Taoist world

Chapter 3303 We are with you (repair)

There are nearly a hundred pet beasts that Chang Hui and others bring out.

Although some died in the battle with the Five Spirit Tribe, there are still fifty or sixty left!

Following Jiang Yun's order, these fifty or sixty monster beasts suddenly turned around and pounced viciously towards the nine Ten Thousand Beast Heaven disciples waiting for Chang Hui.

Chang Hui and others were immediately shocked!

Although they thought that Jiang Yun might not let them go, they never thought that Jiang Yun would use his own pet beast to deal with them!

At this moment, the runes on their bodies have re-hidden into their bodies, and they have just been combined into the shape of ancient beasts, which has exhausted their power. Now they cannot make the runes reappear no matter what, and they can no longer use the art of taming beasts.

They could only watch helplessly as the pet beasts that usually obeyed their orders rushed towards them with ferocious faces and gnashing teeth!

Jiang Yun stood aside. Whenever he saw a trap appearing in someone's hand, he would immediately take away the weapon without hesitation, and then quietly watch the battle.

At the same time, a mantis he had encountered before appeared in his mind!

The mantis was not willing to become the monk's pet, but the monk used cruel methods to force it to become a pet, so that when it looked at Jiang Yun, its eyes were filled with the desire to die. eager.

It would rather die than become a pet!

It was precisely because of meeting the praying mantis that Jiang Yun realized one of the eight sufferings: not being able to ask for anything!

And just now, when he passed between the pet beasts summoned by the disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Heaven, he saw a look similar to that of the mantis in the eyes of these pet beasts!

None of these monsters are willing to become pet beasts.

Wanshoutian's so-called method of taming beasts actually involves not only using special seal techniques, but also performing various tortures on monster beasts to destroy their will, forcing them to become pets. beast.

Although Jiang Yun is a demon refiner, he has never forced a demon beast to become his pet, because he is full of respect for any life.

Naturally, everything Wan Beast Tian did to the monsters made him extremely disgusted.

If Ten Thousand Beasts Heaven hadn't provoked him, then he probably wouldn't have interfered with his own business, but now that Ten Thousand Beasts Heaven had provoked him.

Even if the little beast is in danger of losing his soul, he naturally doesn't mind taking action against Wan Beast Tian.

Now, he gives these monsters freedom and lets them "repay" their respective masters in their own way.

Without the pet beasts and the method of taming them, the disciples of Ten Thousand Beasts Heaven were simply vulnerable to these physically powerful beasts whose strength surpassed theirs.

In just a moment, these disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Heaven had been torn into pieces by the monsters and swallowed. Only one person was still alive.

Regular meeting!

Although Chang Hui is still alive, he would rather die.

He was caught in the mouth of the tiger-shaped monster, and only one-third of his body was left. The rest had been swallowed by other monsters, and he was dripping with blood and dying.

Looking at Jiang Yun who appeared in front of him, Chang Hui's eyes showed endless resentment. His voice trembled and he said weakly: "Jiang Yun, you, you will not die well."

"The Heaven of Beasts will, will avenge us!"

Jiang Yun had no sympathy for Chang Hui's tragic situation at this moment, and said expressionlessly: "If the beasts don't come to me, I will go to them!"

If someone else had said this, Chang Hui would definitely not believe it, but if Jiang Yun said it, Chang Hui would not have the slightest doubt.

He even believed that Jiang Yun might really have the strength to fight against Ten Thousand Beasts.

After all, he had witnessed and experienced Jiang Yun's control over monsters with his own eyes, which was even more powerful than his Ten Thousand Beast Heaven.

However, Chang Hui knew that he had no chance to see these things. He closed his eyes and murmured: "Kill me, kill me!"

Jiang Yun said calmly: "I need your practice method from the Ten Thousand Beast Heaven, and I need your patterns from the Ten Thousand Beast Heaven. If you tell me honestly, then I will give you a happy life!"

The reason why Chang Hui was allowed to live a little longer was because Jiang Yun was interested in the runes of their Ten Thousand Beast Heaven.

As a demon refiner, Jiang Yun can now be said to be the most powerful demon refiner, not even Ye Guchen can compare with him.

