Taoist world

Chapter 3308 People’s hearts are different (repair)

Although the two war domains have now been merged, a large number of Ling clan are still hiding in Tibet and Tibet, making it difficult for monks from outside the domain to find them, which also makes the entire Linggu domain seem relatively peaceful.

However, as the inspector said, when they sent the battle lists with two hundred names deliberately into various areas of the Linggu Territory, it was like several huge rocks smashed into the Linggu Territory. Whether it was the Spirit Race or the monks from the outside world, they were all excited.

The first thing everyone noticed was naturally the names listed on the battle list, and they searched hard on them, hoping to see their own names.

Unfortunately, there are only two hundred names on the battle list.

And now, the total number of outside monks in the Linggu Territory is at least five to six hundred thousand.

Therefore, the names of most monks are not on the battle list.

Although this made many monks feel disappointed, the last words of the inspector gave them great hope.

The positions of the top one hundred monks on the battle list appear in their jade slips, and this means that as long as you find any one of these hundred people and snatch their jade slips, you will Can replace their ranking and become one of the top 100!

Therefore, all the monks are carefully identifying the names of the first hundred monks, thinking about which force they come from, and which one is relatively weak.

But after watching it, the hopes that had just risen in their hearts were basically extinguished by cold water.

Because the top one hundred monks are basically from the twelve major forces.

The rest, even if they are not from the twelve major forces, are from the middle forces, and are more or less related to the twelve major forces.

However, there is only one exception!

Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun, ranked ninety-ninth, was the only monk among the top 100 who did not belong to the All Heavens Gathering Area, and he immediately attracted the attention of all the monks.

Because they had not seen Jiang Yun's crazy ranking rise before, they were all a little confused about Jiang Yun's ranking at this moment.

"Jiang Yun? Hasn't Jiang Yun disappeared for six years? How can he still be ranked ninety-ninth?"

"This battle list records the number of kills at what time. Could it be six years ago?"

"It should be the current ranking. How could the Xuantian lineage make such a low-level mistake!"

After confirming that the battle list recorded the rankings of all the foreign monks in the Lingu Domain, all the monks, including those within a hundred, were thinking about who they should choose to attack.

After all, the battle will not end in one day, and the names of the top one hundred cannot be decided in one day.

If you want to return to the All Heavens Gathering Area alive, you must kill as many people as possible to keep your ranking.

The strongest ones are undoubtedly the twelve major forces. The ones they sent are the strongest in the heaven-defying realm, and they are all well-known in the entire universe.

If you go to kill them and rob their jade slips, you will probably give them your own jade slips and your life!

What's more, even if it can be successful, unless the person who robs it can guarantee that the murder and robbery will not be leaked, otherwise, if he returns to the All Heavens Gathering Area, he will wait to be hunted down by the corresponding forces!

Of course, this idea only belongs to those monks who have nothing to do with the twelve major forces.

The twelve major forces have no such concerns about each other.

After all, they are almost the same regardless of their status and strength, and more than one person from each force enters the Linggu Realm. Naturally, they all hope that their fellow sects or clansmen can return alive.

Therefore, from this moment on, although the thirteen alliances have not completely broken up, they are already divided in their hearts and minds!

In particular, some monks who thought they were powerful have left the alliance to find suitable goals for themselves.

However, there are quite a few people who don't care about the names on the battle list at all.

All they care about is Jiang Yun!

When they sensed Jiang Yun's approximate location in the jade slips, they immediately rushed towards Jiang Yun's location without hesitation.

These people account for almost half of the monks in the Linggu Territory today, and they are even involved in the six major alliances!

These six major alliances represent the six major forces, namely the Xutian Alliance, the Sealed Sky Alliance, the Ancient Sky Alliance, the Yuntian Alliance, the Huantian Alliance and the Thunder Sky Alliance!

The monks from the first two alliances had received death orders from their respective Heavenly Lords before coming to the Linggu Territory, and they would bring Jiang Yun back to the All Heavens Gathering Territory at all costs.

The last four alliances have irresolvable hatred with Jiang Yun and are determined to kill Jiang Yun.

Ever since they entered the Linggu Realm, they had been looking for Jiang Yun's whereabouts, but they had found nothing.

Now that there was finally news about Jiang Yun, even if it was false, they wanted to see what happened.

Although not all of them went there, the total number of people was quite impressive.

In addition to them, there are some people who are also preparing to find Jiang Yun.

In the Lower Domain Alliance, a scrawny old man quietly left the alliance.

This old man is Tian Yu who has changed his appearance!

Because of his special status and the fact that he also found three lower realm monks who were also favored by Hidden Sky, he always stayed in the lower realm alliance.

In Jiang Yun's last battle, he watched with his own eyes as Jiang Yun killed more than five thousand monks and then walked away.

Others might think that Jiang Yun would never appear again, but he firmly believed that Jiang Yun disappeared just to find a place to heal his wounds.

Now that he felt Jiang Yun's location, he naturally went to look for Jiang Yun.

As for the three monks, he abandoned them without hesitation!


In the Cangling Realm, the Cangling Tribe lives here, a group that is considered isolated from the world.

Even in this battle in the Lingu Domain, they were lucky enough to escape several catastrophes.

It's not because their clan is so powerful, but because their clan has found a helper.

However, at this moment, this young man, whom they regarded as their savior and benefactor, was facing the leader of the Cangling Tribe and said, "Thank you, senior, for taking me in, but I have to leave now!"

The leader of the Cangling Clan asked in confusion: "Where are you going?"

The young man did not answer, but smiled and said: "I want to ask the clan leader for a flying spirit puppet so that I can travel through the cracks in the world!"

The clan leader said: "It's okay to give you a spirit puppet, but the war in the Ancient Spiritual Domain is not over yet, and you have no cultivation at all. It is too dangerous to go out."

The young man shook the jade slip in his hand and said, "My master has appeared. I want to find my master."

"Who is your master?"

"Jiang Yun!"


"It's the position of the domain lord!"

In a world within the Linggu Domain, there were dozens of monks with excitement on their faces, and everyone looked at the woman standing at the front.

The woman's skin was like snow, and her beautiful face had the same excited expression. She nodded and said, "I want to go find him. Are you willing to go with me?"

"Of course!"


The group of people immediately jumped into the air, leaving the world they had been hiding in for a long time, and rushed towards Jiang Yun's location.



In the gap between the boundaries, there was a large area of ​​vast black clouds moving slowly. At this moment, a slightly excited voice suddenly came from the black clouds.

Immediately afterwards, a figure stepped out from the black clouds. It was a young man who looked almost exactly like Jiang Yun, but his body exuded a powerful aura belonging to the Yuanfa realm!

As he appeared, the black cloud behind him also transformed into figures, nearly ten thousand in number!

Looking at the young man, the nearly ten thousand people had a look of horror on their faces.

There was even an old man who bowed down to the young man and said, "Holy Lord, do you still have a master?"

"Yes!" The man nodded and said, "I want to find my master now."

"As for you Shadow Spirit Clan, if you are willing to come with me, let's go together. If you are not willing to go with me, then let's not leave!"

After nearly ten thousand figures looked at each other, they all bowed to the young man and said: "We, the Shadow Spirit Tribe, will follow the Holy Lord to the death!"

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