Taoist world

Chapter 2966 On the verge of death

The charming woman looked at the strong man and said, "When the halberd exploded, did you feel any familiar power?"

Hearing the words of the charming woman, the strong man suddenly turned his head, looked at her and said, "What blood? What golden light?"

The charming woman pointed at Jiang Yun in the distance, and said with a solemn look on her face: "When his body exploded just now, there was blood in his body that splashed on your halberd."

"There was a drop of blood in it, and there seemed to be a flash of golden light, but I can't be sure, and then, your halberd exploded!"

The woman had successfully used the vortex formed by the scent to trap the two demon seals of life and death, so she always stood aside and clearly saw the entire fight between Jiang Yun and the strong man.

Naturally, this also reminded her of the golden light that Le Changling himself said before, and the power that made Le Changling feel familiar, so she asked this question.

The strong man shook his head and said, "I didn't feel anything!"

"However, the golden light and power are not important anymore. He is already a dead man!"

"Also, the domain weapon on his body belongs to me!"

The ugly face of the strong man had become distorted, and he stared at Jiang Yun fiercely.

Although he shattered Jiang Yun's arm with one shot, one of his palms was also destroyed by the explosion of the halberd.

More importantly, his halberd is gone, which is really a huge loss for him.

Jiang Yun originally felt a little strange about the explosion of the strong man's halberd, but after he heard clearly what the charming woman said, he couldn't help but frowned and thought about the meaning of this sentence.

The blood and golden light naturally reminded Jiang Yun of the golden blood of his own Jiang family.

Although he has now absorbed some of his own blood, the color of the blood is still red and has not turned into gold.

Jiang Yun guessed that all the blood from the past must be reintegrated into the body before the color of the blood can become golden.

But now, the charming woman said that a golden light flashed in the blood she splashed on the halberd, and it seemed that there was some power hidden in the blood, so she destroyed the halberd.

"I seemed to have seen a golden light in the demon seal of life and death that I used against Le Changling before, which caused the demon seal to break through Le Changling's runes and rush into his body!"

"The Demon Seal of Life and Death was drawn by me with my blood. My blood was splashed on the halberd, so the halberd exploded automatically..."

"Could it be that, besides being able to perfectly integrate all powers, the blood of my Jiang family has something special about it?"

Although this question made him curious, he knew that he had no chance to find out, because the strong man had already taken long strides and walked towards him.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's arm and half of his body had exploded, and his strength was about to be exhausted. How could he still be a match for the strong man?

Perhaps, his blood does contain something special, and even contains powerful power, but he can't find the location of this power, so naturally he can't use it.

In short, he had no way to fight against the strong man and the charming woman who was still unscathed.


The strong man punched out. Although Jiang Yun had almost no strength, he still gritted his teeth and raised his left fist to meet him.

This punch directly knocked Jiang Yun away, and at the same time, there was a sound of breaking bones.

Jiang Yun fell heavily from the air to the ground, lying there and finally stopped moving.

The strong man smiled coldly, took a step forward, came to Jiang Yun's side and said, "Little brat, why don't you fight? Are you pretending to be dead? Then I will let you die!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Next, the strong man didn't use any spells. He just used his fists and feet to hit Jiang Yun's body again and again.

Jiang Yun's strong body had turned into a bloody mess under the blows of the strong man.

There was no complete place anywhere in his body, including his face.

During the whole process, the eyes of the strong man and the alluring woman were firmly fixed on the blood flowing out of Jiang Yun's body.

Especially the strong man, although he said he didn't care, his body was much more cautious, and he didn't dare to let Jiang Yun's blood touch him.

However, in the blood that Jiang Yun shed, there was no golden light or any power.

Lying on the ground, Jiang Yun opened his mouth, and blood spurted out from his mouth like a fountain, then flowed to the ground and formed a stream.

The pupils in his eyes had begun to dilate, and he was obviously on the verge of death.


The strong man raised his foot, ready to step on Jiang Yun's head and end Jiang Yun's life completely.

But at this moment, the charming woman suddenly spoke again, calling out to the strong man: "Wait?"

The strong man frowned and said, "What to do?"

The charming woman took a step forward and said, "Do you really want him to be destroyed physically and mentally?"

The strong man shook his head and said: "Of course not, I will take his soul back and give it to Babutian!"

Even though the strong man wanted to kill Jiang Yun, he also knew that the living Jiang Yun was far more valuable than the dead Jiang Yun!

As a descendant of the Jiang family, there are so many secrets hidden in Jiang Yun's body. It is really a pity that Jiang Yun's body and soul are destroyed like this.

The charming woman smiled slightly and said, "If you take his soul back, we will get a little reward at most."

"But if we can figure out all his secrets, it will be of unimaginable huge benefit to us."

If it were for other reasons, the strong man would not listen at all, but Jiang's secret was a huge temptation for him, or for any monk in the All Heavens Gathering Area.

The wealth owned by the Jiang family, the most powerful family in the All Heavens Gathering Area at that time, was absolutely astronomical.

And the martial arts and magical powers that Jiang cultivated are coveted by countless powerful people.

Even more, the reason why so many forces attached to the Jiang family later was not only because of the strength of the Jiang family, but the real reason was that these forces all hoped to obtain the Jiang family's cultivation methods from the Jiang family.

More importantly, since the fall of the Jiang family, although all the major forces in the heavens have been looking for those people of the Jiang family who escaped, it was not until now that Le Changling found a Jiang family. cloud!

Then, even if the whereabouts of some of Jiang's subordinates and even Jiang Yun's parents could be learned from Jiang Yun, the charming woman and strong man could capture those people again and obtain greater rewards and blessings.

Therefore, the strong man glanced at Jiang Yun, whose eyes were dull, and after confirming that Jiang Yun was unable to resist, he took back his feet and said, "Are you sure?"

"His soul power is also extremely powerful, and there may be powerful restrictions in his soul."

"If you want to search for his soul, it is very likely that the restriction will be triggered and his soul will be severely damaged."

"When the time comes, don't tell us that we can't know his secret. If we go back with a useless soul, we may not even be able to get the reward."

The charming woman smiled proudly and said: "I am not going to search for his soul at all. Searching for his soul will make him resist, so I might as well bring him into the illusion and let him take the initiative to tell all his secrets!"

"You're keeping watch for me. Don't worry, no matter what secrets I know, I will share them with you!"

While speaking, the charming woman had already walked to Jiang Yun's side.

But she was too confident, and she didn't notice that a cold light suddenly flashed in the depths of Jiang Yun's distracted eyes!

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