Taoist Quick Wear

03-Ghosts galore

The corpse does not need to eat or breathe.

Even if the food is eaten, it cannot be digested, and forced breathing will speed up the decay of the internal organs.

Low temperature storage and careful placement can extend the shelf life.

With nothing to do, Si Qingyan began to look through the documents collected by Wei Sixian.

[012-The resurrection of the dead in Gujing Village]

【027-Jinghe Ancient Road Empty Coffin Incident】

[001-The mystery of the missing archaeological team of Shang and Zhou tombs]

Each numbered event is followed by a large number of records and photos, as well as annotations by Wei Sixian.

It can be seen that Wei Sixian is a hard-working and diligent person who dares to explore.

It's a pity that what he studied falls into the category of feudal superstition.

Wei Sixian's mother was a member of the Shang and Zhou archaeological team. She was not allowed to leave the tomb because she was pregnant, and she became the only surviving member of the team.

But she still couldn't escape the call of death when she gave birth.

Opening the folder numbered 001, Juanxiu's beautiful small words attracted Si Qingyan's attention.

"The Shang Dynasty advocated sacrifice very much. We have unearthed a large number of bones, altars and bone fragments from the Yin Ruins."

"Pregnancy prevented me from going to the grave with my teammates in person, but they gave me the bone fragments to sort."

"He understands my passion for work and is very supportive. My colleagues all envy me for having a considerate husband."

"Sometimes I wonder why two people with completely different careers, interests and identities fell in love, but we got married. Maybe it was fate that brought us together."

"From the bone fragments, we confirmed the relevant records of the Shang Dynasty from other dynasties. It was indeed a bloody and barbaric era..."

"Are there really ghosts and gods in the world? This is ridiculous. Why did King Shang want to build altars to resist the curse, or to please the gods? What's the point?"

"Compared with historical data, after each sacrifice, the Shang Dynasty army achieved victory. Is this because the time is too long and the records of those defeats are omitted?"

"Not only animal sacrifices were used during the sacrifices, but also a large number of human sacrifices."

"Most of the people chosen as sacrifices are foreign prisoners of war and slaves."

"The sacrifices were very cruel and bloody, reflecting the ignorance of the rulers when productivity was backward, and further showed that in the primitive farming period, the value of human resources was low..."

"He said he liked my long hair and I resisted the urge to cut it short even though it hindered my work."

"He said that long hair has a fragrance, a special fragrance that makes him dream. The strange thing is that it doesn't make me feel sweet, but makes my spine shiver."

"The tomb passage collapsed. Colleagues were left inside."

"I was sad and worried about surviving. I dreamed about my teammates. They all looked at me and stretched out their hands to me. Those hands were getting closer and closer to me..."

"When I woke up breathless, I saw hair wrapped tightly around my neck, like a black snake. It scared me... it was alive."

"Maybe I have a mental problem. But I am pregnant with a child and I dare not take psychotropic drugs."

"I asked to cut my hair, but he didn't agree. We even had a big fight because of it."

"He wouldn't let me go out, maybe for the sake of my health. While he was sleeping, I smiled and cut my hair short with scissors..."

"I'm crying in the mirror, with long hair reaching my waist, looking pitiful."

"I obviously cut them all off, why are they still there? I heard them wailing, begging, and cursing me."

"I was getting sicker and sicker, maybe paranoid. I saw him with another version of me with long hair. Another me in the world? A twin sister who appeared out of nowhere? Or maybe I was schizophrenic, I don’t know if I should give birth to this child... Maybe he will inherit my disease, but the child will move, and I cannot decide his life or death lightly.”

The file is broken here, and all the subsequent content is missing.

Judging from the charred marks, it should have been burned to ashes.

Under the last page is a transparent dust bag, which contains a lock of long black hair and a photo of Wei Sixian's mother.

It was a tall woman with a cold expression.

She has long hair that reaches her waist, and has a great temperament, and her long black and smooth hair is a plus.

She doesn't look like an archaeologist, but more like an ancient lady stepping out of a painting.

Si Qingyan held the hair in her hands and leaned closer to smell it.

A cool and ancient aroma penetrates the soul, as if traveling through a long period of time, from which many shadows of the old dynasty can be glimpsed.

The woman's sighs were filled with sorrow and lingering love. She frowned and looked back at the end of time, her eyes filled with emotion and her pulse was silent.


Si Qingyan lowered her head again, and the black hair in her hand had been ignited by the blood flames and turned into a wisp of ashes.


Sharp, harsh, and extremely vicious screams came from all directions.

It quickly dissipated without a trace.

The previous spells cannot be used, and can only be burned with blood flames. This made Si Qingyan a little frustrated. If he could use magic skills, he might be able to refine that strand of hair into something useful, such as a wig. Tombs of the Shang and Zhou dynasties... If you have a chance, you can go there and take a look. You might be able to find more long hair. Now, let’s think about attending the ceremony tomorrow night.

The sect that Wei Sixian joined is called Dark Night, which has a chubby taste. In this country, those who establish wild sects will be arrested and given ideological and moral education. Therefore, those people only dare to act in the dark. They first established a mysterious event research club to attract interested members, and then slowly converted the members into followers of the Dark Night Sect.

Wei Sixian had no time or interest in doing this kind of thing. He simply wrote a little about the sect in his notebook, so that Si Qingyan would not be completely in the dark. Wei Sixian did not write down the method to open the door to the underworld, but the people of the Dark Night Sect should know it.

Wei Sixian is good at enlightening depressed believers, and often spends money to give people in the sect extra meals. Every time he appears, he wears a mysterious, high-end, atmospheric and upscale black and white mask on his face, and is honored as the Mysterious Bishop.

