Taoist world

Chapter 2928: Admired by Thousands of People

This mediocre-looking man is none other than Jiang Ying!

Ever since he was taken away by the Celestial Clan, he was brought here.

And he has been following Jiang Yun's instructions, and over the years, he has integrated himself into the Celestial Clan.

By studying the Celestial Clan's magical powers, he has also understood that there are inextricably linked connections between himself and the Celestial Clan.

Even, strictly speaking, he can indeed be regarded as a member of the Celestial Clan!

If Jiang Ying had had this encounter before meeting Jiang Yun, then he would most likely have truly become a member of the Celestial Clan, loyal to the Celestial Clan and dedicating everything he had to himself.

But it's a pity that in his heart, Jiang Yun will always be the only master.

Everything he had was given by Jiang Yun, so he did not lose his original intention. He always kept in mind his mission here, which was to find out the secrets of the Celestial Clan, and then waited for Jiang Yun's arrival.

Although he has not been truly and completely accepted by the Celestial Clan, he has been recognized.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to appear here at this moment to pay homage to the envoy from behind the Tongtian Gate.

And the unicorn-shaped monster standing on his shoulder is naturally the little beast!

After the little beast was brought back to the Celestial Clan by Xiaohe, it really lived a life of great enjoyment, so much so that it even became a little bit too happy to miss Shu.

However, when Xiaohe was summoned by his ancestors, his fate changed again.

In order to make Xiao He obedient, everyone related to Xiao He, including Xiao Shou, was temporarily placed under house arrest by the Tian Clan.

However, the little beast practices the way of all phenomena and can change in countless ways.

In addition, in fact, no one in the Celestial Clan except Tianjia cared about him at all.

After Tianjia was brought back from Jiang Yun's marriage, he was always imprisoned, and no one paid attention to him, so he found an opportunity to escape and found Jiang Ying!

Originally, it was planning to leave the Celestial Clan with Jiang Ying to find Jiang Yun, but Jiang Ying thought that he had not figured out the secret of the Celestial Clan and had not completed Jiang Yun's mission, so he was unwilling to leave.

In desperation, it could only turn into a unicorn and stay by Jiang Ying's side.

Today, Jiang Ying brought him to see the so-called superior. Feeling the aura emanating from the superior, the little beast had a vague idea of ​​eating him.

Hearing the little beast's words, Jiang Ying said softly: "Don't act rashly, his strength is far greater than you and me."

The little beast shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm just saying, I don't know why, but I don't like him!"


At this time, Long Yu, who was sitting on the high platform, cleared his throat and said loudly: "Fellow Heavenly Clan members, my name is Long Yu, and I come from the Gathering Area of ​​All Heavens, which is what you call the world behind the Tongtian Sect! "

"The origin of your heavenly clan is in the All Heavens Gathering Area, a powerful force called Babu Tian."

"Babu Tian, ​​you can think of it as being composed of eight ethnic groups, headed by the Tian tribe and the Dragon tribe."

"The Tian tribe is equivalent to your main clan, and I am from the Dragon tribe!"

"As for the strength of Babutian, how can I put it? Even if you have 10,000 heavenly tribes put together, they will not be a match!"

Long Yu's words made all the Celestial Clan members change their expressions.

After all, most of them don't know that their roots are in the All Heavens Gathering Area, let alone that there are eight heavens in the All Heavens Gathering Area.

And my own Celestial Clan is actually a descendant of one of them!

The strength of Babutian far exceeded their imagination.

You must know that their Celestial Clan is the most powerful ethnic group in this world. However, if the 10,000 Celestial Clan put together, they are no match for the Babu Clan...

Seeing the shocked reactions of the Tian Clan people, Long Yu's eyes flashed with a hint of contempt, but he still had a gentle smile on his face.

In fact, although Long Yu is indeed a member of the Dragon Division and does belong to the Eight Heavens, he is inconspicuous in the entire Eight Heavens!

Not to mention him, even the eight-part heavenly being that Jiang Yun attacked in the flower of the two realms that day was just an ordinary monk responsible for picking the fruit.

