Taoist world

Chapter 1,224 Reborn

In Jiang Yun's voice, the seven desolate patterns were instantly submerged into the hundred-foot vortex.

Immediately, a loud "rumbling" sound was heard coming from the whirlpool. The hundred-foot whirlpool suddenly began to expand crazily, and in the blink of an eye it grew to the size of a thousand feet.

Everyone watching this scene was stunned again.

Because the size of the vortex summoned when entering the Blessed Realm is basically fixed. I have never heard of anyone being able to change the area of ​​the vortex.

But the seven strange lines flying out of Jiang Yun's eyebrows could actually change the area of ​​the vortex, which was really unbelievable to them.

And this is just the beginning!

Immediately afterwards, the diamond demon pattern on Jiang Yun's body that had not disappeared also left his body and rushed towards the whirlpool that was already a thousand feet in size.

"With the power of my demon clan, open the sky of this world!"


As the diamond pattern submerged into the vortex, the area of ​​​​the vortex began to expand again. This time, it expanded to a size of 100,000 feet!

E...The latest chapter (Z Section M Part 1'

"With the reincarnation power of my Jiang clan, I can open the sky of this world!"

The power of Jiang Clan's spiritual master's ninth generation cultivation, which had not yet completely dissipated, also rushed into the vortex under Jiang Yun's finger!

And then, Jiang Yun's body began to have powerful forces leaving his body one after another, and rushed into the vortex one after another.

The Ji Clan’s power to sacrifice to the sky, the Soul Clan’s power of soul patterns, the Samsara Clan’s power of reincarnation, the Hun Chaos Clan’s power of chaos, the Xiao Clan’s power to rob the sky…

A total of eight races!

When the power of each clan submerges into the whirlpool, it will expand the whirlpool at least ten times, or even a hundred or a thousand times from its original area!

Therefore, when the power of the eight tribes was completely submerged in the whirlpool, the whirlpool that was initially no more than a hundred feet in size suddenly became boundless, covering the entire huge gap where Lei Jitian was located.

Above all worlds!

Looking at it, this whirlpool is like a vast sky, replacing Lei Jitian's original dark nothingness.

As the area of ​​​​the vortex was finally finalized, all the creatures in Lei Jitian, from the powerful ones like Dao Er Lei Bao and others to the plants and insects without intelligence, could all feel that their hearts were uncontrollable. There was a deep sense of awe.

It gave them the feeling that the heaven of the world that Jiang Yun used to gain shelter had also become their heaven at this moment!

Facing this sky, they are as insignificant as ants.

Previously, they were still laughing at the world where Jiang Yun sought refuge. It was really nothing unusual, but now they finally understood that their idea was completely wrong.

This sky is definitely not the sky of the ordinary world, but the sky of a world beyond their knowledge and imagination!

And through the vast and endless whirlpool, everyone can see that it is colorful, with a total of nine colors of light shining.

Especially in the deepest part of the whirlpool, several huge black shadows can be vaguely seen suspended.

It's a pity that no matter how hard everyone uses their eyesight, they can't see clearly what the black shadow is.

However, they no longer need to care about what is inside the whirlpool.

Because as the area of ​​the whirlpool expanded to its current level, Jiang Yun also urged his nine blessed places, together with the nine Taoist spirits, to rush towards the whirlpool!


There was almost no obstacle. Jiang Yun's blessed land and the Dao spirit were easily submerged into the whirlpool amidst the loud noise that shook the sky.

At this moment, time seems to have stopped!

Everyone who could see this scene with their own eyes, whether they were descendants of the Nine Clans or Lei Jitian's monks, couldn't help but hold their breath.

Just a moment later, the vortex suddenly began to spin rapidly.

The nine-color light within it also surged wildly under this rotation, until it passed through the vortex, fell into Lei Jitian, and enveloped Jiang Yun's body.

Along with the appearance of the nine-color light, there was also a terrifying pressure that also emanated from the whirlpool, filling the entire Lei Jitian and covering all Lei Jitian's creatures.

It even covered the bodies of the Nine Tribes!

Under this pressure, the bodies of all the creatures in Lei Jitian immediately began to tremble uncontrollably. Even those as powerful as Dao Er, Lei Bao and others could not control the trembling of their bodies.

God’s power!

The same two words appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

This is the true power of God!

Facing Tianwei, their bodies couldn't help but want to kneel down and worship.

Although they were all trying their best to resist, this power of heaven was simply too powerful, to the point where most of them would not be able to compete.


Finally, someone's knees softened and he knelt down straight.

After the first person knelt down, more people followed suit and knelt down one after another.

Within a few breaths, almost all the creatures in the entire Lei Jitian, whether in the countless worlds or in the gaps between the worlds, had knelt on the ground.

And the direction they knelt down was Jiang Yun!

Apart from Jiang Yun, there are only two people still standing in Lei Jitian today, Dao Er and Lei Bao!

Outside Dao Er's body, a black ax shadow appeared at some point, naturally originating from the black ax in his hand.

With the protection of this black ax shadow, he was finally prevented from kneeling down towards Jiang Yun, but even so, the shock in his heart had reached its extreme.

Because he could clearly feel that the ax that was refined by his master was trembling slightly, and it was obviously extremely difficult to hold on.

If this power of God lasts a little longer, the ax will even collapse.

And when that time comes, he, the disciple of the lofty Taoist Master, will also kneel down in front of Jiang Yun like everyone else!

As for the thunderstorm, the mark made of nine Yuan Lei intertwined on his eyebrows has emitted golden light, turned into nine Yuan Lei again, and surrounded his body. This allowed him to resist for the time being. God's power.

Jiang Yun was expressionless, watching everything calmly.

Because this coercion is the power of God to others, but to him it is the power of protection and the power of creation.

Under this pressure, Jiang Yun's body was undergoing baptism!

His muscles, bones, and meridians all became stronger and tougher under this pressure. Even all the injuries he had suffered before began to heal rapidly under this pressure.

Drops of turbid black liquid slowly seeped out of his pores, which were impurities absorbed by his body during the cultivation process.

His vitality, and even his soul, are constantly growing!

Today, Jiang Yun is reborn!

"Buzz buzz!"

There was another violent shocking sound, and at Jiang Yun's feet, there were earths emerging one after another, a total of nine earths.

These are the nine lands that were condensed at once when Jiang Yun broke through the Earth Protector Realm!

After the nine earths appeared, they slowly merged together until they finally formed a vast and vast earth, and like a whirlpool, it carried the entire Lei Jitian.

The emergence of heaven and earth made this huge Lei Jitian seem to have become a complete world on one side, and a world that only belonged to Jiang Yun on the other.

Jiang Yun was in the center of the world, with the sky above his head and the earth beneath his feet. His cold gaze passed over all living creatures and shot directly at Lei Bao.

"Thunderstorm, now you and I can put an end to this completely!"

As Jiang Yun's voice sounded, the power of heaven that enveloped Lei Ba suddenly dissipated!

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