Taoist world

Chapter 3818 Human Shop (Repair)

Throughout the four towns, there are all kinds of other shops without any restrictions.

But there are only five stores that specialize in purchasing and selling blood sealing stones.

Naturally, each of the four tribes occupies one house, and the other is owned by the city lord's mansion.

This is also the rule that the four tribes have acquiesced to for so many years.

After all, blood-sealed stones are too precious, and any clan wants to collect as many blood-sealed stones as possible.

The five stores are all located in the central area.

Generally speaking, monks from any clan naturally enter the shops of their own clan.

However, this is not the case.

Because the blood-sealed stone is a commodity, apart from being auctioned at treasure appraisal conferences, no one can judge its quality and value in daily transactions, and there is no unified standard for measuring quality.

No monk can give a specific price. They can only give a unified base price, and then analyze each blood sealing stone based on those people from various tribes who think they know something about blood sealing stones. , give a corresponding price.

And this so-called analysis is actually based on personal vision and preference.

Therefore, the purchase and sale prices of the same blood-sealed stone in different stores are likely to be vastly different.

If you just want to buy the Blood Sealing Stone, that would be better. No matter which store you go to, if you like it, just buy it directly.

But if you want to sell a blood seal stone, you will basically visit five stores, compare the prices of the five stores, and finally choose one to sell.

This time, Gao Song did not specifically ask for which store to take Jiang Yun to. Instead, he told Jiang Yun the characteristics of the five stores in detail and let Jiang Yun choose on his own.

Takamatsu especially mentioned that the shops opened by the four tribes are actually not owned by any single sect or ethnic group, but are jointly established by the most powerful forces of each tribe.

For example, the shops opened by human monks here have some relationship with several human sects in Supreme City, and even with the city lord's mansion in Supreme City.

These human sects also include the Three Emperors Sect!

After all, the Blood Sealing Stone is expensive and is of great significance to all monks.

It is impossible for any single force to take such a large deal as its own.

Jiang Yun really didn't care about this. He was the one who could really see through the blood sealing stone, so it didn't matter which store he went to.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yun said with a smile: "As human monks, we should go to the human monks' shops first!"

Although Gao Song wanted to persuade Jiang Yun not to go to the human shop, because Jin Yang was likely to have arrived at this time, but in the end he didn't say anything.

He believed that Jiang Yun could definitely think of things he could think of.

And now that Jiang Yun has changed his appearance, even if he does meet Jin Yang, he probably won't be able to recognize him.


Ji Shi Xuan!

Standing at the door of this shop, Gao Song said to Jiang Yun: "Among the four towns, we, the human race, pay more attention to the names of shops, and the names have some charm."

Jiang Yun nodded. He had visited a lot of places in these four towns.

Whether it is the name of the store, the architecture, or the interior furnishings, the human race is more particular about it, while the other three true races are a little more casual.

The Jishixuan in front of us, just these three words, are like dragons and phoenixes dancing, vigorous and powerful, and it can be seen that it was made by everyone.

Gao Song continued: "Senior, the treasure appraisal conference is about to begin. Now there are more people in these four towns. Let's go in!"

Jiang Yun came out of the inn and found that there were obviously many more pedestrians on the street than three days ago.

The gate of this Jishixuan restaurant is also very lively with people constantly coming in and out.

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Let's go in and take a look!"

Following the flow of people, the two stepped into the gate of Jishixuan.

From the outside, Jishixuan's facade is not big, but after entering, it is suddenly enlightened and unique.

The first thing that caught Jiang Yun's eyes was a huge hall.

The ceiling of the hall, which is tens of feet high, is inlaid with several heaven and earth stones, and a formation is arranged, emitting a soft light, illuminating the entire hall extremely brightly.

There are at least a thousand identical boxes made of crystal about a foot square, quietly suspended in the air.

Each box contains a blood-sealed stone!

Because the box is completely transparent and the light is bright, no matter where you stand or in which direction, you can clearly see the blood-sealed stone inside.

Under each blood-sealed stone, there is a jade slip with some writings engraved on it, roughly recording the situation of the blood-sealed stone.

For example, how many grams it weighs, which imperial cave it came from, and what era it was, all are as detailed as possible.

In short, the scene in front of him shocked the well-informed Jiang Yun.

To be honest, he always thought that these stores selling blood sealing stones would definitely not have much inventory.

But I didn't expect that there would be so many blood sealing stones.

This is just a human shop, so if the five shops are added together, plus the blood-sealed stones that are going to be auctioned at the treasure appraisal conference, the number is really considerable.

On the contrary, Takamatsu on the side looked calm. It was not the first time for him to come here and he already knew what was going on here.

After Jiang Yun calmed down, he continued: "Senior, do you think the number of blood-sealing stones exceeds your imagination?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Yes, why are there so many blood sealing stones?"

"Don't every force and every monk want the Blood Sealing Stone?"

Gao Song smiled and said: "This was indeed the case in the past, but as more and more people opened the Blood Sealing Stone, it was completely empty, and fewer and fewer people bought it."

"After all, the price of each blood seal stone is high. If you sell it, you can earn at least several thousand Emperor Origin Stones, which is better than opening it and getting nothing."

"It is precisely because of this that Sizhencheng came up with such a treasure appraisal conference and used various gimmicks to attract monks to come and buy it."

“Especially when it’s opened on site, and it allows bidding to be opened at the same time, it stimulates many people to bid again and again.”

"The fact that there are so many people here today is because of the treasure appraisal conference."

"On weekdays, unless they are people from major forces who really don't lack the Emperor's Origin Stone, few people will come to buy the Blood Sealing Stone."

Jiang Yun nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Senior, Jishixuan has five floors of halls, each of which is in-depth. Now this is only the first floor of the hall."

"The further in, the higher the price of the blood seal stone they sell."

"If senior wants to sell the Blood Sealing Stone, then you can enter the lobby on the third floor, and there will be someone there to receive you."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "No hurry, let's take a look around here first."

At this moment, there are about a hundred monks in this hall.

Or they gather in twos and threes under a certain blood-sealed stone, whispering to each other, or they stare at a certain blood-sealed stone alone.

After Jiang Yun finished speaking, he walked forward and merged into these monks.

He was not in a hurry to immediately use his bloodline skills to see the inside of the blood-sealed stone, but carefully looked at each blood-sealed stone.

Although Jishixuan was opened by human monks, not all of the blood sealing stones here came from the imperial caves that appeared in the human race, but were found in the imperial caves of the four tribes.

These blood-sealed stones are about the same size in size, and their shapes are irregular. Some surfaces are as smooth as mirrors, while others are bumpy.

Gao Song, who has been following Jiang Yun all the time, said: "The larger blood-sealed stones are all in the hall inside."

"Because the four tribes generally believe that the larger the blood seal stone, the greater the probability that there is something inside."

After hearing this, Jiang Yun couldn't help but sneer in his heart. He wanted to guess from the appearance whether there was something in the blood seal stone, and what it was. There was no possibility at all!

After viewing all the blood-sealed stones in the first-floor hall, Jiang Yun said to Gao Song, "I'll wander around by myself, and you can wander around too. There's no need to follow me."

"Okay, senior, call me anytime if anything happens!"

Gao Song didn't ask the reason and immediately turned around and left.

Naturally, Jiang Yun is preparing to use the bloodline technique!

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