Taoist world

Chapter 3974 The Great Emperor’s Magic

These square shadows are stone tablets.

These stone tablets are densely packed, numbering in the thousands. They are kept at the same distance from each other, about ten feet, and are neatly embedded in the ground.

Each stone tablet is exactly the same, about ten feet tall and three feet wide, with something vaguely on it.

At first glance, Jiang Yun thought that these stone tablets were most likely tombstones.

He even thought about whether this was the imperial mausoleum! Under those tombstones, buried were the great emperors who died in the war back then! After all, the ruins of the Imperial War are related to the emperor's tomb, and this place suddenly appeared in the space crack on the third floor of the ruins.

However, when he looked at it carefully again, he realized that he must have guessed wrong.

Because there are still figures standing in front of some stone tablets.

Thirty-one in total, including Xing Yi, whom Jiang Yun has been looking for.

And these people were sitting or standing, some with their eyes open, staring deeply at the stone tablet in front of them.

Some had their eyes closed and their brows furrowed, as if they were thinking about something.

Everyone seemed unaware of Jiang Yun's arrival.

This made Jiang Yun's heart stir. He remembered that the number of monks who entered the space rift before him, including Xing Yi, was exactly thirty-one.

At this time, the calling voice that kept ringing in his ears became increasingly urgent, as if urging him to move forward quickly.

Although under the urging of this voice, Jiang Yun wanted to hurry up to the stone tablet, he still forcibly controlled his inner impulse and refused to let himself take a step.

I didn't even dare to look at what was on those stone tablets.

Because he could tell that the thirty-one monks standing in front of the stone tablet seemed to be in a somewhat abnormal state.

Especially for Xing Yi, even if he didn't expect that he would follow him into the space crack, he should at least remain vigilant.

But at this moment, his whole body was almost touching the stone tablet in front of him, and he didn't care about anything else at all.

This strange scene made Jiang Yun's mind race with thoughts: "It seems that I am not the only one who can hear that sound, but anyone who enters the space crack can hear it."

"The purpose of the sound is nothing more than to attract us here and let us see what is on the stone tablet."

"Once you watch it, you will be deeply immersed in it, or will you lose your mind?"

But just when Jiang Yun had this idea, he saw a monk in front of him suddenly turned his head and glanced at him.

The other party quickly withdrew his gaze, but Jiang Yun could clearly see that although the other party had a look of confusion on his face, his eyes were clear.

Obviously, the other party was not lost.

Jiang Yun's brows were almost knitted together. He was still not in a hurry to see what was on the stone tablet, but turned to look around.

It's a pity that except for the thousands of stone tablets standing in front of them, there is nothing else around.

Although Jiang Yun can still suppress his inner impulse, the scene in front of him has really aroused his curiosity.

What's more, he also knows very well that unless he can exit this space rift now, otherwise, the sound will keep ringing in his ears, making him unable to absorb the blood mist here and temper his body with peace of mind.

Therefore, after pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun finally raised his head and looked at the stone tablet nearest to him where no one was standing.

Unfortunately, even though Jiang Yun was only about ten feet away from the stone tablet, no matter how Jiang Yun used his eyesight, he could not clearly see what was on it.

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only completely give up suppressing his inner impulses. Under the urging of the voice in his ear, he took steps towards the stone tablet.

When Jiang Yun walked to the stone monument, he finally saw clearly that there were some seemingly messy and irregular lines carved on the stone monument.

However, the next moment, these lines outlined moving patterns in Jiang Yun's eyes! A stalwart figure whose appearance could not be seen clearly struck out a series of seals with his ten fingers at high speed, which condensed into a cyan lightning and shot out with a bang.

Although Jiang Yun knew very well in his heart that what he saw was just a pattern, the cyan lightning seemed to really hit his body, leaving him unable to resist. His body and soul were all caught in the lightning. Turn into ashes.

After this feeling disappeared, Jiang Yun's body trembled, and the majestic figure in the picture in his eyes continued to start again, striking out the seals one after another, and once again condensed into a bolt of lightning.

It just keeps repeating, over and over again.

Jiang Yun suddenly took a step back, everything in his eyes disappeared, and the stone tablet still stood in front of him, with irregular lines carved on it.

Jiang Yun's face showed a look of horror, and a clear thought came to his mind: "This is the emperor's technique!"

As this thought emerged, Jiang Yun suddenly turned his head, wanting to see if other stone tablets also recorded some kind of emperor's magic! But something strange happened again.

Except for the stone tablet in front of him, he could no longer see the patterns on any other stone tablets.

However, Jiang Yun didn't need to look any further, he already had a rough idea in his mind.

"Every stone tablet here should record some kind of magical power or cultivation method."

"But only when you get close to a certain stone tablet can you see the content on it."

"Those monks were not lost in their minds, but were immersed in the magical powers recorded on the stone tablets in front of them."

"No wonder these monks have never left since they entered here!"

At this time, Jiang Yun also noticed that the sound that had been ringing in his ears had disappeared at some point.

"This sound is just to attract the monks to come here."

"It's just, what's the purpose of the sound?"

"Could it be that a certain emperor was unwilling to die, so he carved his own skills on the stone tablet and passed them on to the monks who entered here?"

Although this guess is a bit incredible, Jiang Yun feels that it is still possible.

If it were him, he would definitely not want what he has learned to be lost before he dies.

"However, although the Emperor's inheritance is good, I still want to kill Xing Yi first!"

After figuring out the secrets of these stone tablets, Jiang Yun's eyes fell on Xing Yi not far away.

Xing Yi still didn't seem to notice Jiang Yun's arrival, still staring at the stone tablet in front of him.

Killing him now is the perfect opportunity.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun raised his legs and walked towards Xing Yi.

However, with one step, Jiang Yun's expression suddenly changed.

Because he had only stepped a few feet away, a powerful coercion descended from the sky and hit him hard.


Amidst the loud noise, Jiang Yun's figure was shaken and staggered back, returning to the front of the stone monument.

At this moment, Xing Yi and more than a dozen monks were alarmed by the loud noise, and they all turned their heads and looked at Jiang Yun.

The other monks just glanced at Jiang Yun and ignored him.

Only Xing Yi's face showed a sarcastic smile, and he stretched out his hand and scratched his neck.

At this point, Jiang Yun finally understood that it was not that Xing Yi had not discovered him, but that as long as he stepped into the range of the stone monument, he would not be able to leave! I'm afraid that people outside the stone monument should also be unable to come in! Therefore, Xingyi was so confident that he didn't care about his pursuit.

Jiang Yun ignored Xing Yi's sarcasm and looked back at the stone tablet in front of him.

"Could it be that only by learning the spells recorded on the stone tablet can we leave the scope of this stone tablet?"


Suddenly, another earth-shaking loud noise came from all directions.

All the stone tablets, as well as the ground beneath everyone, began to tremble violently.

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