up, seeing that Jiang Yao was getting more and more delicate, he inevitably had an idea.

Jiang Yao became Jiang Shun's slave.

Jiang's father was away all year round and rarely stayed overnight. Jiang Yao tried to ask him for help, but Jiang's father said nothing. After he left, Jiang's mother intensified and tortured Jiang Yao severely. That time, Jiang Yao was almost beaten to death, his face was disfigured, and there was a thin scar under his eyes.

After being oppressed for a long time, Jiang Yao had no room to resist. He tried to commit suicide, but failed. If you don't have the will to die, it will be difficult to succeed. He always had hope and planned to escape the control of the Jiang family when he grew up.

Jiang Shun's attitude towards Jiang Yao was sometimes good and sometimes bad. He was really moved and deeply involved.

Mrs. Jiang was very angry when she found out. She designed Jiang Yao and made him do some unsightly things with the other two roommates in the dormitory.

At that time, Jiang Shun and Jiang Yao lived in this dormitory. There were also two friends of Jiang Shun living together. After that, Jiang Yao became a slave of three people.

He was not as weak and docile as before, and his resistance became more and more fierce. The accumulated resentment finally reached its peak one day, completely angering the other three people.

After that day, Jiang Yao disappeared.

Although it was found that Jiang Shun transferred Jiang Yao to a mental hospital and died three years later. But the mental hospital did not accept Jiang Yao. It seems that Jiang Yao died on the day he disappeared completely.

Maybe Jiang Yao died at the hands of Jiang Shun, or maybe the other two roommates were involved. Jiang Yao completely disappeared from the world, and even his body was missing.

On the night of Jiang Yao's seventh day, a series of supernatural events occurred. The two roommates used knives to cut off their own flesh piece by piece in their sleep, and died in agony. The scene was extremely bloody. Mrs. Jiang also died, her tongue was bitten off, and her bones were smashed by a hammer. She died in a very miserable way. Jiang Shun personally cut off his left arm, shaved the flesh on his hand, and chopped it into minced meat, but he did not die. He hurriedly went abroad and has not returned yet. Jiang's father has been abroad for many years and escaped.

"We lived in a nearby dormitory. We were very impressed by him because he was very good-looking. Many girls liked him, and some confessed their love to him, but he just politely refused."

"In fact, he has a good personality, good grades, and is very talented in painting. His works have been exhibited and are still on display in the school's art building. The teachers all like him. They often use his paintings as examples to analyze structure, color, etc. Later, Jiang Yao dropped out of school, and the teachers never mentioned him again. It seems that they are keeping a secret."

"He should like listening to music very much. I saw him listening to music with a black mp3 in the library, wearing headphones, and smiling very beautifully."

"We also know some of his experiences... We originally thought that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer... But it's not quite like that. I always feel that he is very proud in his bones, and we can't help him. The Jiang family is rich and powerful, and has a strong background. If we get into trouble, who will help us?"

"In front of outsiders, they are still a pair of good brothers. In fact, everyone in the nearby dormitories knows that they are... The world of rich people is too chaotic..."

"Well, later I heard that he was mentally ill and crazy, which is also quite pitiful."

People in the know have different opinions on this. There is no doubt that no one has offered a helping hand to Jiang Yao.

Jiang Yao has no friends. People who know him can only give a thin evaluation based on some rare memories. No one knows what kind of person he is.

The only parties left are Jiang Shun who is hiding abroad and Jiang Yao who has become a ghost. It is not easy for Lawyer Lin to find so many things in such a short time... Maybe Jiang Yao also helped a little.

Si Qingyan didn't feel anything after reading it. Debts must be paid, and killings must be paid. No matter what choice is made, it is Jiang Yao's business.

"Nietzsche said that if a person knows why he lives, he can endure any kind of life."

Jiang Yao lay on his small blanket, like a lazy big cat. He held up an English masterpiece. After reading this sentence, he seemed to have some feelings and smiled at Si Qingyan ingratiatingly.

This slave instinct has penetrated his soul in more than ten years of training. Jiang Yao extremely hates this damn instinct, but it is a part of himself.

"Master, but I don't know why I live."

"Although I want revenge, it can't alleviate my pain."

Si Qingyan seemed to be thinking about something, his eyes were clear, and there was no confusion at all. He said lightly:

"Live for yourself and live any kind of life you want."

Jiang Yao couldn't tell what that look was.

In the eyes of the master, he was like a child.

This also made Jiang Yao relieved, at least the master didn't want to drive him out. When he took revenge, the means were a bit fierce, which was a bit of a male servant. Fortunately, the master didn't mind these. The remaining Jiang's father and Jiang Shun must die artistically.


Xiao Xie has recently been investigating the disappearance of workers in Changqingyuan Community. The number of deaths made him feel cold behind him.

"Xiao Xie, don't check this. The higher-ups have long ordered the files to be sealed and assigned to other departments."

"No, I just found that too many residents died in this community. Look, first a couple fell off the balcony and died, and then..."

Xiao Xie wrote down all the people who died in that area in a notebook, densely packed with names. Accidental death, lust for sex, criminals, sudden terminal illness...all kinds of causes of death.

"Alas, you are not from our local area, so you don't know about this. The girl who died was the wife of the household owner, but the man who fell to death was not the household owner."

"The two fell down naked in the middle of the night, and scared the handsome boy who got up early for morning exercise the next day."

"The household owner paid to send the cheating brother to the funeral home. Everyone said that this was a blessing in disguise..."

"People, when pursuing excitement, you have to pay attention to safety."

"Is there such a thing, so exciting?" Xiao Xie scratched his head, put the file away, and then wrote a note for leave.

"My mother is sick, I have to go back to see her."

"How long will it take? Is one week enough?" The calm and dignified man asked before signing.

"Not bad, I'll see if I can bring her here. I'm worried about her living alone in the countryside." Xiao Xie frowned when he thought of the dilapidated house in his hometown.

He originally wanted to pay for the repair of the old house in the village, but his mother refused, saying that he should make a down payment in the city to buy a house so that it would be easier to marry a wife in the future. But he is a single dog, where can he find a wife... It's really a headache...

"Is Xiao Xie's hometown in Shanqing City? It's a cultural ancient town with a profound heritage and talents." Another colleague sighed.

"Poor..." Xiao Xie sighed, simply packed up the things on the table, said goodbye to his colleagues, and went out with the leave note.

At this time, Si Qingyan received a text message on her mobile phone.

"Jiang Shun is going to return to China in the near future, and his destination is Shanqing City."

This is an extra message from Lawyer Lin.

If Jiang Shun is brought back to Linjiang City, Jiang Yao will be very excited. Jiang Yao has been mopping the floor very clean recently, his behavior has become more civilized and polite, and he is also very serious about memorizing words. Why not take this as a reward?

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