Taoist world

Chapter 2496: Walk it all over again

At this moment, Tao Zun could not describe his inner feelings at all.

Before, whether it was the sacrifices of Dongfang Bo and the other three, or when Jiang Yun was sitting there waiting to open up the body, he did not take action.

It's not that he doesn't believe what Dongfang Bo and the others say, but that he doesn't care at all whether Jiang Yun can practice Taoism again.

Because he is Tao Zun!

Even if Jiang Yun can really practice Taoism again, he must respect himself and obey his orders, and he will not be his opponent.

In fact, he was still vaguely looking forward to Jiang Yun being able to practice Taoism again.

In this case, he might be able to forcibly plunder Jiang Yun's Tao and make it his own.

However, he never expected that Jiang Yun would also be an innate Taoist body!

The innate Tao body is a body that the creatures in the Tao realm truly possess when they are born.

Maybe some monks can rely on special opportunities the day after tomorrow, such as the Lei Hai in Lei Jitian, who can use the power of thunder to help the monks achieve the innate Taoist body.

But in fact, the innate Tao body and the innate Tao body that we are born with are completely different in nature and have great differences.

In the entire Dao Realm, throughout the ages, except for Dao Zun himself, the demon of the Dao Realm, who has the innate Dao Body, there is no other person who can possess the innate Dao Body!

This is also the reason why Tao Zun created a Tao Destiny out of nothing and forced it to possess an innate Tao body.

He hopes that through his own means, more innate Tao bodies can be born in the Tao realm.

Because the cultivation speed of the innate Taoist body is far beyond that of ordinary people, the cultivation level and achievements that can be achieved in the future will also exceed that of other monks.

Naturally, the stronger the monk with the innate Tao body and the deeper his understanding of the Tao, the greater the benefits will naturally be for the Taoist master who always regards the creatures in the Tao realm as a tool to help him improve his cultivation.

However, cultivating a creature with an innate Tao body is too difficult and costly.

Moreover, there must be the intervention of the realm of death, so even Tao Zun cannot create more innate Tao bodies.

If Jiang Yun only possesses an innate Taoist body, then Taoist Master would really wish for it.

It's a pity that Jiang Yun still has the body of Nirvana!

The two most powerful bodies in the two realms of destruction are all gathered in Jiang Yun. Such a situation is unprecedented, and it may even never happen.

Therefore, this made Dao Zun really feel a little wary about Jiang Yun.

Dao Zun ignored Jiang Yun's words and could only place his hope on the Wind of Nirvana.

Although he firmly believed that the power of the Dao was not weaker than the power of the Realm of Annihilation, before monks who could compete with the Realm of Annihilation were born in the Dao Realm, he had to admit that the power of Annihilation was still stronger than the power of the Dao. Power.

Naturally, this gave him hope that even if Jiang Yun possessed an innate Taoist body, he would still not be a match for the Power of Annihilation.

Unless Jiang Yun can truly integrate these two completely different powers!

Sure enough, as if to verify Tao Zun's speculation and give him hope, as Jiang Yun's voice fell, the still and still wind of death finally became violent.

Nirvana Wind had obviously also noticed the appearance of the innate Tao body, and felt that the aura of Tao appeared again in Jiang Yun, the body he had taken a liking to.

And this is something it absolutely does not allow!

How can we allow others to sleep soundly next to the couch?

Therefore, it must show its power, declare its sovereignty over Jiang Yun's body, and drive Tao out of Jiang Yun's body.

The Wind of Nirvana didn't bother to pay attention to the map of return to the source. A wave of terrifying force of Nirvana raged out. Suddenly, it swept out and ran rampant in Jiang Yun's body.

But at this moment, the light that shone in Jiang Yun's thousands of pores was all withdrawn into Jiang Yun's body, converging into a huge aura, and immediately shrouded toward the wind of destruction.

Even in Jiang Yun's heart and dantian, two auras also appeared and rushed towards the Wind of Nirvana.

Although these were only three breaths, Jiang Yun knew that they were still released by the essence of his three senior brothers and sisters' lifelong cultivation.

They are still helping their little junior brother!

A smile appeared on Jiang Yun's face, and he said softly: "Three senior brothers and sisters, although we are from the same sect, we have never really fought side by side."

"Today, why don't we treat my body as a battlefield and this wind of death as our opponent? The four of us will join forces to suppress it!"

"Reiki, come!"

Jiang Yun suddenly let out a loud roar, and the spiritual energy that had been gathering around Jiang Yun immediately turned into a rolling torrent, overwhelming the sky and the earth, and rushed towards Jiang Yun's body crazily.

The amount of spiritual energy is too majestic, and the auras of Dongfang Bo and three others are restraining the Wind of Annihilation, making it impossible for the Wind of Annihilation to blow these spiritual energy out of Jiang Yun's body!

Jiang Yun's body was finally filled with spiritual energy again, which also meant that he had once again embarked on the path of cultivation.

The influx of a large amount of majestic spiritual energy caused Jiang Yun's cultivation to rise crazily once again.

Although the Wind of Nirvana is still raging, the formation of the Return to Origin Map has allowed Jiang Yun to enter the realm of Return to Origin.

Now coupled with the power of the Dao and the innate Dao body, his cultivation level has naturally increased!

Feeling the spiritual energy pouring into his body, Jiang Yun felt a long-lost kindness. He looked up to the sky again and let out a long roar, starting his journey of reconstruction!

"Boom boom boom!"

In Jiang Yun's body, a series of shocking roaring sounds soon came out, which were the sounds made by his twelve meridians!

Although Jiang Yun could not practice Taoism for a period of time, the twelve meridians that were opened when he was a Taoist monk still existed, but there was no spiritual energy in them.

Now, with the influx of spiritual energy again, these twelve meridians were instantly refilled with spiritual energy, which also allowed Jiang Yun's cultivation level to directly break through to the twelfth level of Tongmai.


The next moment, these spiritual energy spontaneously condensed into a layer of blessed lands in Jiang Yun's Dantian. In the same instant, the number of blessed lands reached nine.

Next, the blessed land exploded and turned into nine caves. Among the nine caves, nine Taoist spirits were born!

The nine Taoist spirits merged into one, stepped away from Jiang Yun's body, and sat cross-legged on top of Jiang Yun's head. With a move of his hand, streams of yin and yang power appeared in the gap at the same time.

And the two forces actually gathered together and rushed towards Jiang Yun's body crazily.

Under the influx of these two forces, nine layers of earth appeared under Jiang Yun Daoling's body, and nine layers of sky appeared above his head!

In this way, Jiang Yun's cultivation level in Taoism was constantly making breakthroughs at a crazy speed, which was tantamount to allowing him to truly walk the path of Taoism all over again.

It was not until nine Taoist platforms appeared in his Dantian that this breakthrough in cultivation stopped.

Because the next realm will be the realm of humane isomorphism.

Although Jiang Yun is no longer rejected by Tao, he still doesn't know what kind of Tao he is pursuing!

So far, Jiang Yun's Tao cultivation has been exactly the same as before, except that he has lost three Tao bodies.

And the insights and magical powers of the Five Elements, the Blood, the Wind, and the Snow that he once practiced have all returned!

"Since I don't know, then I won't rush to break through. After suppressing the wind of annihilation, I will think about it carefully, my way!"


All of Jiang Yun's cultivation levels exploded, forming a fourth breath that rushed into his body. Together with the previous three breaths, it fiercely suppressed the Wind of Nirvana.

"Wind of Nirvana, come back!"

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