Taoist world

Chapter 1,206 We meet again

Although Lord Lei Ji's voice sounded almost immediately after Jiang Yun's, Shen Qingyu was already tightly entangled by Fairy Snow at this moment.

Lei Bufan did not obey orders, he was still trying his best to absorb the thunder.

How could Lei Dong alone kill more than 10,000 monks?

"Boom boom boom!"

Therefore, the nine people sent by Dao Zun were unable to resist at all in the overwhelming thunder, and they died tragically in an instant, with not even their bones left.

Lord Lei Ji's eyes boiled with killing, and he couldn't bear it anymore and roared again: "Kill Meng Guan!"

"Boom boom boom!"

At the same time that Lord Lei Ji said these words, a series of huge roaring sounds suddenly erupted from Jiang Yun's body!

Nine sounds in total!

The nine roars were earth-shattering, causing the sea of ​​thunder to roll, causing Leiyuan Mountain to shake crazily, and causing everyone to temporarily stop fighting and turn their attention to Jiang Yun.

Above Jiang Yun's head, nine rolling cloud-like air masses suddenly appeared.

Only a few powerful people, such as Xue Xianzi and Shen Qingyu, could vaguely see figures emerging from the air mass, and there seemed to be images flowing inside.

Unfortunately, before they could see clearly, the air mass had already expanded suddenly, wrapping Jiang Yun's whole body tightly.

And within this package, traces of powerful aura overflowed from the air mass, causing black cracks to appear in the surrounding space!

Even the huge seal condensed by the entire Leiyuan Mountain to suppress the Thunder Mother began to tremble under the influence of this aura.

Just a trace of breath can shatter the space and shake the seal, which makes Lord Lei Ji couldn't help but take a breath.

"What kind of aura is this, and how can it be so powerful? Could it be that those nine auras just now represent nine peerless powerful men?"

"In other words, there are nine peerless powerful men living in Meng Guan's body, and they are all awake at this moment?"

Although Lord Lei Ji felt that the idea he came up with was extremely ridiculous, feeling the increasingly powerful aura emanating from Jiang Yun's body forced him to pay attention.

"No, no matter what is going on, it is obvious that Meng Guan is absorbing these breaths. If he really absorbs them all, I am afraid that even I will not be his opponent!"

"So, now before he fully absorbs it, kill him first!"

Thinking of this, Lord Lei Ji glanced at Di Xinghe and Linglongzi, who were also shocked and dumbfounded, and let them go for the time being. He swayed and appeared directly outside the Baizhang area.

At this moment, in a place where there is no sky, no land, just endless nothingness, a group of people who have stopped moving forward are sitting or lying in the nothingness.

Naturally, they are Jiang Yun's closest relatives in this life, the people of Jiang Village!

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They had given up walking a long time ago and chose to wait where they were in order to conserve their energy.

Although even Jiang Wanli didn't know whether they were waiting for a savior to take them away from this desperate place, or whether they were waiting for their own people to die one after another, but they did not other options.

In fact, they don't even know how long they have been here. Anyway, no one has spoken or moved for a long time. They all seem to have turned into sculptures.

However, at this moment, the cloudy eyes of Jiang Wanli, who had become increasingly older, suddenly lit up, and then, his skinny body could not help but tremble slightly.

Sitting next to Jiang Wanli is a big man, Jiang Mu, the head of Jiang Village!

He was the only one who noticed Jiang Wanli's reaction, and couldn't help but curiously asked via voice transmission: "Uncle Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Wanli was silent for a moment before he said leisurely: "At the beginning, the seal I left on Yun Wazi was slightly broken!"

Hearing these words, Jiang Mu's eyes suddenly lit up and said: "That's a good thing, Uncle Jiang, the one who has the most hope to save us now is Yun Wazi. Since he has broken your seal, then It shows that his strength has grown again.”

Having said this, Jiang Mu chuckled and said: "Uncle Jiang, I remember that before we left the Shanhai Realm, I once asked you if Yunwazi was an innate Taoist body? At that time, you said you were not sure. Can you follow me now? Tell the truth?"

"Yunwazi must be an innate Taoist body. Otherwise, how could you be willing to seal his reincarnation and seal his body?"

Originally, Jiang Mu didn't know that Jiang Wanli had transferred the most precious reincarnation seal of the entire Jiang clan to Jiang Yun. He only gradually found out over the years.

Then Jiang Yun must be the innate Taoist body. Otherwise, there would be no need for Jiang Wanli to use the reincarnation seal.

After all, when he thought about it, if an innate Taoist appeared in such a place in the world of mountains and seas, the biggest possibility would not be how much attention he would receive, but that he would be taken away from him or even killed.

That's why Jiang Wanli had to seal Jiang Yun's body with a reincarnation seal to prevent anyone from noticing Jiang Yun's innate Tao body, which would be detrimental to Jiang Yun and also give Jiang Yun an extra layer of protection.

However, Jiang Wanli was silent for another moment, frowned slightly and said, "I'm not lying to you. I really don't know if Yunwazi is an innate Taoist body, but I can feel that his body is stronger than the innate Taoist body." What’s even more terrifying is that once his body awakens, it is likely to cause a huge disaster!”

"That's why I sealed his body with the reincarnation seal!"

Jiang Mu's mouth opened wide, and he said with disbelief: "Is it more terrifying than the innate Tao body?"

"Uncle Jiang, in this world, the most powerful body is the innate Tao body. How can there be a body more terrifying than the innate Tao body?"

"Yes!" However, Jiang Wanli once again gave Jiang Mu an unexpected answer: "There is another kind of body that is even more terrifying than the innate Tao body."

"What kind of body is it?"

"Among the demon clan, the number one demon body of annihilation!"

"What!" Jiang Mu couldn't help but exclaimed, and after a long time he continued: "Yunwazi will be the Demonic Body of Nirvana?"

"I don't know either. After all, even among the demon clan, I'm afraid no one has really seen the Demonic Nirvana Body, let alone the innate Demonic Nirvana Body!"

"Then, if Yunwazi breaks the reincarnation seal, what will be the consequences if he is really the Demonic Body of Nirvana?"

This time, Jiang Wanli remained silent for a longer time. Just when Jiang Mu thought Jiang Wanli would definitely not answer this question, he softly uttered two words: "Si, Mie!"

The consequence of the emergence of the demonic body of annihilation is annihilation!

Jiang Mu shivered inexplicably. Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to ask Jiang Yun about his true life experience, but at this moment, he closed his mouth and did not dare to continue asking.

Only Jiang Wanli still raised his head, the light in his eyes had disappeared and returned to a turbid state, staring at the endless nothingness, not knowing what he was thinking.


At the same time that Lord Lei Ji appeared, the air mass on Jiang Yun's body suddenly shrank rapidly, and all of it poured into Jiang Yun's body in an instant, revealing Jiang Yun's figure.

At this moment, Jiang Yun is no longer the image of Meng Guan, but has restored his original appearance!

"Jiang Yun!"

Lei Bufan suddenly opened his mouth wide and shouted Jiang Yun's name!

At this moment, except for a few ancient demon clans, everyone else, even those monks from Lei Jitian who had become the slaves of Thunder, were all stunned!

They would never have thought that this crazy cultivator Meng Guan was actually Jiang Yun, who was being chased by Lei Jiling and killed Lei Jitian, who was so frightened!

Looking at Lord Lei Ji who was very close at hand, Jiang Yun slowly said: "Thunderstorm, we meet again!"

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