Taoist world

Chapter 2308: Trapped in Reincarnation

"What reincarnation, what reincarnation?"

Hearing Jiang Yun's sudden voice, the relief in Patriarch Tianze's heart suddenly disappeared.

And the ominous feeling that had just disappeared rose again, permeating his whole body, causing him to quickly turn his head and look around and say: "Jiang Yun, where are you hiding!"

"I am here!"

Jiang Yun's figure appeared directly in front of Ancestor Tianze.

However, there is not one, but nearly a hundred!

The bodies of each of these nearly a hundred Jiang Yuns are extremely tall, standing tall and tall, and are almost the same size as Patriarch Tianze.

Although it seemed that each of them had Jiang Yun's outline, their appearances were slightly different.

Some Jiang Yun looks young, some Jiang Yun looks old, and some Jiang Yun looks immature.

Apart from their looks, their temperaments and the clothes they wore were completely different!


Looking at these nearly a hundred Jiang Yun, the first thought that came to Ancestor Tianze's mind was that these were all Jiang Yun's clones.

The next moment, a strange smile appeared on every Jiang Yun's face, and they all rose into the air, turning into golden rays of light and shooting towards the forehead of Patriarch Tianze.

Within these rays of light, there is a strange pattern that Ancestor Tianze has never seen before, but it feels somewhat familiar.

Ancestor Tianze naturally wanted to stop these rays of light transformed by Jiang Yun.

But unfortunately, he was unable to stop it at all. He could only watch helplessly as these lights poured into his eyebrows, entered his body, and even came to his soul!

"Get away!"

Although Patriarch Tianze didn't know what the golden light represented or the meaning of the lines in the golden light, he at least knew that he couldn't let the golden light enter his soul under any circumstances.

However, these golden lights were like earthworms, treating his soul as fertile soil and squeezing into his soul one by one.

When a golden light finally successfully squeezed into the soul of Ancestor Tianze, it immediately exploded, making Ancestor Tianze slightly startled.

Because there is an inexplicable memory in his soul, a memory that does not belong to him.

Before Patriarch Tianze could figure out what kind of memory this was, more golden light squeezed into his soul, until all the golden light entered.

"Boom boom boom!"

All those nearly a hundred golden lights exploded, turning into pieces of memory!

Every memory represents one reincarnation and one life’s experience!

At this moment, Ancestor Tianze finally understood that these were Jiang Yun’s memories!

But even if he understood, there was nothing he could do.

Because these memories belonging to Jiang Yun, after entering his soul, were completely integrated with his memories!


The memories of hundreds of lifetimes, plus the tens of millions of years of memories in this lifetime, suddenly filled the mind of Patriarch Tianze, causing him to reach out his hand to cover his head, and let out a cry full of emotion. A shrill scream!

His mind and soul instantly became extremely chaotic.

Sometimes he felt that he had become a scholar, sometimes he felt that he had become a farmer, sometimes he felt that he had become a thief...

"Who am I, who am I? Who am I?"

Just as Patriarch Tianze kept repeating this question, he didn't even notice that the strange runes mixed in the exploding golden light also filled his soul, making his memory , began a journey back in time.

And the reversal of memories affected his body...

Jiang Yun's face was a little pale. Standing in front of Patriarch Tianze's still huge dragon head, staring at Patriarch Tianze's eyes that had become extremely hollow and unfocused, there was a rare look of nervousness on his face. .

And the eyes of the one hundred thousand monks who still couldn't leave this world were about to pop out of their sockets.

The expressions on everyone's faces were shocked to the extreme, and they were unable to describe the feeling in their hearts at this moment, and they could not explain the changes that happened to Ancestor Tianze at this moment.

They clearly saw that Patriarch Tianze's body was rapidly changing from a million feet in size to a hundred thousand feet in size, to ten thousand feet in size, to a thousand feet in size.

In fact, the dragon scales covering his body that emitted a green light began to fall off piece by piece, making his body become pitted.

Some monsters recognized it, and it seemed to be the body of a dragon!

When Patriarch Tianze's body finally stopped changing and was fixed at a size of several hundred feet, the aura emanating from his body suddenly dropped from the original Returning Realm to the Dao Spirit Realm!

"What, what's going on?"

Among the 100,000 monks, some people rubbed their eyes vigorously, wondering if they were blinded.

Even though they witnessed with their own eyes the entire process of Patriarch Tianze's physical changes and cultivation changes, they still couldn't believe it.

Because just now, Patriarch Tianze had wrapped his tail around Jiang Yun and brought Jiang Yun to his mouth, and when he was about to swallow it, Jiang Yun's eyes radiated a light.

The next moment, Ancestor Tianze immediately let go of his tail, and his eyes became blurred.

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of changes that they couldn't believe!

The entire process, taken together, will not take more than ten breaths!

They really couldn't imagine how Jiang Yun was able to make Patriarch Tianze, a strong man in the Origin Realm, turn into a little demon with only the Dao Spirit Realm in ten breaths of time.


At this time, the tension on Jiang Yun's face turned into a look of relief, and he exhaled frequently!

The art of reincarnation was a self-created art after he came back from the dead and recalled the time when he died. All the memories of nearly a hundred generations were piled up in his mind, making him extremely confused!

Strictly speaking, he didn't know what kind of magic it was, and if it had a level, what level it belonged to.

He only knows that his reincarnation technique contains not only the pattern of time, but also the power of his soul, the power of illusion, and even the memory of nearly a hundred generations of reincarnation that he experienced during his death!

Just when he was about to be swallowed into the mouth of Patriarch Tianze, the light that lit up in Jiang Yun's eyes was that he had cast an illusion on Patriarch Tianze.

Although the nearly a hundred upright Jiang Yun that Tianze saw existed only in illusions, the memories transformed by the nearly a hundred Jiang Yun were actually sent into Tianze's mind by Jiang Yun. In the soul of the ancestor!

With the integration of the memories of hundreds of generations, the memories of Patriarch Tianze immediately became confused and integrated into it, making it completely impossible to distinguish which memories belonged to him.

Then use the power of time to turn back the memories belonging to ancestor Tianze.

And as his memory goes back, his cultivation and realm will naturally go back, and even affect the real him in reality.

However, Jiang Yun himself didn't know how long he could turn back the memory of Patriarch Tianze.

But obviously, Patriarch Tianze's concentration was so poor that he actually went back to the time when he was in the Dao Spirit Realm.

Of course, that's not all. What's truly terrifying is that even though the flow of time has stopped, Ancestor Tianze is still trapped in chaotic memories.

"Since this technique is called reincarnation, you will naturally have a day to wake up, but I don't know how long it will take for you to wake up again!"

"And this period of time should be regarded as your punishment for what you did to Bai Ze!"

At the same time, Jiang Yun slowly spoke to Patriarch Tianze who was completely unaware of the changes in his body.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yun raised his hand and sent Patriarch Tianze into the dark clouds and next to Guo Xun!

"Now, it's your turn!"

Jiang Yun's eyes turned to the one hundred thousand monks!

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