Taoist world

Chapter 2378 I am you

Among the many preparations Jiang Yun had made to deal with Sen Luo, the Time Killing Formation was definitely one of the most powerful.

However, since Sen Luo's true self entered the world of life and death, he has always stood still and did not move, which also made Jiang Yun unable to activate the time killing array.

Although Senluo successfully avoided the attack of the Emperor Beast's Bone using a method similar to that of a golden cicada, he was finally able to step into the Time Killing Array!

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Sen Luo's heart suddenly trembled.

Not long ago, outside the nameless wilderness, Jiang Yun used the power of turning back time to force him back to the ghost gate.

At this moment, although he still doesn't know what the Time Killing Formation is, it is not difficult to guess that it must still be the power of time, and it is also a force that he cannot compete with.

Sen Luo instinctively wanted to leave his current position and avoid this so-called time killing formation, but how could Jiang Yun let go of such a precious opportunity.

"Buzz buzz!"

Suddenly, the air shook violently, and with a coercion covering his body, an endless mountain range appeared above Sen Luo's head!

Although the space in the entire world of life and death is not large, these mountains were also compressed to a certain extent after they appeared, and were not their true size.

But from Sen Luo's perspective, there were so many mountains that it was hard to see where they ended.

"Sen Luo, these ten thousand mountains will be your burial place today!"


As Jiang Yun's voice sounded, the entire ten thousand mountains immediately fell towards Sen Luo.


Amidst the huge roar, Sen Luo's body was immediately easily overwhelmed by these thousands of mountains!

If it were just a simple mountain, it would be easy to break free with Senluo's strength.

But under the suppression of these thousands of mountains, Sen Luo can clearly feel that there is a powerful consciousness in each mountain!

Ten thousand mountains are ten thousand consciousnesses!

Thousands of consciousnesses were connected together, like forming an invisible big net, firmly suppressing Sen Luo, making him unable to break free from the suppression of these mountains for a while!

As for Jiang Yun, he could see more clearly. In every mountain, there was a big man sitting cross-legged.

And the images of these big men are exactly the same, they are none other than the demon of Mang Mountain, Fang Mang!

One hundred thousand mountains, one hundred thousand monsters!

If Jiang Yun can communicate with Shiwan Mangshan's consciousness, then the Shiwanyao within will merge into the real Fang Mang, and even be able to directly suppress Sen Luo to death.

It's a pity that Jiang Yun has only cultivated Shankui Seal to the realm of five mountains. He can only communicate with thousands of mountains at the same time and suppress Senluo for a few breaths!

However, for Jiang Yun, this level of suppression is enough!

Seeing Sen Luo unable to move, the power of the heavenly clan hidden in Jiang Yun's soul, which was also his most powerful trump card, finally swarmed out, condensed on his palm, and slapped Sen Luo with his palm. !


The emergence of the power of the Heavenly Clan caused the entire world of life and death to violently shake again. The magnitude was far greater than before, so much so that cracks began to appear in the void.

Sen Luo's expression changed even more. The power of the Celestial Clan was also a power he had never known before!

And this power is even stronger than the previous Emperor Beast Bone, which makes Sen Luo very clear that once he is hit, he will definitely be injured even if he does not die!


Seeing that Jiang Yun's palm was about to hit him, a roar suddenly came from Sen Luo's mouth.

The strength in the late stage of Guiyuan completely exploded, causing the tens of thousands of mountains suppressing him to shake.

The tens of thousands of Fang Mang in the mountains also used all their strength to continue to suppress Sen Luo.

However, amidst the shaking of Mangshan, a shadow rushed out of Sen Luo's mouth.

Although the shadow had not completely emerged, Jiang Yun recognized it at a glance. It was Sen Luo again!

As early as when Jiang Yun trapped Sen Luo with life fire, Sen Luo split into two clones and was defeated by Jiang Yun.

Previously, in order to avoid the bones of the emperor beast, Senluo used a method similar to that of a golden cicada to shed its shell. As if a layer of shell had been shed, a similar version of him rushed out of his body.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought those were Sen Luo's clones, but now it seems that this is clearly a special magical power that Sen Luo has mastered.

Under this magical power, Senluo seemed to be able to continuously split himself into one person after another.

However, this time, no matter how many more clones Senluo splits, Jiang Yun is already prepared.

"Array open!"

Amidst Jiang Yun's roar, the Time Killing Formation was activated!

Nine streaks of time emerged from the void, as if they had turned into nine rivers of time, connected end to end, surrounding Senluo and thousands of mountains!

In an instant, the time in the area covered by the formation suddenly became chaotic!

The Time Killing Formation is a temporary formation created by Jiang Yun based on the Jiuxue Chain Formation.

And because he was in the realm of life and death, he had no way to try it in advance, so he had no idea what kind of effect this formation would have.

When he thought about it, he originally controlled some power of time, which could turn back time in a short period of time, so the effect of the current time killing array should be able to turn back time for a longer period of time.

However, what surprised him was that at this moment, as the power of time became chaotic, surrounded by the nine lines of time, countless rivers of time of different lengths were clearly presented in front of his eyes.

This made him feel as if he was in the secret realm of Shura Tian's time.

Some of these rivers of time are flowing along the trend, some are flowing in the opposite direction, some are flowing extremely fast, some are flowing extremely slowly, and some are even completely stationary!

"These rivers of time are the power of time that exists in the world of life and death!"

Seeing these rivers of time, Jiang Yun immediately recognized their origins.

Moreover, with the Pattern of Time as a guide, Jiang Yun can even control these rivers of time at will, at least nine times!

With a thought in his heart, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and pointed at a countercurrent river of time, rushed towards Sen Luo, and suddenly began to circle around his body.

He saw the other him that had just burst out of Senluo's mouth and immediately returned to his body.

And Jiang Yun's palm, which contained the power of the Heavenly Clan, finally slapped his body hard.



When the power of the Heavenly Clan entered the body, Senluo suddenly let out a scream. A wound appeared on the part where Jiang Yun had slapped him, and it was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Wake it up for me!"

Under the severe pain, Senluo's strength suddenly exploded, and he was able to forcefully push up the tens of thousands of mountains that were pressing on his body.

It's a pity that another river of time surrounded him. When time went back again, the thousands of mountains fell back together!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun also gathered the power of the heavenly clan again and clicked towards Sen Luo.

"Ho ho ho!"

Two consecutive attacks with the power of the heavenly clan, coupled with the power of turning back time, caused Sen Luo's body to be severely damaged.

Seeing Jiang Yun raise his palm for the third time, Sen Luo suddenly shouted: "Jiang Yun, wait!"

How could Jiang Yun pay attention to Sen Luo's plea for mercy? Although he can now control the river of time at will, Sen Luo's strength is amazing. If he breaks away from Mangshan's suppression and escapes from the time killing array, if he wants to kill him again, It's trouble again.

Therefore, Jiang Yun raised his palm and patted Sen Luo without hesitation.

But at this moment, the voice coming out of Sen Luo's mouth suddenly changed into someone else: "Jiang Yun, I am you!"

Hearing this voice, Jiang Yun's palms suddenly stopped in the air, and an astonishing cold light surged out of his eyes, staring at Sen Luo.

Because this voice is clearly my own voice!

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