Taoist world

Chapter 4177 The Realm of Illusion

The man was very familiar with this area and knew that there was nothing else here except sand.

Therefore, even if he only saw a piece of clothes, he could accurately judge that it must be the man who was attacked by him before.

When he thought about the good things Jiang Yun might have hidden in his body, and when he thought about the little girl's surprise when she saw these things, the man couldn't help but smile.

The man hurriedly came to the corner of the clothes, raised his hand, and waved hard, and the yellow sand was blown away, revealing a figure lying there, which was indeed Jiang Yun.

The man said excitedly: "Hey, I knew you would definitely be assimilated into the illusion. Let me be right!"

"Actually, instead of becoming a member of the illusion, not entering reincarnation, and being trapped in it forever, it would be better for you to be killed by me, so that at least you still have your soul left and have the opportunity to be reincarnated!"

While talking, the man reached out his hand, grabbed Jiang Yun's clothes, and wanted to turn him over.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun, who was motionless, suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the man's wrist.

At the same time, his voice also sounded in the man's ears: "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you."

Hearing Jiang Yun's voice and feeling the powerful power in Jiang Yun's palm, the man was startled for a moment, and then he was so frightened that he shouted: "Ah!"

As soon as the voice came out, he hurriedly closed his mouth again and turned his head to look behind him.

Obviously, he was worried about being overheard by his sister.

Jiang Yun also slowly turned over, sat up from the ground, spit out the sand in his mouth, and looked at the man with cold eyes.

The man's expression had changed drastically, and his eyes looking at Jiang Yun were as if he had seen a ghost, full of fear and shock.

Even his voice was trembling: "No, it's impossible, you can't be still alive!"

As a native born and raised here, he has seen too many people not only fall into the illusion after the illusion appears, but also be assimilated by the illusion and become a part of the illusion.

Among these people, there are both cultivators from outside areas and monks from within this area.

Although as long as he did not interact with the people or things in the illusion, he would not be affected by the illusion, but he saw with his own eyes that Jiang Yun not only interacted with the characters in the illusion, but also took the initiative to talk to him, so in his opinion , Jiang Yun will inevitably be assimilated into the illusion.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yun managed to leave the illusion alive.

This made him really unable to believe it for a moment.

In fact, let alone him, even Jiang Yun himself was a little surprised at this moment. He did not expect that he could escape the fate of being assimilated into the illusion.

Just now, even though Jiang Yun had used all his strength, he still couldn't stop his body from becoming illusory.

Seeing that his body was about to disappear completely, Jiang Yun suddenly felt blessed and thought of his own way to protect him!

Although he was not sure whether the way of protection was effective, at that time, he had no time to hesitate and activated the way of protection immediately.

Strange to say, the moment the way of guardianship appeared, the all-pervasive power was immediately blocked from Jiang Yun's body, allowing him to successfully escape.

Jiang Yun looked at the man, smiled slightly and said, "Give me a reason not to kill you!"

Before the man could answer, another voice suddenly sounded: "Don't kill my brother!"

A young woman ran over from a distance and came to the two of them. She was the man's little sister.

The man's expression suddenly changed again, and he shouted at the woman: "Who asked you to come here? Didn't I tell you to stay there and not move around?"

"Go back quickly!"

The woman ignored the elder brother's words, but turned to Jiang Yun and said pleadingly: "Senior, I don't know where the elder brother offended you, but the elder brother is a good person. Please let him go!"

Jiang Yun took a deep look at the woman, then looked at the man, nodded and said, "Okay, as long as you brothers and sisters answer a few questions honestly, I will let you go."

While speaking, Jiang Yun had also let go of the man's wrist.

After gaining his freedom, the man stood up in a hurry and stood in front of his little sister with a single step. He looked at Jiang Yun with a vigilant expression and said, "What do you want to know?"

Jiang Yun was not worried that the other party would run away again. Even if the illusion appeared, it would definitely take some time, so Jiang Yun changed to a more comfortable sitting position and said, "What is this place?"

The man said expressionlessly: "Huajiang Realm!"

This answer was within Jiang Yun's expectation, and it also made him realize that everything shown in the illusion just now should probably be the situation in the past of Huajiang Realm.

In other words, this place back then was indeed the same as in the illusion, with a pleasant environment and a prosperous big city, Huajiang City.

I don’t know what the reason is, maybe there is no reason at all, just because of the passage of time, everything in this world has gradually been submerged in the long river of time, and has become as desolate as it is now.

Jiang Yun then asked: "Then do you know that there are other worlds outside the Huajiang boundary? There is also a broader...darkness?"

Because this world is so desolate, Jiang Yun is a little suspicious. Although this man is in the reincarnation realm, he may have never left this world and is unaware of the existence of the seam.

However, there was a look of disdain on the man's face and he said: "Although my strength is not as good as yours, the difference is not too great. Don't treat me as an idiot!"

"The vast darkness you mentioned is called the realm! Or the gap in the realm!"


Jiang Yun nodded. These two words were actually more vivid than the boundary seam.

The man continued: "And this large area including our Huajiang Area is called the Huanzhen Area!"

The Realm of Illusion!

Hearing these three words, Jiang Yun's heart suddenly moved.

Fantasy, of course, refers to the illusion.

Does true mean reality or reality?

I came here from the original world in the domain of all heavens.

The entire universe is said to be the dream of an emperor-level nightmare beast, just like an illusion.

The original world is said to be the first world that appeared in the domain of the heavens, and there is a passage hidden in it, a passage leading to reality.

Then can you understand that this illusory realm is this passage?

One end of the passage is connected to the collection of heavens, and the other end is connected to the real world that is not a dream?

Seeing Jiang Yun's silence, the man couldn't help but urge: "Are these two questions yours?"

"If there are no other problems, then we have to leave!"

Jiang Yun then looked up at him and said, "What happened to the illusion just now?"

The man smiled coldly and said, "I knew you were going to ask this, but I don't know what's going on."

"Originally, our place is just like the illusion you experienced before. It is very beautiful and there is no illusion."

"But suddenly one day, this illusion appeared without any warning."

"At the beginning, no one cared about this illusion at all. The illusion just appeared and then disappeared. It had no impact other than causing some trouble in our lives."

"But as the illusion appeared more and more often, gradually, the illusion changed."

"I think you should understand this change."

"As long as you fall into the illusion and interact with people or objects in the illusion, you will be assimilated into the illusion and become a part of the illusion."

"No matter who you are or how strong you are."

"Therefore, most people in this world have gradually become part of the illusion."

"Some of them will leave their bodies behind, while others will leave nothing behind, just as if they disappeared out of thin air."

"Over time, this world has become what it is now!"

Having said this, the man closed his mouth, with a look of helplessness and sadness on his face.

Jiang Yun also sighed in his heart.

I have had personal experience, so I believe what the man said is true.

Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel a little scared when he thought that he had almost been assimilated into the illusion just now.

Just when Jiang Yun wanted to continue asking, a sharp whistling sound suddenly came from afar, and the expressions of the two brothers and sisters in front of him suddenly changed!

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