Taoist world

Chapter 3393: The person who hides the truth from the sky

As the Ming Gate trembled, the two gates, which were already 90% open, began to slowly close toward the middle.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also clearly felt that there was a force that he could not resist, which suddenly fell from the sky and enveloped his body.

This power, like a seal, began to seal his own cultivation bit by bit.

Jiang Yun's cultivation level gradually began to decline as his life gate gradually closed.

"Let's leave through the southwest gate!"

Feeling the weakening of Jiang Yun's aura, Zhenque Tianzun withdrew his gaze from him and spoke to the others in a deep voice.

The Linggu Domain does not have only one domain gate, but a total of twelve. They can leave any domain gate.

However, now the Angel Patrollers have completely sealed off the entire Lingu Domain, leaving only a southwest domain gate as the only exit.

Although the angel patrols can open a few more domain gates, with Guyang's strength, going to the southwest domain gate is just a matter of walking a few more steps, so they don't bother to go to more trouble.

As Tianzun Zhenque finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the southwest gate of the Linggu Domain.

The other six powerful men followed closely behind Zhenque Tianzun and also walked away.

Jiang Yun has the protection of the power of heaven and earth. No one can interfere or attack him before he completes the process of turning his life into a door.

Naturally, there is no need for all thirteen strong men to stay in the Linggu Domain and guard Jiang Yun.

Therefore, they divided their troops into two groups according to the plan they had discussed before.

Six people were separated along the way and continued to stay here.

If Jiang Yun fails to turn his life into a door, they will immediately take action to capture Jiang Yun.

The other route is to separate seven people and return to the All Heavens Gathering Area, just in case Jiang Yun succeeds in turning his life into a door and steps into the All Heavens Gathering Area, so that they can find Jiang Yun's whereabouts as quickly as possible.

In fact, it would be enough for even one person to stay in the Linggu Domain and continue to monitor Jiang Yun.

However, among the thirteen people, no one trusts anyone at all.

Especially Killing, Nihility and Fengming had all tried to protect Jiang Yun before.

If they were allowed to return to the All Heavens Gathering Area, they might let them go intentionally or secretly conceal the location of Jiang Yun's appearance, so they simply kept them all.

Moreover, Xangtian, Hongchen and Shenlian were also allowed to monitor them.

The seven strong men naturally walked very fast. After a few steps, the Southwest Domain Gate was already in sight.

But at this moment, there was a tangible ripple, which came out from the Wuming Furnace at a faster speed than them. It instantly filled the entire Lingu Domain and came to the southwest domain gate, covering the domain gate. Above, the domain gate turned into a mirror!

"Spiritual Lord!"

It was still the angel patrol who was the first to notice the person who released the ripples. He immediately looked in the direction of the Wuming Furnace and said coldly: "Do you think that we really don't dare to kill you!"

Obviously, the Spirit Master understood the plan of the Angel Patrollers and the others, so he took action desperately, wanting to use his own power to completely seal the Ancient Spiritual Territory, prevent Gu Yang and others from leaving, and help Jiang Yun.

"It doesn't matter!"

Gu Yang's voice came from far away: "With her current strength, how can she stop us? Break her to pieces!"

At the same time as he finished speaking, Gu Yang had already arrived in front of the Southwest Domain Gate and punched the mirror directly.


The mirror was easily shattered by Guyang's punch and turned into fragments, revealing the Southwest Domain Gate again.

As for the spirit master who was in the nameless furnace, his skeleton-like body trembled heavily, and his clear eyes were instantly filled with endless bloodshot eyes.

A bitter smile appeared on the Spirit Master's face, and he whispered softly: "I'm sorry!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she closed her eyes and passed out completely.

I don't know whether her sorry words were said to Jiang Yun or Jiang Qiuyang.

At the moment when the spirit master was unconscious, Gu Bu Lao, who was in the All Heavens Gathering Domain, suddenly had a cold light in his eyes and said: "Gu Yang and the others came out and sealed the domain gate!"

Before he could finish his words, Gu Bulao had already raised his hand and swatted towards the southwest gate.

"not good!"

Seeing Gu Bulao take action, the old man beside him also hurriedly roared: "You guys take action with me!"

Jiang Li and Greedy Yinzun couldn't help but were slightly stunned. They didn't realize what was going on. However, they had no time to think about it. When they heard the old man's voice, they immediately took action!

All the monks gathered here saw four huge palms appearing out of thin air, overlapping each other, and landing heavily on the Southwest Domain Gate.

From a distance, it looks like a lid has been added to the domain door, blocking the domain door.

The seven Guyang people who were about to enter the domain gate and return to the All Heavens Gathering Domain naturally saw these four palms.

Not only that, as the four palms fell, Gu Yang, who was rushing at the front, was the first to feel an extremely powerful force. It rushed out from the four palms and hit him hard. on the body.

"Deng Deng Deng!"

Being hit by this power, Gu Yang's mouth suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time, he staggered backward uncontrollably.

Leiyin Tianzun, who was following closely behind him, waved his sleeves, and a gentle force immediately enveloped his body.

Immediately afterwards, Leiyin Tianzun's expression also changed suddenly.

Not only was he unable to stop Gu Yang's retreat, but he was also shaken back by the power contained in his palm.

It wasn't until Wanhuan Tianzun behind Lei Yin took action in time that he stopped the two of them from retreating.

And this also made the three people's eyes show horror.

Because it was the three of them who worked together to block these four palms!

In other words, although the strength of the masters of these four palms is weaker than the three of them, the difference is not much, at least they are all strong men at the level of Tianzun.

What's more, I don't know if the other party has any remaining strength!

Wanhuan Tianzun said in a deep voice: "How come there are so many powerful people of Tianzun level here, who are they!"

Gu Yang stretched out his hand and pressed his chest hard, with light shining in his eyes.

Although he didn't know who they were, the force that just hit him clearly contained a force that he was quite familiar with, making it not difficult for him to guess the identity of the other party!

However, just when he was about to open his mouth to tell others the identity of this person, an ancient voice sounded in his ears: "If you dare to reveal my identity, your Gu clan will be exterminated!"

This sentence made Gu Yang shut his mouth immediately and did not dare to open his mouth.

If it were anyone else who dared to say such things to him, he would not believe it at all, but he had to believe this person's words.

Never grow old!

This is the ancestral precept of the Gu family!

I, the Gu clan, have nothing to fear even if I offend the patrolling angels, but the only thing I cannot offend is... Gu Bu Lao.

However, recognizing Gu Bu Lao made Gu Yang understand a lot of things!

Back then, their Gu clan had a clansman named Gu Dang, who was inexplicably cut off from his fate by Gu Bulao.

For this reason, Gu Yang deliberately used the art of learning from the past and went to the lower realm where Gu Dang had been, trying to find out what was going on.

It's a pity that in the lower realm, he met the old man of Karma and was punished by the old man of Karma.

At that time, Gu Yang realized that the old man and the old man were protecting the same person at the same time.

And until now, he finally knew that the person these two wanted to protect was actually Jiang Yun!

"Gu Yang, are you okay?"

Leiyin Tianzun's voice brought Gu Yang back to his senses.

Guyang shook his head and said: "It's okay. Although I don't know who these people are, they are too powerful."

Lei Yin Tianzun's eyes were gloomy and he said: "Among all the heavens, there are four people who can fight three of us together, but there are not many."

"Moreover, the other party actually dares to attack us directly and become our enemy."

"If the guess is correct, the other party should be the one hiding the truth!"

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