Taoist Quick Wear

35-Ready to go

"Let him go...if he is unlucky, an ordinary person can kill him with one punch." Si Qingyan waved her hand and took the sack from Jiang Yao's hand.

What he hasn't said yet is that the Demon King's luck has never been very good...

"After filling these sacks today, I will let you go."

"Otherwise, you can light a fire. It's a bit dark here and you can't even see the road clearly."

Si Qingyan threw the sack away and drew a circle in the void with blood flames. The circle quickly grew in size, enclosing the entire field.

A ghost that reached out to test was directly burned to ashes.

The other ghosts trembled even more.

To light a fire, it is definitely not to let them hold torches to open the way, but to use them as torches to open the way...

So scary!

These ghosts are all lonely ghosts from nearby areas. Some were summoned by King Youjian and had to come, and some came just to watch the fun... I didn't expect that things would develop like this...

Feudal tradition is unacceptable! Fractional money should have been eliminated by the times long ago!

We must modernize our thinking!

No matter how painful and reluctant the ghosts are, they still have to pay.

"Marriage is a great joyful event. It requires betrothal gifts, betrothal gifts, dowry, face-to-face gifts, and wedding tea money. After the marriage, a child will be born soon. In addition to the share money, there is also money for milk powder and diapers... Visitors are guests, and encounters are guests. Yuan, aren’t you moved by such a beautiful and pure love?”

Luo Junchen's voice was so loud that it echoed throughout the wedding venue.

Not moved by love, but burned to ashes if not paid.

Four sacks...Such a big sack, I'm afraid it's not used to hold pigs...How many hell coins do you need to fill it full? Why are the votes of Mingcoin so valuable! It would be great if there was a bank that could exchange one-yuan coins... Just exchange a piece of two million for a pile of one-yuan coins, which is guaranteed to fill the sack, and there might be some leftover!

The cold reality is like that sack, bottomless.

There is no bank in the chaotic underworld that can exchange money.

Each ghost took turns putting money into the sack. After the first round, only the first sack was filled.

After the second round, only half the sack was filled. The ghosts racked their brains to figure out how to fill the sacks?

Soon some clever ghosts came up with a feasible solution - to form a group of ten ghosts and take turns to search the group members for any ghost coins.

"A quarter of an hour."

Si Qingyan still wants to continue looking for the Little Saint Son and doesn't want to spend too much time here.

The ghosts fought wildly, peeling off each other's clothes, and all the ghost coins hidden in their underwear were dug out.

As the quarter hour approached, all four sacks were full.

Si Qingyan motioned to Jiang Yao to go get it.

"Thank you, sir." Jiang Yao stuffed the sack into the trunk of the van, squeezed it, and managed to put it in.

From now on this will be my wife.

"Sir, I told Xiaoluan about the Little Saint Son. She has met the Little Saint Son." Jiang Yao held Du Xiaoluan's hand and paid homage to Si Qingyan with her.

"I once saw someone carrying the Little Holy Son in the belly of Broken Dragon Mountain and using him to open a way."

The mountain between Shuangxi Village and Longtou Village is called Duanlong Mountain.

Du Xiaoluan atomized the stream water into smoke and could see very high and far away.

During the wedding, he was not in the mood to investigate the people in the van, so he passed Jiang Yao.

"Going through the cave entrance from Shuangxi River leads directly to Broken Dragon Mountain. If we hurry up, we might be able to find the Little Saint Son."

"Okay." Si Qingyan took down King Youjian who was nailed to the beam, and simply tied him up with the broken hemp rope used to tie up the Demon King.

"I want to study his body structure, Xiao Xie, please drive first."

King Youjian, who had long since woken up and was pretending to be comatose, was trembling. He wanted to escape but couldn't. He wanted to faint but couldn't.

"This used to be Shuangxi Village, but then it was abandoned."

