Taoist world

Chapter 1,253 The Five Elements Transform into Tao

Ever since he recognized Jiang Yun, Guan Zhifei has been in a state of fear.

Although the voices of his father and Jiang Yun almost at the same time made him finally wake up, looking at Kong Wushang in front of him, there was still a trace of lingering fear in his heart!

In the eyes of outsiders, Guan Zhifei is also extremely talented and has an unlimited future, but no one knows that the fundamental reason why he practices so hard is because of Kong Wushang!

At that time, he was very jealous of the emergence of Kong Wushang and the praise everyone gave him when they mentioned him, so he secretly went to see Kong Wushang for a competition without anyone knowing.

And that competition was simply a nightmare for him!

Kong Wushang completely defeated him with just one move!

From then on, although he began to practice hard and take advantage of various opportunities to improve his strength, Kong Wushang has become a big mountain weighing on his head.

Originally, this mountain had collapsed, but now, this mountain has come back again.

In fact, he had a strong intuition that this mountain was even bigger and heavier than before!

Therefore, let alone killing Kong Wushang at all costs, I am afraid that just like Kong Wushang just said, I don't even have the courage to take action.

"I'm asking you, do you still want me to make the first move now?"

At this moment, Jiang Yun's calm voice sounded again, and a trace of cruelty finally flashed in Guan Zhifei's eyes.

Although he was afraid of Kong Wushang, at this point, he had no way out.

Either run or fight!

If he escapes without a fight, both he and the Guan family will become the laughing stock of others forever!

Therefore, Guan Zhifei mustered up all his courage and suddenly reached out and slapped the earth.

After knowing that the person standing in front of him was Kong Wushang, how dare he let the other party take the first move.

Because he is worried that the original situation will happen again. Once the other party takes action first, he may not have a chance to take action.


Following Guan Zhifei's palm strike, a huge roar suddenly erupted from the ground.

The ground within a hundred feet radius seemed to have turned into water, undulating wildly and violently.

{mw original $$ first edition? e-issued)

Obviously, Guan Zhifei used all his strength without hesitation in his first palm.

The powerful momentum generated by this palm also made the onlookers nod secretly.

Although Guan Zhifei does not have the incredible qualifications of Kong Wushang, he can still be regarded as a leader among the younger generation.

His strength is far beyond that of the same level.

Naturally, this also made everyone look forward to it even more, whether Kong Wushang can bring some surprises to everyone.

Although Kong Wushang was indeed famous back then, and his qualifications and strength were unmatched by Guan Zhifei's, but after so many years, no one knows how much Kong Wushang's strength has improved.

Perhaps, he might not be Guan Zhifei's opponent now!

At this time, not to mention the ordinary members of the Guan and Kong families, even Kong Xuehai couldn't help but feel anxious again.

Although he believed in Jiang Yun's strength, he had never seen Jiang Yun actually take action, so he was inevitably a little worried at the moment.

Only Kong Benchu ​​and Kong Meng looked calm.

Facing Guan Zhifei's full blow, Jiang Yun raised his hands and said softly: "Metal, wood, water, fire, earth!"

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, he saw five strands of spiritual energy swarming out of his body, condensing into a golden sword, a blue ocean, and a black earth at an extremely fast speed. , a big green tree and a ball of red flames!

Five elements!

Looking at these five five elements that were transformed by spiritual energy but were as lifelike as real things surrounding Jiang Yun, everyone felt that their breathing had stopped!

Controlling the power of the five elements at the same time can be said to be the extravagant dream of most monks.

But those who can do this are truly rare, not one in a billion!

Even within the Five Elements Taoist Sect, which claims to be proficient in the Five Elements, there are no more than three people who can control the power of the Five Elements at the same time.

However, now, Kong Wushang, who had disappeared for decades, has once again demonstrated his powerful talent and strength as a fellow practitioner of the Five Elements after his return.

The last doubt in Zong Bai's heart disappeared with the simultaneous appearance of these five elements.

At this point, he finally believed that the Kong Wushang in front of him was really his disciple Kong Wushang!

And this also caused a subtle and weird smile to appear on his face.

Although Kong Xuehai and others already know that Jiang Yun is also a fellow practitioner of the Five Elements, when Jiang Yun showed it before, he only used some tricks, but now he has truly demonstrated his attainments in the Five Elements, so they finally feel relieved. Come.

Such strength should be enough to defeat Guan Zhifei!

Everyone in the Kong family couldn't help but want to cheer loudly, and some even had tears in their eyes!

Everyone was either shocked or excited, but the faces of Guan family members were extremely gloomy.

Especially Guan Zhifei's face couldn't help but show a look of panic again, and the courage he had just mustered up instantly collapsed with the appearance of these five elements.

Because back then, he was defeated by Kong Wushang's move!

Now, after decades, Kong Wushang used this move again, and it was hundreds of times more powerful than before!

At this time, Jiang Yun softly uttered four words: "Five elements transform into Tao!"

The five five elements objects seemed to have their own consciousness, connected end to end, forming a huge circular wheel above the heads of Jiang Yun and Guan Zhifei, constantly rotating.

Although Jiang Yun rarely uses the power of the Five Elements, his Five Elements Cave Heaven was conceived with the help of five Tao demons and has experienced the test of Tao tribulation.

Therefore, although this move of Five Elements Transformation was only the first time he had used it, in terms of its power, even the real Kong Wushang would be amazed at its power.

The appearance of this wheel changed the expressions of everyone present once again.

Especially Guan Zhifei, who was under the wheel, could clearly feel a terrifying force, like a mountain, pressing heavily on his body, making him unable to move at all.

Moreover, this force will continue to become stronger with each rotation of the wheel.

After five rounds, Guan Zhifei's body had turned into a leaf on a winter branch, shivering.

After ten rounds, Guan Zhifei suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood. Finally he could no longer keep his body standing and fell to the ground.

The Five Elements Wheel also stopped spinning. Jiang Yun looked down at Guan Zhifei who was sitting on the ground calmly and said, "Do you still need to continue?"

Guan Zhifei couldn't even speak. His injuries were not serious, but the fear in his heart had reached its extreme.

The scene that happened many years ago was repeated again today, and he finally realized the horror of Kong Wushang's mountain.

No matter how hard I try, I will never be able to cross this mountain.

By this time, everyone was gradually waking up from the shock, and everyone knew very well that Guan Zhifei had lost!

Moreover, he lost miserably!

He couldn't even take one of Kong Wushang's moves!

Jiang Yun clearly wanted to be merciful, otherwise, as long as the Five Elements Wheel spins a few more times, it would probably kill Guan Zhifei!

But at this moment, an earth-shattering thunder sound suddenly came from the sky!

But amid the thunder, Guan Zhifei, who originally had a look of despair on his face, calmed down!

From his body sitting on the ground, a much stronger aura surged out than before, causing the earth to shake more violently and even collapse!

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