Taoist world

Chapter 1089: Coming seeking revenge

In the sky above the mountains, which is the largest area in the entire Daogu world, there are ten completely transparent independent spaces like bubbles suspended, one large and nine small.

Standing on the ground and looking up, you can clearly see the green mountains and green waters in these ten spaces, full of spiritual energy, and even pavilions and pavilions located among them.

This is where the mountain gate of Yaoshen Sect is located!

Yaoshen Sect, because of its large number of disciples, is divided into main sect and branch sect.

The largest space located in the middle is where the main sect of the Medicine God Sect is located.


The nine slightly smaller spaces surrounding Yao are the branches of Yaoshen Sect.

Not only do the nine branch sects each have an independent space, but their positions among each other are clearly combined into some kind of formation to firmly protect the main sect of Yaoshen Sect.

Yaoshen Sect, this behemoth in the Taoist world, although its mountain gate is also in another dimension, it is not hidden, but is clearly displayed in front of everyone in such a unique way.

Even, anyone is allowed to come and observe.

From this point, it can be seen that the Yaoshen Sect is powerful and indifferent, and has no worries about anyone attacking it.

This is indeed the case!

Although in the countless years since the establishment of Yaoshen Sect, many sect families or individual monks have come to Yaoshen Sect to seek revenge and challenge, but to this day, Yaoshen Sect is still standing and getting stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Yaoshen Sect welcomed another person seeking revenge!

Snowflakes were floating in the sky again. Jiang Yun stood on the top of the mountains, letting the snowflakes fall on him. Looking at the ten huge spaces in the sky, the murderous aura in his eyes had almost condensed. has become a reality.

From the time he embarked on the path of spiritual practice to today, Jiang Yun has gone through more than forty years. During this period, he has met countless women, and many of them have feelings for him.

However, Jiang Yun never cared about or was tempted by these women and turned a blind eye.

Because there is always a woman in his heart.

This woman is Xue Qing!

When he first met Xue Qing, he was just an ignorant young man who had no idea what the relationship between a man and a woman was.

Even during the time he spent with Xue Qing, he didn't experience the kind of love between a man and a woman.

It wasn't until the two of them parted that he understood Xue Qing's thoughts and understood that among the many emotions in the world, there was one kind of emotion called the love between men and women!

He didn't know when he started to have such feelings for Xue Qing, but he could clearly remember every bit of what happened between him and Xue Qing.

For example, the snow cliff where he and Xue Qing first met.

He even turned the snow cliff into one of his blessed places and hid it in his Dantian forever.

Back then, when he was bidding farewell to the Xue Clan and watching Xue Qing's figure disappear from his eyes, he once said something——

Today's farewell is for the next meeting, so parting is not bitter!

Yes, separation is not bitter!

Over the years, although Jiang Yun has always been busy, he seems to be so busy that he has no time to think about anyone or anything.

But in fact, whenever he saw snow or a sunny day, Xue Qing's figure would appear in his heart inadvertently.

Occasionally when he has free time, he will also think about the whereabouts of the Xue clan, where Xue Qing is, and when he and Xue Qing will meet again.

Maybe the two of them would never see each other again, but this kind of longing gave him a sustenance for his inner feelings.

In this ancient world, although he finally learned the news about Xue Qing, whom he had been worrying about for a long time, the news was so cruel!

Therefore, he knew that he could not compete with Yaoshen Sect now, but when he thought of Xue Qing's experiences over the years, he couldn't even wait for a quarter of an hour.

In life, although you know that there are some things you cannot do, you must do it!

Taking a deep breath, the almost boiling murderous aura in Jiang Yun's eyes disappeared in an instant, replaced by his usual calmness.

Having been killed for a long time, he naturally knows that when a war comes, even if his strength is not good, he must at least maintain absolute calm.

Jiang Yun walked slowly towards the ten huge spaces above the sky.

With every step he took, the aura on his body became stronger, and by the time he stood outside those ten huge spaces, his aura of the ninth level of earth protection had been completely released, and his whole person became stronger. It is adjusted to its peak state.

Although the formations are indeed arranged in the nine outer spaces, the formations are not too profound.

And relying on Jiang Yun's attainments in formations and through his observations from below, he has already found out how to break this formation.

Breaking this formation is not difficult!

Jiang Yun stared at the nine outer spaces with cold eyes. In front of them, Jiang Yun was as small as an ant.

It seems impossible to shake them, let alone break the formation formed by them.

However, black lines began to appear on Jiang Yun's body, spreading wildly at an extremely fast speed like an ivy.

In an instant, the diamond demonic patterns had covered his whole body. There were black lines even on his face and eyes, which made him look a little more monstrous at this moment. There is even an aura of dominance and violence.

In fact, Jiang Yun's appearance had been discovered by the Yaoshen Sect disciples long ago, but they didn't take it to heart at all.

After all, almost every moment of every day, people come to observe his Divine Medicine Sect.

Even when Jiang Yun appeared ten spaces away, they still didn't pay attention.

But now, looking at the diamond demon patterns all over Jiang Yun's body, they can feel the domineering and violent aura emanating from Jiang Yun's body, even if they are in different dimensions.

At this moment, they finally realized that Jiang Yun was coming with bad intentions!

However, apart from being shocked, they had no other reaction, and they did not even notify the experts within the sect.

Because they had also witnessed many people who came to Yaoshen Sect to seek revenge and challenge.

Among the various techniques displayed by those people, there were also some that were powerful and powerful.

However, the vast majority of those people cannot even break into a single space by force, and the few who can break in will eventually be killed by the formation composed of nine spaces, so naturally they will not worry about Jiang Yun.


However, at this moment, they saw with their own eyes that the air around Jiang Yun suddenly shook violently.

And under this shock, a huge figure emerged behind Jiang Yun!

Although the figure was illusory, they could still see it clearly. It was a completely black body, with two horns on its head, and a height of hundreds of thousands of feet - the devil!

King Kong Demon Ancestor!

In the illusion, Jiang Yun obtained the diamond magic pattern. When he covered his body with the magic pattern for the first time, he knew that in addition to making his body stronger, the diamond magic pattern also had a special function--- -Atavism!

The return of the demon clan means that when a person with a demon body attracts the descending statue of the demon ancestor, there is a certain probability that he can borrow the power of the demon ancestor.

Although other demons with demon bodies may not be able to borrow the power of the demon ancestor in their lifetime, for Jiang Yun, it is not too difficult to borrow the power of the demon ancestor.

"Yao Shen Sect, Jiang came here to seek revenge for the Snow Clan!"

Following Jiang Yun's roar, he, together with the hundreds of thousands of feet tall King Kong Demon Ancestor behind him, simultaneously raised their arms and punched nine huge spaces!

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