Taoist world

Chapter 3634: Death by suicide (revision)

Jiang Yun was stunned! Since I learned the art of calming the sea, it can be said that up to now, I have always been able to help myself at the most critical moment, and I have never let myself down.

Especially after sixty years of dream life, he has become more adept at controlling the power of time.

However, now facing the elders of the Sang family who are probably not as strong as themselves, the art of calming the sea has failed! Jiang Yun was so shocked that he froze on the spot for a moment, watching as the black sharp blade made of countless black sand appeared in front of him in the hands of the clan elder.

Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and revealed a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

Although with his current speed, there were still ways to avoid or block the blow, he decided to try it out to see how sharp this blade was.

Therefore, at the critical moment, Jiang Yun just tilted his head and faced the sharp blade with his shoulder.


Although the sharp blade made a crisp sound of gold and iron when it collided with Jiang Yun's shoulder, but then, the black sharp blade suddenly erupted again, cutting Jiang Yun's shoulder alive, and all the way He went down until he came to Jiang Yun's chest and stopped, revealing a wound that was about a foot long! Blood immediately gushes out from the wound, staining Jiang Yun's body red.

Jiang Yun didn't care about the pain caused by the wound at all, but still stared at the sharp blade.

He is a body of annihilation and has completed nine annihilations. His tenacity is comparable to that of a domain weapon.

However, now I can't stop this black sharp blade! The defensive power is extremely strong, and the attack power is also amazing. Even the technique of Ding Canghai just now should have been blocked by this domain weapon.

Such a powerful domain weapon made Jiang Yun completely tempted to possess it.

When the elder of the Sang family saw that he succeeded with one blow and even injured Jiang Yun, the fear he felt towards Jiang Yun immediately disappeared.

But just when he wanted to take advantage of his victory and continue to attack Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun suddenly reached out, grabbed the black sharp blade that was still stuck on his chest, and pulled hard.

Jiang Yun's current tug was so powerful that it made the elder of the Nasang family tremble slightly.

However, there was also a huge force coming from the black sharp blade, which easily resisted Jiang Yun's power.

The elder of the Sang family, who regained his balance, immediately understood Jiang Yun's intention, and said with a sinister smile: "Why, are you attracted to my piece of Ji Mingsha?"

"You are not the first person to like it, but unfortunately, no one can take it away from me!"

"As long as I don't agree with it myself, even Zhenque Tianzun and the Angel Patrol can't take it away, let alone you!"

These words moved Jiang Yun's heart.

There was one thing that he had never been able to figure out before, that is, how could the Sang family be favored by Zhenque Tianzun and have such good relations with all the heavens that Zhenque Tianzun would personally set up formations for them?

If it was just because of the Sang family's medical skills, it would be unjustifiable.

No matter how high the medical skills are, there are limitations, and even if a being as powerful as Zhenque Tianzun is really seriously injured, it is definitely not something that the Sang family, which does not even have the reincarnation realm, can save.

Therefore, there must be other secrets hidden in this Sang family.

Jiang Yun has no interest in knowing the secrets of the Sang family.

But now the words of the Sang family elder made Jiang Yun realize that this domain artifact called Jimingsha might be related to the secrets of the Sang family.

These thoughts only flashed through Jiang Yun's mind, and he did not think about them deeply.

Now Jiang Yun just wants to grab this Ji Mingsha.

Therefore, immediately after, nine colored marks appeared in Jiang Yun's eyes.

Jiang Yun believed that the clan elder was telling the truth. This piece of Ji Ming Sand could only be taken away if he was willing to do so, so why not bring the other party into his dream and make him agree to give away the Ji Ming Sand.

However, before the marks in Jiang Yun's eyes could spin, the clan elder had already smiled disdainfully and said: "Is it an illusion? It has no effect on me!"

Sure enough, although the nine-colored rays of light emitted from Jiang Yun's eyes surrounded the clan elder, there was also a flash of black light on the Jiming Sand, which easily blocked the nine-colored rays of light! This Ji Mingsha can not only resist the power of time, but also resist the power of dreams! "Hahaha!"

The elder of the Sang family laughed wildly with pride and said: "Come on, come on, if you have any other means, just use it." Jiang Yun's thoughts were racing in his heart.

Although this piece of Ji Mingsha looks extremely magical, it must have some flaws.

Otherwise, why would this elder of the Sang family be afraid of him? He didn't really want to fight with him! However, Jiang Yun doesn't have much time now to think about where the flaws of Ji Mingsha lie.

Now, a moment has passed since the head of the Sang family crushed the jade slip that notified Zhenque Tianzun. Zhenque Tianzun may arrive at any time, and he must make a quick decision! Especially if you want to grab this piece of Ji Mingsha! Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's eyebrows suddenly had a stream of water rushing out.

Seeing Huang Quan, the elder of the Sang family suddenly looked slightly startled.

Because he had seen this underworld before and knew that it could turn back time.

It's just that he couldn't figure out the meaning of Jiang Yun turning back time at this time.

But he soon found out! After this underworld appeared, although it also surrounded him, it did not rotate. Instead, it seemed to be boiling. Bubbles emerged one after another, rising up and surrounding him. around the body.

Looking at these bubbles, the Sang family elder's eyes suddenly shrank.

Because in these bubbles, he suddenly saw countless pictures.

These pictures contain scenery, objects, and even people! Even, there is that Ji Mingsha! Maybe others don't know what exactly appears in the picture, but the elder of the Sang family knows very well that these are the things he cares about most in his life, and he...can't let go! Looking at these things, the clan elder temporarily forgot that he was fighting Jiang Yun. Instead, he had a look of emotion and nostalgia on his face, and his eyes kept scanning these bubbles.

"Puff puff!"

But at this moment, these bubbles began to explode one after another.

After each bubble explodes, the contents inside it will also dissipate.

Every time something dissipated, a look of relief appeared on the face of the Sang family elder, as if he had finally let go of the worries in his heart.

Until the bubble where the Ji Ming Sand was located also exploded, and the Ji Ming Sand worn on the clan elder's body immediately melted and returned to countless black sand grains.

Jiang Yun had quick eyes and quick hands. With a flick of his wrist, a whirlwind swept up all the sand grains.

At this moment, Jiang Yun also clearly felt that Ji Mingsha had no resistance to his actions and had become an ownerless thing again! "Elder of the clan, what are you doing? That's Ji Mingsha!"

In the distance, the head of the Sang family, who had been paying attention to this side, finally couldn't help but roared when he saw this scene that was completely beyond his expectation.

Hearing the clan leader's voice, the clan elder turned his head and looked at him.

The indifferent eyes made the head of the family shudder, as if he had become a stranger in the eyes of the clan elder.

But the head of the family didn't know that among the countless bubbles that surrounded the clan elder, what appeared in one of the bubbles was his appearance! The clan elder also said calmly: "What Jimingsha has to do with me."

"From now on, everything in this world has nothing to do with me."

"I can finally be freed!"

After the words fell, a peaceful smile suddenly appeared on the clan elder's face, and then he stretched out his hand and slapped his forehead heavily.


The elder of the Sang family committed suicide!

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