But it was precisely because Jiang Yun's strength and vision were higher, and the enemies he encountered were more powerful, that Jiang Yun realized that the magic of demon refining had reached a bottleneck.

The so-called nine techniques of refining demons, and even the tenth technique of transforming demons, are actually many of them useless.

Among the nine kinds of seals against demons, the ones Jiang Yun used the most were the demon-subduing seal, the demon-sealing seal and the life-and-death demon seal.

He has almost never used the others, such as the Demon Release Seal, the Demon Refining Seal, and the Demon Entrapment Seal, and has never used them at all.

Therefore, after seeing the effect of the runes of the Ten Thousand Beasts Heaven, he felt that he might be able to combine the cultivation methods of the Ten Thousand Beasts Heaven with the magic of demon refining.

I dare not say that I will create a brand-new technique, but I can at least make use of its strengths and avoid its weaknesses, and integrate strong ones to once again enhance the power of the demon refining technique.

The reason why Chang Hui is not searched directly for his soul is because Chang Hui, as one of the leaders of Ten Thousand Beasts Heaven entering the Spiritual Ancient Realm this time, had a restriction placed on his soul by the strong men in the sect when he left Ten Thousand Beasts Heaven.

This is to prevent Chang Hui from falling into the hands of other forces or the Spiritual Clan, and the Spiritual Clan becoming aware of Ten Thousand Beast Heaven’s cultivation methods.

After hearing Jiang Yun's words, Chang Hui opened his eyes that he had just closed a moment later and nodded gently.

Jiang Yun reached out and grabbed Chang Hui from the monster beast's mouth, and said to the monster beasts: "I want to take this person away. As for you, you can leave now, or you can follow me."

"If I enter the All Heavens Gathering Area in the future, I will give you freedom!"

"But you have also seen that I have many enemies here. If you follow me, you will be in great danger."

After all, this is still the sphere of influence of the Five Spirit Clan. Jiang Yun believes that they will come again, so he cannot stay here for a long time.

As for these monsters, although Jiang Yun can let them leave on their own now, this is the Linggu Domain and may not be suitable for them to survive, so he allows them to make their own choices.

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, the tiger-shaped monster suddenly spoke human words: "We, with you!"

Jiang Yun was not surprised that the demonic beast spoke. This demonic beast was close to the strength of Yuanfa Realm, so it was not unusual for it to be able to speak human language.

However, looking at this monster beast, Jiang Yun suddenly discovered that it was somewhat similar to the ancient beast that the disciples of Ten Thousand Beast Heaven had just condensed with runes.

However, Jiang Yun didn't think too much now, nodded and said: "Okay, let's get out of here first!"

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and collected all the storage magic weapons and all the animal traps on the bodies of the other nine disciples of Ten Thousand Beasts Heaven, and then sent all the monsters one by one into the void.

But just when he was about to send the tiger monster in, the tiger shook his head and said, "I will be your mount!"

After saying that, the tiger immediately knelt down.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and did not refuse. He rode on the tiger, pointed in the direction of the spirit master and said: "Go in that direction!"


The tiger looked up to the sky and let out a roar, then its huge body jumped high, spread out its limbs, and disappeared into the darkness.

Just as the tiger was carrying Jiang Yun away, Wu Fei, who had just escaped back here, stood in the deepest cave underground of the Five Spirit Clan.

Next to Wu Fei, there was an old man who looked somewhat similar to him, and he was vaguely capable of reaching the peak of Yuanfa Realm.

Facing the darkness deep inside the cave, Wu Fei described the process of the battle with the disciples of Ten Thousand Beasts Heaven and Jiang Yun.

After finishing speaking, he cupped his fists and bowed to the darkness and said, "Sir, please send more tribesmen to go immediately to kill those Ten Thousand Beast Heaven disciples and the human monks who captured the Mirror Spirit Clan."

"They must not have gone far yet!"

However, just after Wu Fei finished speaking, a woman's voice rang out: "Sir, I don't agree."

A figure walked in from outside the cave and walked up to Wu Fei and the old man. Astonishingly, it was Wu Yaohua who was killed by Jiang Yun with a knife...!

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