Taoist world

Chapter 1,717 The Power of Faith

Whether it was the Moon Lord, the priest, or even Lord Yue Ling, his face showed a look of extreme shock, and his scalp was numb.

They never thought that Jiang Yun would do such an unbelievable and barbaric act.

In their eyes, Jiang Yun, together with the humanoid life fire that was thousands of feet high, was no longer a human being, but turned into a complete beast!

A beast that has lost its humanity and only wants to survive!

The kind of animal nature hidden in the soul of every living creature, originating from instinct, finally burst out from Jiang Yun's soul at this moment!


Jiang Yun's humanoid life fire actually bit off a small part of Lord Yue Ling's head.

Although there was no blood splattering and no flesh and blood flying around, the look still made everyone's hearts tremble!

This bite finally brought Master Yue Ling back to his senses.

The face that was as bright as the moon showed an angry look, and he suddenly opened his hand and grabbed Jiang Yun's body!

A large amount of Moon Spirit Fire swarmed out of her palm, wrapping Jiang Yun's body as well as Yue Ruhuo's body.

The Moon Spirit Fire was originally colorless, but at this moment, it gradually took on a milky white color.

It is conceivable that the amount of Moon Spirit Fire that now envelopes Jiang Yun is huge!

"If you want to swallow me, then I will burn you to death first!"

A sharp voice finally sounded in Jiang Yun's head, and the voice was full of anger and frustration!

Naturally, this voice comes from Master Yueling!

By this time, with Jiang Yun's intelligence, he had naturally guessed the weirdness of the Yueling clan and the origin of Master Yueling.

The other party is indeed a demon!

It was originally just a ball of fire coming from the battlefield outside the territory.

And the reason why it became a demon was not because it became spiritual by chance, but because the entire Yueling tribe had worshiped and enshrined it for generations!

This kind of worship and worship, although invisible and intangible, also contains a kind of power!

It's a bit like when Jiang Yun saw Jiang Ying's "loyalty", including Jiang Ying and all the black shadows, they would send an invisible power into Jiang Yun's body. , thus making Jiang Yun's strength slightly improved.

Jiang Ying and those shadows had the same attitude towards Jiang Yun as the Moon Spirit clansmen towards the Moon Spirit fire.

And this power, called the power of faith, comes from the belief of countless members of the Moon Spirit Clan in this flame!

Being surrounded by the power of the Moon Spirit Clan's faith all the time, filling the body, over time, this ball of Moon Spirit fire gradually gave birth to spirituality!

With spirituality, the next goal for it is naturally to desire to become a human being!

If it, like Jiang Ying, could meet Jiang Yun at that time, then its goal may be achieved quickly, but unfortunately, it does not have Jiang Ying's luck.

However, it also has its own method, which is to continue to rely on the power of the Yueling tribe's belief in it.

To this end, it not only quietly added some of its own spirituality to the Moon Spirit Fire bestowed upon the Moon Spirit Tribe, but also relied on the Moon Spirit Tribe’s ever-improving cultivation, as well as feeding back their respective Moon Spirit Powers. The process of returning fire to it finally makes it possess more and more spirituality and becomes stronger and stronger.

This is also the reason why, when Jiang Yun faced the Yueling clan members attacking with Moon Spirit fire, he felt that there was a trace of spirituality in their attacks.

In addition, it made the Moon Spirit Clan's priests aware of its existence, making the priests its most loyal believers, helping it achieve its goals faster.

In short, this ball of moon spirit fire finally successfully evolved into a demon in this way!

Now, it is aware of the Moon Spirit Fire that exists in Jiang Yun's body, which can also be regarded as its origin for it, and it eagerly wants to devour it to make itself stronger!

However, before that, it must kill Jiang Yun first!

I have to say that its strength, or in other words, its life form, is much higher than the original Huo Yanghui.

Therefore, at this moment, with all the efforts, the high temperature emitted by its flames has caused the buildings in the Yueling Tribe to begin to burn, causing those with weaker cultivation levels to directly turn into nothingness, and the entire building has been destroyed. The mountains actually began to melt gradually!

Even the invisible shield formed by the moon spirit fire surrounding the mountain range burned like paper until it collapsed!

"Bang bang bang!"

As this protective shield disappeared, the sound of explosions came one after another from the entire mountain range.

I saw figures soaring into the sky from the inside of the mountain and from the inside of some buildings.

In just an instant, the Tianshang Mountain was densely packed with countless figures, tens of thousands in number.

These figures are all members of the Yueling tribe.

However, they belonged to the Yueling tribe who supported Yue Zun. When the priest and the clan elders launched a rebellion, they were temporarily imprisoned.

What imprisoned and suppressed them was also the shield formed by the fire of the moon spirit.

Previously, the reason why Yue Sheng was able to spread a word was because Jiang Yun cracked the Moon Spirit Fire at that time.

But now, with the complete disappearance of this shield, the power that suppressed them has also disappeared.

In addition, other members of the Moon Spirit tribe had already sacrificed the Moon Spirit fire in their bodies, and they all became unconscious, so they finally escaped from the trap.

However, looking at his own home that was almost beyond recognition before him, looking at Jiang Yun’s humanoid life fire and illusory woman who were in a stalemate, as well as his tens of thousands of people who were unconscious or even burned to death. The tribesmen, they were all stunned.

They didn't know exactly what happened, so they were completely confused and didn't know what to do for a while.

Fortunately, a pale young man came out, took a look at Jiang Yun's human form Life Fire, and said weakly: "No matter what, save our tribe first!"

This young man is naturally Yuesheng!

Just now he was punished a lot for reminding Jiang Yun, and now he is the only one who can roughly guess what happened.

However, compared to all other things, saving his unconscious tribesmen is naturally more important.

Although these clansmen betrayed their clan leader, they were still members of the Yueling clan no matter what.

Even many of them did not betray willingly, but were forced by the clan elders and priests.

But now that he saw them facing a life-and-death situation, even if he was dissatisfied, Yuesheng felt that he should save them first.

With Yuesheng's words, many Yueling clan members suddenly came to their senses, rushed towards the unconscious clan members, and then flew out of the mountains.

Among the four-petaled flowers, Yue Zun, who saw this scene, gradually showed a hint of relief on his already desperate face.

Because the performance of my tribesmen did not let me down!

Otherwise, even if he could escape this time and quell the rebellion, more than half of his clan members would probably die.

At that time, the Yueling Tribe will really be severely damaged.

As for the sacrifice, she didn't notice the situation in the Yueling clan at all. Her attention was completely focused on Master Yueling and Jiang Yun.

Looking at the sacrifice, a ray of light flashed in Yuezun's eyes, and he closed his eyes quietly, and the bright moon mark between his eyebrows began to rotate quietly!

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