Taoist world

Chapter 3942 The Prototype of the Imperial Road (Repair)


Jiang Yun's consciousness, which had just regained consciousness, became a little confused again because of Mirage's words.


Mirage's voice sounded again: "You must have been cast by someone's fate-ending technique, and your fate with the owners of these names has been completely wiped out."

"But this is another dream. The fate-breaking technique has no effect in my dream. I can still see those fates."

"In addition, someone deliberately left a blank in your wheel of fortune, so I can help you restore these fates and let you remember them again!"

"Consider this a meeting gift from me to you!"

As Mirage finished speaking, Jiang Yun immediately felt an indescribable force that seemed to envelope his body and soul.

Immediately afterwards, his own wheel of fate emerged and kept spinning.

On it, the blank area left by Forgotten Old Mansion seemed to have turned into a piece of paper, and there was an invisible hand that gently opened the paper.

The next moment, strands of hair began to appear one after another in the blank area that had been uncovered.

At the same time, he also heard weak but powerful voices in his ears.

It's like the sound of grass and trees breaking out of the ground, like the sound of everything growing again.

There are more and more hair strands, getting denser and denser, and gradually forming pictures.

In the picture, Jiang Yun saw faces one after another.

There are men and women, old and young! The appearance of every face will bring up a forgotten memory in Jiang Yun's mind, and also make him shout out the names engraved on his body and in his soul.




"Ye Guchen!"

Jiang Yun's eyes gradually became moist, but the smile on his face became thicker and thicker! He remembered it, he remembered it all! These faces, these names, are all people he is willing to protect with his life! "Buzz!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun was immersed in great joy, so he did not notice that there was an aura on his body that was rising with his joy.

In fact, this aura actually revealed some substance on the top of Jiang Yun's head! Although it still seems illusory, if you look carefully, you can still see that it is like a road, an extremely wide road that extends towards nothingness! Although Jiang Yun didn't notice it, he clearly sensed the mirage that had appeared behind him at some point.

And this also caused a look of extreme shock on his face, so much so that he even stuttered in his voice: "This, this, how does this look like, like, the path of the Great Emperor!"

"How is this possible, how is this possible!"

"He is only in the realm of law-breaking. How could he be on his way to becoming an emperor now?"

Although the road to the Great Emperor sounds illusory and illusory, those who have witnessed with their own eyes how Jiang Wanli achieved the position of Great Emperor step by step are extremely clear. The Road to the Great Emperor can be seen! Strictly speaking, what appears above Jiang Yun's head is not the true path to the Great Emperor, but can only be regarded as the prototype of the Path to the Great Emperor.

But even if it is a prototype, not every monk can possess it.

And monks who can possess the prototype of the path of the Great Emperor basically need to wait until they become the Queen.

This is the case with Jiang Wanli.

After becoming the Human Emperor, the prototype of his own path to becoming a great emperor emerged.

Of course, the emergence of the prototype of the Great Emperor's Road does not mean that you can continue to walk along this road and go further and further until you become the Great Emperor.

Because the road to the Great Emperor has been cut off, most monks, after walking some distance, will find that there is suddenly no road ahead of them, and that they are on a dead end road.

Unless such a monk picks up the broken path, there is almost no possibility of becoming an emperor.

Therefore, they will look for the Blood Sealing Stone, look for things related to the Great Emperor, and refer to the paths of other Great Emperors, hoping to continue on their own path.

But no matter what, a monk like Jiang Yun, who actually showed the prototype of the Great Emperor's Path in the Law-Breaking Realm, had never even heard of Mirage! Mirage said to himself: "I don't know whether it was the nightmare or someone else who erased Jiang Yun's destiny, but he would never have thought that his approach would actually help Jiang Yun. The prototype of the Great Emperor’s Road appeared.”

Looking at the Emperor's Road that was disappearing and appearing above Jiang Yun's head, Mirage's eyes were full of envy.

"I don't know what kind of path Jiang Yun takes to become emperor, but it must be related to the people he cares about!"

Mirage did not tell Jiang Yun that Jiang Yun had appeared in the prototype of the Great Emperor's Road.

Because telling Jiang Yun too early would not only be of no benefit to Jiang Yun, but might actually cause Jiang Yun to get lost on the imperial path.

After all, this is just a prototype and may change in the future.

However, if Jiang Yun knew that he had already appeared the prototype of the Great Emperor's Road, then he would definitely be able to tell Mirage that his own road was the road of guardianship! As long as you are still alive, as long as the people you care about are still alive, then this road will exist forever! Finally, all the scenes on Jiang Yun's Wheel of Fortune disappeared.

Jiang Yun also closed his eyes, still immersed in the joy of retrieving fate, recalling the memories he had forgotten.

Mirage stood aside, looking up at the path above Jiang Yun's head. Not only had it never disappeared, but it actually continued to extend for some distance towards the front.

"Perhaps, I didn't listen to Wan Li this time and asking Jiang Yun to help rescue the mirage tribe was the most correct decision I made in my life."


At this moment, the Emperor's Road above Jiang Yun's head trembled slightly and dissipated, and Jiang Yun also opened his eyes.

Jiang Yun also bowed deeply to Mirage again: "Thank you, Senior Mirage!"

Mirage smiled and waved his hand and said: "We are all one family, so why are you thankful?"

Jiang Yun nodded silently. The gift that Mirage gave to him was so great that he really didn't know how to repay it.

However, he also knows that his best repayment is to quickly help the Mirage tribe overcome the upcoming difficulties! Mirage said: "Although I restored your fate, those people still don't remember you."

Jiang Yun replied: "I have copied their memories. As long as I see them and return my memories to them, they will remember me again."

Mirage nodded and said: "Since you are prepared, that's good. I can also consider my merits to be complete."

Jiang Yun clasped his fists again and said: "Senior Mirage, if you're polite, I won't say anything. I will return to the All Heavens Gathering Area immediately, find Ji Kongfan, and then come here with him."

Mirage opened his palm, and a pile of Jiming Sand appeared in his palm. With a gentle blow, the Jiming Sand immediately sank into Jiang Yun's body.

"When you see Ji Kongfan, give him these Ji Mingsha. It's better for him to take the initiative to subdue these Ji Mingsha like you, instead of letting Ji Mingsha recognize him as the master."

Although Jiang Yun didn't understand the difference between the two, he naturally nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then I won't keep you. Anyway, it won't be long before we see each other again."

"I'll send you away!"

As he spoke, Mirage turned and walked forward, followed closely by Jiang Yun.

The surrounding scenery still maintains the scene of Mangshan Jiang Village.

By the time Jiang Yun reached the gate of Jiang Village, the passage back to the All Heavens Gathering Domain had appeared in front of him.

"By the way, I know that you always have an inexplicable hostility towards me in your heart."

"Actually, that hostility does not come from you, but from Nightmare!" "

"Nama is the natural enemy of my mirage clan!"

"The reason why I deliberately sent the Jimingsha to the All Heavens Gathering Area and brought the monks there into here is to get to know him better."

"Therefore, this time I did not erase the power he left in your body, so as not to arouse his suspicion."

"I'm telling you this just to remind you, never believe in Nan, he doesn't mean well to you!"

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you to come back!"

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