In fact, it was originally not his turn to enter this lower realm to explore the flowers of the two realms. However, he coveted the two realm weapons on Jiang Yun and Shao Zun, so he spent a certain amount of money to do this job. Embrace it on your own body.

Of course, just as he said when he first entered this world, going to the Lower Domain is like an exile for the monks in the All Heavens Gathering Domain, and others are not willing to come at all.

However, Long Yu did not expect that when he arrived in the Lower Domain, he, an ordinary monk in the All-Heaven Gathering Domain, would suddenly transform into an envoy respected by thousands of people.

Although in his eyes, these Celestial Clan members are just a bunch of bumpkins, but looking at these bumpkins, even the Lord of the Celestial Clan, who is stronger than himself, is respectful to him and responds to his requests. , which really satisfied his vanity greatly.

Long Yu waved his hand and said: "Okay, I came here this time to do two things."

"The first thing is to find the fruit of the flower of the two realms, and the second thing is to find two people!"

"You probably don't understand the fruit thing. I have my own way to find it, but I need your help to find those two people!"

The Lord of the Celestial Clan took a step forward and said, "I wonder who the envoy is looking for. Do you have any specific clues about his name, appearance, etc.?"

Long Yu nodded and said, "Yes, these two people are called Jiang Yun and Shaozun. They..."

Just when Long Yu was about to tell the faces of Jiang Yun and Young Master, he found that the faces of the Lord of the Heavenly Clan and all the Celestial Clan members had expressions of astonishment, causing him to stop talking and said, "Why, Do you know these two people?"

The Lord of the Celestial Clan smiled bitterly and said: "More than that, these two people can now be said to be the strongest among the young monks in our world."

"The strongest one?"

Hearing the words of the Lord of the Celestial Clan, Long Yu sneered and said: "They are just practitioners of the Void Realm, and they have the nerve to call themselves the strongest!"

"Now that you know, it's easy to handle. Now go find the whereabouts of those two people and inform me."

The Lord of the Heavenly Clan bowed and said: "There is no need to look for the whereabouts of the Young Master. As the Young Master of the Ancient Clan, he must be among the Ancient Clan."

"Ancient tribe?"

Hearing these two words, Long Yu couldn't help but suddenly trembled: "Young Master is a member of the ancient tribe?"


Long Yu's eyes slowly narrowed. As a monk in the All-Heaven Gathering Area, he naturally knew that the Ancient Clan was related to the Gu Clan. However, no matter how powerful Babutian was, he would not dare to provoke the Gu Clan's people at will.

Therefore, after a moment of silence, he then asked: "What about Jiang Yun!"

"Jiang Yun just got married not long ago, and I don't know where he is now!"

"Then, Young Master, I will put it aside for now, and you will go find Jiang Yun's whereabouts first. No matter what method you use, you must find him for me."

Long Yu stretched his waist and said: "I just came down from the All Heavens Gathering Area, and I haven't recovered yet. I need to rest for a while. I have a lot of things to do, so you can find some younger and more beautiful maids. Serve me!"

After saying that, Long Yu waved his sleeves, took a step forward, and disappeared!

Anyway, he will stay in this lower domain for a long time, so he is not in a hurry to complete the task immediately. He might as well enjoy it first!

Seeing Long Yu leave, the Lord of the Tian Clan wanted to tell the story about Gu Bu Lao, but in the end he decided to find Jiang Yun's whereabouts first.

Jiang Ying also quietly left with the little beast. After returning to his residence, a murderous intent appeared on his mediocre face and said: "Little beast, you are here to guard!"

"And you?"

"I'm going to find Big Brother. If I can't find Big Brother, I'll go find those forces that have a good relationship with Big Brother. I must pass on the news about Long Yu."

The little beast frowned and said, "What can you do if you find them? You are from the Celestial Clan. They can't believe your words!"

Jiang Ying shook his head and said: "I am not a Celestial Clan, I am the shadow of my elder brother. When they see my true appearance, they will naturally believe my words!"

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