Taoist world

Chapter 3322: The universe in the palm of your hand (repair)

Although Jiang Yun couldn't see the face of this hazy figure that seemed to appear from the void, he could tell that she was a woman, and he felt familiar with her.

Every time the woman takes a step, the hazy figure becomes clearer.

When she stood no more than ten feet away in front of Jiang Yun and stopped, her whole body became completely clear.

Looking at the other party, Jiang Yun couldn't help but be slightly startled, and suddenly understood why he felt familiar!

Because of the other person's appearance, he is somewhat similar to Jiang Rou!

However, compared to Jiang Roulai, this woman obviously had an unattainable temperament, so much so that Jiang Yun actually felt ashamed in front of her.

Furthermore, although the woman's eyes were extremely clear, there was clearly a sense of vicissitudes of life hidden beneath that clarity.

Under her gaze, Jiang Yun felt that all his secrets were exposed without reservation.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun and Jiang Rou were already very familiar with each other, and they felt no guilt in their hearts, so they were still able to maintain their composure and look at each other.

Wu Chang, who was behind Jiang Yun, glanced at the woman and then hurriedly lowered his head, even shrinking his body slightly.

Obviously, he didn't dare to look at this woman at all.

Spiritual Lord!

At this time, the woman who appears here can naturally only be the spirit master.

The former Lord of the Ancient Spiritual Domain and the Lord of the Spiritual Clan!

No matter how powerful Wu Chang is, he is still a member of the Spirit Clan. Facing the Spirit Master, he naturally cannot be as calm as Jiang Yun.

While Jiang Yun was looking at the Spirit Master, the Spirit Master was also looking at Jiang Yun.

After a moment passed, a smile appeared on her face and she said softly: "Jiang Yun!"

Jiang Yun was not surprised at all when he heard the other party calling out his name. He secretly took a deep breath, calmed down his mind, clasped his hands into fists, and bowed deeply to the Spirit Master: "Greetings to the Senior Spirit Master!"

The Spirit Master nodded, smiled slightly and said, "Don't you look a lot like your father?"

These words made Jiang Yun's body tremble uncontrollably.

Although Jiang Yun already knew from Jiang Puppet's mouth that his father had an unknown relationship with the Spirit Master, hearing it from the Spirit Master himself still shocked him greatly.

Of course, in addition to being shocked, Jiang Yun was also filled with excitement and anticipation!

Because since the spirit master knew his father, from the spirit master's mouth, he could at least know some detailed things about his father.

Behind Jiang Yun, Wu Chang, who had always lowered his head, also trembled after hearing the words of the spirit master. He even suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Yun with a pair of eyes.

Naturally, at this moment, he finally understood why the Spirit Master chose Jiang Yun, an outside monk, to help the Mirror Spirit Clan!

But the answer was really beyond his expectation.

When he thought about it, Jiang Yun's father and the spirit master knew each other, so naturally their strength and identity were almost the same.

And as a son of man, how come Jiang Yun only has the cultivation level of the True Fate Realm, and also comes from the Lower Realm?

Just as Wu Chang raised his head, the spirit master suddenly looked past Jiang Yun and looked at him.

At this moment, the clarity in the Spirit Master's eyes had been replaced by majesty, and the smile on his face also turned into a chill. He said lightly: "Although the Five Spirit Lord is the strongest among the Five Spirit Clan, he still has five hidden people under him. The clan elders are no less generous than him."

"If I guess correctly, you should be Wu Chang, the clan elder of the Toad lineage!"

Wu Chang's body trembled again.

The spirit master is right!

It's just that the existence of himself and the other five people is the biggest secret of the Five Spirits Clan. At first, not many people in the Five Spirits Clan knew about it, and no one from outside the clan had ever seen the five of them.

Unexpectedly, the spirit master revealed his identity in one breath.

This shows that the spirit master back then actually knew all the secrets of the spirit clan in the ancient spirit domain.

Jiang Yun was also shocked.

Although he also guessed that Wu Chang was from the Five Spirit Clan and was not weak in strength, he really didn't expect that the other party's identity would be someone who was on the same level as the Spirit Lord.

At the beginning, there were four great spirit masters under the spirit master, and the five spirit masters were one of them. He was also the strongest person in the ancient spirit domain besides the spirit master.

The voice of the Spirit Master continued: "You have regained your true strength, but you no longer hide in your Five Spirit Clan. Instead, you left the Clan and followed Jiang Yun..."

The spirit master deliberately stopped speaking, looked at Wu Chang deeply, and after a moment, he continued word by word: "It should be to find me, and to kill me!"

"Now that I'm standing here, you can do it!"

Cold sweat broke out on Wu Chang's back.

What my clan considers to be the biggest secret has turned out to be something that has never been hidden from the Spirit Master from beginning to end.

As for the idea of ​​killing the spirit master, Wu Chang couldn't even think about it at this moment.

Since the spirit master knew that his strength had been restored and that he was here to kill him, the spirit master still dared to appear in front of him, which meant that the spirit master did not take him seriously.

What's more, until now, Wu Chang still doesn't know what this place is.

Will those flames that just disappeared appear again?

Even if he can kill the spirit master, if the flame appears again, if he cannot leave this place, he still cannot escape the fate of death.

Looking at Wu Chang who remained silent, the Spirit Master suddenly raised his hand, waved lightly towards Wu Chang, and saw Wu Chang's body suddenly disappear without a trace.

Jiang Yun was greatly shocked by this scene and blurted out: "Is he dead?"

The Spirit Master looked at Jiang Yun, and the smile on his face had returned to before: "No, in fact, my strength has not fully recovered."

"What appears in front of you now is just a clone of me, and is no match for him at all."

"I just used the power here to temporarily imprison him."

"After all, what we are going to say next is not suitable for him to hear."

The power here!


Jiang Yun keenly caught the two words in the spirit master's words, with a look of suspicion on his face, and asked: "Then I don't know where this place is, and what happened to those flames just now?"

"Also, where is the senior's true self now?"

Hearing Jiang Yun's question, the smile on the Spirit Master's face became even stronger and he said, "My true self is naturally here too, so whatever, I'll let you see the true face of this place!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the spirit master spreading his palms and clasping them gently.

And Jiang Yun could immediately clearly feel that the space in all directions of him was shrinking at an extremely fast speed.

This feeling is a bit like shrinking the ground into an inch.

But shrinking the ground into an inch is the fusion of spiritual consciousness and space. Divine consciousness breaks through the shackles of space. Wherever spiritual consciousness goes, the body can also reach it in an instant.

The situation in front of him is more like directly using the power of space to condense the space together instantly.

The most important thing is that Jiang Yun feels that this scene seems familiar to him!

Seeing Jiang Yun constantly turning his head and looking around, with a suspicious look on his face, the Spirit Master naturally saw Jiang Yun's doubts, but he also said with some confusion: "Don't you have this kind of magical power? "

Jiang Yun was stunned, shook his head and said: "What kind of magical power is this? I am too weak to master it!"

"Strange!" The spirit master frowned slightly and said, "This magical power is called the Universe in the Palm, and your father taught me it!"

"Besides, I remember that your father hid this magical power in a sword. How could you not master it?"

The world is in the palm of your hand!

Hit by a sword!

A light suddenly lit up in Jiang Yun's mind, and he remembered!

At this moment, the surrounding space had stopped condensing.

Jiang Yun turned his head and looked around. At first glance, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he finally knew what this place was!

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