Du Xiaoluan showed Xiao Xie the way and soon arrived at the deserted village nearby. The original earthen huts collapsed into earthen mounds because they had been uninhabited for a long time, like tombs without monuments.

There is only one small house left, standing proudly among the many dirtbags.

"That's my home." Jiang Yao opened the door. The yard was kept clean and tidy. The flowers and plants he planted many years ago have grown very lush and green.

"Xiaoluan, thank you."

"This is my home too." Du Xiaoluan stroked the green gardenia leaves, thinking of those warm memories, and a smile appeared on his lips.

She was the first daughter in the family, and her parents beat her and scolded her.

Jiang Yao's mother was very kind to her. She loved her like a daughter. She braided her hair, mended her clothes, and collected the soles of her shoes.

Jiang Yao left her whatever good things he had, including candies, roasted sweet potatoes, bird eggs, pencils, erasers...

This is her home.

"Shuangxi flows out of Duanlong Mountain, and you can go directly to Longtou Village by water."

You can see two streams flowing side by side at the door of Jiang Yao's house. Each one is five or six meters wide. It is not an exaggeration to call it a small river. The water was flowing so fast that it was hard to see what was in it. It used to be one black and one white, but now it's all turbid blood.

Jiang Yao's mother rescued Jiang's father in the white river.

Everyone in the village knows that if you fall into black water, you will definitely die, but if you fall into white water, you may survive.

"I also wanted to go have a look, but every time I walked into the mountains, I felt it was dangerous and I didn't continue walking."

Du Xiaoluan took out a bamboo raft from Jiang Yao's house and threw it to Baishui.

Although the water has turned red now, the white side should be safer.

"Xiao Xie, just wait for us at Jiang Yao's house. It's too dangerous to go into the mountains. Pick up your mother and go with you when we come back."

Si Qingyan is extracting the soul of King Youjian.

The King of Hell is parasitic in this blood corpse, and once it is extracted, nothing will happen.

The only redeeming feature of the King of Hell is that he can devour souls to strengthen himself.

All ghosts can devour souls, but this is limited. If you devour too much, you will be dominated by various scattered memories. You may not die, but the body is not necessarily dominated by the original consciousness.

The King of Hell swallowed a lot and never had indigestion. This is the reason why he can be infinitely powerful.

Any characteristic, plus the word infinite, has infinite potential.

Si Qingyan plans to refine the soul of the King of Hell after getting the space, extract this characteristic, and use it to refine the weapon. Ordinary spiritual weapons also have the possibility of growth, but the progress is very slow. If the soul of the King of Hell is added, it will definitely grow rapidly. Although the blood flame is still handy, I always feel that I am fighting with my own body, which feels very weird.


As soon as the soul of the King of Youjian was extracted, his body quickly turned into a bloody corpse, like a skinned living person, roaring wildly.

Its eyes were blood red, without whites, and it was extremely bloodthirsty.

Although the blood corpse had no soul, it had innate animal instincts.

"Fuck, it's so spicy."

Luo Junchen couldn't help but take out a brick.

The blood corpse looked around and finally knelt in front of Xiao Xie.


It roared and lowered its head, fearing, admiring, and submitting.

For a moment, several people present turned their eyes to Xiao Xie.

"This sister is so familiar, it seems like I have seen it somewhere before?" Luo Junchen poked Xiao Xie with his elbow.

"Puff——" Xiao Xie couldn't hold back his expression and laughed.

"I feel like I am really a great general, this is the second battalion commander under my seat."

Xiao Xie patted the blood corpse's neck, his hands were covered with blood.

"Roar——" The blood corpse trembled continuously, as if being slapped by Xiao Xie was an extremely honorable thing.

"Alas, the King of Youjian is really rubbish. Xiao Xie's second battalion commander is so rotten, and he still treasures him like nothing." Luo Junchen shook his head, looking at the soul of the King of Youjian struggling in the void, with a look of disappointment.

The King of Youjian knew that he was going to die, so he glared at Luo Junchen without any scruples.

