Taoist world

Chapter 2983 Jiang Yun’s Mingmen

The world of mountains and seas, this ill-fated world, is once again in great danger at this moment!

Although the monks gathered near the Shanhai Realm now include Ji Kongfan, Chen Changqing, Shura, Si Tianyang, etc., and they have almost included the strongest people in this world, its situation has never been like this. danger.

Because, in addition to them, near the mountain and sea realm, there are the eight hundred monks from the Eight Heavens, as well as many powerful men from the Tiangu clan!

Ji Kongfan, Chen Changqing and others, as the leaders of the creatures in the lower realm, as the last backbone and spiritual support in the hearts of all creatures, although they are not afraid of death, they usually hide themselves to prevent being found by the people of Babutian .

After all, if something happens to them, other creatures will naturally lose their confidence and fighting spirit, so they must protect themselves.

At the same time, without exposing their whereabouts, they can also take advantage of them to kill the powerful men of the Eight Buddhism by surprise.

The eight hundred monks in Babu Tian used countless methods to find them, but they still found nothing.

Until three months ago, in the four years since he came to this world, the leader of Babutian, Yuebu Lexiang, who had never made a move, finally took action himself.

Regarding Lexiang, almost no one had seen him except Ji Kongfan once when they came to this world.

When Ji Kongfan and others think about it, Lexiang's strength must not be strong, otherwise he wouldn't be hiding in the Eight Heaven Realms all day long without daring to appear.

Ji Kongfan and the others even thought about killing Lexiang and capturing the thief and the king, but they could not enter the Eight Heavenly Realms, so they had no choice but to give up.

Unexpectedly, Lexiang's strength turned out to be extremely powerful, not only surpassing the Real Life Realm, but even far surpassing the powerful man from the Python God Tribe that Ji Kongfan once killed.

Therefore, after Lexiang took action, Shura, Chen Changqing and others, including Ji Kongfan, were all found by him.

However, after Lexiang found them, he didn't kill them. He just forced them from their hiding places to the mountain and sea realm!

Looking at the eight hundred and eight heavenly monks gathered around, as well as the strong men from the ancient and ancient tribes, Chen Changqing smiled coldly and said: "This is Jiang Yun's hometown. They are going to drive us all out here, or even destroy us." In this world of mountains and seas, we can force Jiang Yun to appear, or force Jiang Yun to avenge us!"

By this time, they naturally understood the real purpose of Lexiang in driving themselves and others here!

Si Tianyang said calmly: "It doesn't matter if they are dead. Judging from their appearance, they will leave here and return to the All Heavens Gathering Area after killing us."

"In this case, at least the creatures in this world can temporarily return to peace, and there will no longer be wars where innocent creatures die!"

Compared to others, Si Tianyang wanted Babutian to leave as soon as possible.

Because in that case, their Creation Clan and Si Lingxiao would be safe.

Shura said with cold eyes: "Although I am not afraid of death, I am still a little unwilling to be treated as prey and hunted to death!"

Next to Shura, stood a young man with fair skin. He looked frail, but he was the strong man who had surpassed the realm of destiny and appeared inexplicably in the past four years, Zi Hen!

The appearance of Zi Hen also caused a sensation in this world.

Although he, like Chen Changqing, also came from a certain hidden ethnic group, Ji Kongfan and others had doubts about his identity at the beginning.

After all, it is really rare to see a strong person who transcends the Real Life Realm.

Later, Zi Hen took action and killed many Babu Tian monks. After proving with his actions that he was indeed on the same front as Ji Kongfan and the others, he won the trust of everyone.

Hearing Shura's words, Zi Hen smiled slightly and said: "They treat us as prey, and we can also treat them as prey. It's just to see who can move faster!"

Shura glanced at Zi Hen and said, "Are you interested? Let's compete to see who can kill more prey!"

However, Zi Hen shook his head and said: "Your cultivation level is lower than mine, so you can't win with force. Why don't you compete with Jikong Fan!"

Shura couldn't help but glare at him, but then he laughed and said, "I can't refute your reason!"

Shura is only in the Real Fate Realm, while Zi Hen is beyond the Real Fate Realm. If the two of them compete, there is indeed no comparison.

However, when Zi Hen asked Shura to compete with Jikong Fan, it was also just a joke!

Although Ji Kongfan is only in the Real Life Realm, how strong his real strength is has always been a question that everyone, even the powerful including Babutian, is curious about.

In the past four years, Ji Kongfan took a total of six shots and killed six strong men who had surpassed the Real Life Realm!

Therefore, Ji Kongfan has always been one of the targets that the Eight Heavenly Powers must kill.

Not to mention Shura, not even Zi Hen himself dared to compete with Ji Kongfan to see who could kill more people.

Ji Kongfan turned his head and looked at everyone, and said with the same smile: "I'm afraid I can't compete with you. There is only one opponent for me today!"

Ji Kongfan looked at Lexiang!

Although Ji Kongfan was found by Lexiang, after knowing that Lexiang wanted to force him to the mountain and sea realm, the two did not really fight!

Because Ji Kongfan knew very well that even if he could escape, everyone else would definitely be forced to the mountain and sea realm, so he came here on his own initiative.

The purpose is to compete with Lexiang!

Behind Ji Kongfan and others, there were tens of thousands of monks standing. Most of them came from the Shanhai Region, while a small number came from the Nirvana Tenth Clan and the Tianxiang Clan from the Destruction Region.

At this moment, these monks also had a look of death on their faces, looking coldly at the people of the Eight Celestial Tribes and the Tiangu Clan around them!

After these four years of fighting, they hated the monks of Babu Tian deeply and had long forgotten life and death. Therefore, even if they knew that they might die here today, no one had the slightest fear. .

After Lexiang glanced at Ji Kongfan, he smiled coldly at the Eight Heavenly Celestials under his command and said: "Let's do it, fight quickly, kill them, and we will go home!"

Then, Lexiang looked at the members of the Tiangu clan and said, "As for you, just watch the battle from the sidelines!"

Following Lexiang's order, the eight hundred strong men suddenly turned into rays of light and rushed towards Ji Kongfan and others.

Ji Kongfan glanced at everyone around him and said the same: "Everyone, let's work hard to keep them in our world forever!"


All the monks immediately burst into loud shouts and faced the eight hundred strong men!

Ji Kongfan himself swayed and rushed directly towards Lexiang.

Chen Changqing, Zi Hen, Shura and others followed closely behind, each choosing an opponent of corresponding strength.

The war broke out, and from the beginning, it went directly to the climax!

Although there are a large number of creatures in this world, the strength of a single person is too weak. Even with the help of formations, he cannot stop the attacks of the eight strong men.

Just a moment later, the monks in the Shanhai area were the first to lose their hold and began to retreat, suffering heavy casualties.

Immediately afterwards, the monks from the Destruction Domain also began to collapse.

At the same time, Lexiang, who was also in the midst of a fierce battle, suddenly spoke to Ji Kongfan: "Aren't you still willing to show your true strength?"

"Kill me, maybe you still have a chance to survive!"

Ji Kongfan has always been paying attention to the battles of others. At this time, he also knew that the situation was over and that people like him would definitely die today.

Therefore, after hearing these words from Lexiang, his eyes turned cold and he said, "Okay, I'll make it happen for you!"

Ji Kongfan stretched out his hand, preparing to point it at the center of his eyebrows, but at this moment, not far away, a voice containing endless murderous intent suddenly came.

"One thought is imaginary, one thought is true, my life gate, Jiang Yun, appears!"

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