Although Wei Sixian seems to have a high status, he is not a core member of the sect. He only needs to give money or participate in activities, and he doesn't care about anything else.

A sect with less than a thousand people has more than a dozen bishops, as well as the Council of Elders, the Son of God, the Leader, etc., with strict hierarchy and strict rules.

Si Qingyan was confused by this. Even though he has a superficial and vague understanding of this world, Si Qingyan is not so powerful that he can recognize people's names. At the ceremony tomorrow night, he can only speak human words to people and ghost words to ghosts, and take it one step at a time.

The knife wound on the chest is still there and will not heal. Vigorous exercise may cause bleeding. Si Qingyan found a wide transparent tape, but felt that sticking it directly on the wound was not very waterproof. After thinking about it, he first put on a few Band-Aids, then put on transparent tape, and sealed the wound tightly before lying down with peace of mind.

Although corpses don't need to sleep, Si Qingyan, who hasn't had a good rest for too long, feels that he can sleep until the end of time.

Close your eyes, and the surroundings are silent, leaving only the sound of water leaking.

Tick, tick, drip...

It's quite rhythmic.

Tick, tick, tick, tick...

The rhythm gradually becomes stronger.

What is knocking on the water pipe?

Si Qingyan silently climbed up from the bed and groped into the bathroom.

The sound of dripping water stopped abruptly.

The bathroom was empty.

Si Qingyan turned around and sat back on the bed. The bathroom was quiet for a while.

Could it be a mouse?

Si Qingyan closed his eyes again, and the sound of dripping water sounded again.

Didi, didi, didi, didi~

In addition to the sound of dripping water, there was also the sound of the sewer pipe being knocked.

The sound was from the inside to the outside.

Si Qingyan did not act rashly this time.

It was not until the sound rose and fell, like a large symphony orchestra, and reached its climax that she quietly lurked outside the bathroom.

The things inside were very involved...

Si Qingyan suddenly pushed the door open.

The pale-faced man holding the water pipe suddenly screamed and fled into the sewer pipe.

Si Qingyan didn't want to go in to catch ghosts, and she was not in the mood to sleep, so she began to look through Wei Sixian's files.

【031-Music in the sewer】

"Origin: A01"

"There is a rumor about dormitory building A01 in the forum that music can occasionally be heard from the sewer after turning off the lights at midnight."

"It sounds like someone is knocking on the sewer pipe."

"Many people have heard this sound, but they can't record it with electronic equipment. Even if the school has surveillance cameras, they still can't find the prankster. After many people reported it, the school investigated the matter and finally concluded that the sound of water drops was caused by the aging of the sewer, and the sense of rhythm was caused by students wearing headphones for a long time before going to bed. I had hallucinations."

A01 is the first building built in the old campus of the school. It is very old. After the school had better dormitory buildings, A01 was vacated and rented to students who need to live alone or together. Because A01 was built a long time ago, the electrical equipment is aging, and there is no solar water heater. The rent is not expensive, which is much more cost-effective than living in a small hotel.

Wei Sixian's room has been renovated, and the electrical appliances and furniture are all brand new. The living environment is very good.

The only disadvantage is that the light is not very good, and the room is always cold.

The previous tenant also mentioned this problem to the famous Wei Sixian, saying that the knocking sound of "The Most Dazzling National Style" came from the sewer.

Wei Sixian did not believe it, but he wrote it down in the file numbered 031 for the purpose of collecting information.

He even posted a list of songs played in the sewer in the appendix of the file.

In addition to "The Most Dazzling National Style", there are "The Temptation of Wolves", "Chrysanthemum Terrace", "Guest Can't", "Qingming Rain", "Little Conch Trumpet", etc.

These are all information collected by Wei Sixian from forums, communities, forums and other platforms, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Si Qingyan has never heard of those songs.

With the mentality of exploring the unknown, Si Qingyan turned on the computer, put on headphones, and started to listen. Even though Wei Sixian is the only one living in this building, Si Qingyan also plugged in headphones. He is now like a child who has been detained for a long time and was suddenly released. There are toys all around him, and he wants to touch and play with everything.

Si Qingyan has heard the gorgeous and solemn female fairies playing the piano and singing at the fairy banquet, the sweet singing of the flower fairies under the moon to please their lovers, and the charming singing of the sirens in the turbulent waves of the dark night...

"I really want to sing love songs and watch the most beautiful fireworks~"

"Wandering in the city, my heart trembles for love~"


This kind of passionate and cheerful songs with different styles is the first time I have heard them. Si Qingyan listened to all the songs in the playlist and finally confirmed that the rhythm he heard was "Guest Can't" at the beginning, and then "The Most Dazzling National Style".

The former is a song from 2010, and the latter is a song from 2009.

It has been seven or eight years since then.

The computer does not have a lock screen password set, so Si Qingyan can barely use it. Even with voice input, it is still quite difficult to input.

There are so many keys on the computer keyboard...

When should I start learning pinyin? Watch some early childhood education videos?


(This story is purely fictional, do not substitute it for real history)

I am very happy to see the comments of the babies, and I feel very happy!

Thank you for the mines, my dears, I love you =3=

Brother Taozi threw 1 mine at 2018-09-12 11:58:39

Qingzhu threw 1 mine at 2018-12-26 00:07:57

Chibi Maruko-chan threw 1 mine at 2018-12-26 12:17:48

Chibi Maruko-chan threw 1 mine at 2018-12-26 12:17:55

Little Crab threw 1 mine at 2018-12-26 23:05:02

Ci Ruoshui threw 1 mine at 2018-12-27 00:57:52

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