If he could make a sound, he would definitely curse all the dirty words in the world!

What the hell are these things!

Why is he so unlucky! No matter where he goes, it's not smooth! Nothing he does is right!

"Mr. Wei, why don't you take me and the second battalion commander with you? I feel that I may be of some use."

Xiao Xie felt that he was also a person who had seen big scenes and was not afraid of ghosts. At the same time, he began to worry about his mother...

There are so many ghosts here, will she be in trouble when she is alone at home?

"I'm going to Longtou Village just to go back to my own home. I can find the way with my eyes closed."

Si Qingyan put the King of Youjian into the Seven Star Plate, thought for a while, and said,

"Raise your hands if you agree that Xiao Xie will go to Longtou Village with us!"

Xiao Xie raised his right hand high. Except for him, no one else raised their hands.

Xiao Xie stared at the blood corpse fiercely and ordered:

"Raise your hands!"

The blood corpse roared flatteringly, but did not raise his hands.

"The language is not communicated..." Luo Junchen sighed, feeling a lot of emotion.

Xiao Xie forcibly pried up the blood corpse's hand.

"Okay, two." Si Qingyan counted the blood corpse as well, and asked again:

"Raise your hands if you don't agree with Xiao Xie going."

Jiang Yao raised his hand first, and Du Xiaoluan followed suit.

"Brother Xie, you are righteous and very eye-catching in the eyes of ghosts. It is easy to attract ghosts. Although we can deal with some weak things, we can't be all-round."

Jiang Yao really didn't want to take Xiao Xie with him under the current circumstances.

It's ok to take the main road, but they decided to take the waterway through the mountains. Who knows what horrors are in the mountains?

"Even if you were a big shot before, now that you haven't awakened, you are just an ordinary person. The blood corpse can recognize you, but other ghosts may not be able to recognize you."

"To be honest, it takes me no more than three seconds to kill you."

Although Jiang Yao would be injured if he touched Xiao Xie's body, he had ten thousand ways to kill him directly without touching Xiao Xie.

"I know you are telling the truth. I am really useless now. The second battalion commander can't understand what I say... I am worried about my mother. I can't get through to her phone. I don't know if something happened in Longtou Village. Maybe she has been in danger. I can't just wait here."

Shuangxi is full of blood. What happened in Longtou Village upstream?

When we got here, all the signals were cut off.

Everything can no longer be judged by common sense.

In the past, Xiao Xie didn't believe Luo Junchen's words at all, but now he began to doubt it. Maybe Mr. Wei is the King of Hell, Luo Junchen and Jiang Yao are both generals, and I am a military advisor? I am a judge? I am Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva? I am the leader of the Blood Corps?

Xiao Xie had countless guesses in his mind, but he said sincerely:

"Mr. Wei, I can't guarantee that I won't cause trouble, but when necessary, as long as you can use me, I can do anything..."

"Jiang Yao, what do you think?" Si Qingyan felt that Xiao Xie had a high level of ideological awareness, so it was okay to bring him along.

"Okay." Jiang Yao nodded, and Du Xiaoluan agreed.

Xiao Xie's eyes were firm, with a kind of desperate determination, and no one could say no.

"Go on."

The bamboo raft was not big, and Si Qingyan, Luo Junchen, and Xiao Xie were standing, which was a bit crowded.

Jiang Yao and Du Xiaoluan were floating in the air.

"Where are the other people in the village?" Jiang Yao was a little curious.

When he left home, there were still many people in the village.

"They are all dead." Du Xiaoluan's heavy phoenix robe fell into the blood river, leaving only a light red dress on her body. The gold, silver, pearls and jade in her hair also fell into the river. Her long white hair was cut off by her nails and scattered in an instant.

"Good death."

Jiang Yao held Du Xiaoluan in his arms and kissed her on the top of her head.

"When we come back, we will go find the remaining soul and I will help you vent your anger."

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