Taoist world

Chapter 5212: Subduing the Qi Family

After hearing Jiang Yun's opening remarks and looking at Jiang Yun who was indeed saluting solemnly, Qi Luo couldn't help but frown slightly and said, "Mr. Jiang must have made a mistake!"

"Our Qi family is just a small hidden family. How can we be as high as Leader Jiang?"

"Furthermore, members of my Qi family rarely go out and never participate in external disputes. Therefore, my Qi family cannot afford to be called an old friend."

Qi Luo simply didn't believe that there were members of his Qi family who were acquaintances with Jiang Yun.

Although he didn't know what medicine Jiang Yun was selling in his gourd, his Qi family didn't want to have anything to do with Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun straightened up and said without any concern for Qi Luo's attitude: "Master Qi, even if he is not an old friend, I am still a guest when I come to the door. Is this the way the Qi family treats guests if they are turned away? "

While saying these words, Jiang Yun suddenly opened his palms and reached for Qi Luo's shoulders.

It seemed that Jiang Yun wanted to pat Qi Luo on the shoulder and draw him into a relationship with him.

Qi Luo dared to let Jiang Yun's palm fall on him. He swayed and wanted to avoid it, but then his expression suddenly changed.

The figure that had already dodged half of the way actually stopped, letting Jiang Yun's palm fall on his shoulder.

When this palm fell, Qi Luo stood there motionless as if he had lost his soul.

It wasn't until Jiang Yun withdrew his palm that Qi Luo came back to his senses, looked at Jiang Yun deeply, turned to the side and said, "Please!"

Jiang Yun walked into Qi's house with a smile on his face! At this moment, all the emperors who were paying attention to Jiang Yun were puzzled and didn't understand why Qi Luo suddenly changed his attitude.

Some people even thought that Jiang Yun's palm contained some kind of magical power and had secretly controlled Qi Luo, just like he made Kun Shiji drink the drop of blood.

Of course they would not have thought that Qi Luo could detect the aura of the golden power belonging to their Qi family in the palm of Jiang Yun's pat on their shoulders! Regardless of whether it is the realm of Tao or the realm of suffering, even if it is the same kind of power, different people will have their own aura when exerting it.

The Qi family cultivates the power of gold. As the head of the family, Qi Luo can naturally distinguish the power of gold in his own Qi family.

Although he didn't know how Jiang Yun could master the Qi family's gold power, it could only be passed down to him by someone from his Qi family.

This also provides evidence for the "old friend" relationship that Jiang Yun mentioned before.

Therefore, in order to clarify his doubts, Qi Luo changed his attitude and allowed Jiang Yun to enter Qi's house so that he could ask questions clearly.

In the main hall of the Qi family, Qi Luo did not ask anyone to entertain Jiang Yun, but asked directly: "Leader Jiang, how can you control the power of my Qi family?"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said: "Master Qi, there is a member of the noble family who participated in the Battle of the Ancients many years ago. Do you know about this?"

Upon hearing this, Qi Luo's expression suddenly changed, he couldn't help but take a step towards Jiang Yun, and said nervously: "Xuan Zu!"

"Is the old friend of my Qi family you are talking about the ancestor of Xuan?"

Xuanzu! Jiang Yun originally thought that Qi Xuan was Qi Luo's brother, but he didn't expect that Qi Xuan's seniority in the Qi family would be so high.

However, I felt relieved when I thought that it was the second-generation ancestor of my Jiang family who participated in the battle against the ancients.

Qi Xuan's seniority should be similar to that of the current Dharma-level emperor of the Qi family.

When Qi Xuan left the Qi family, Qi Luo was just a child, so he naturally called Qi Xuan Xuan Zu.

As Qi Luo finished speaking, before Jiang Yun could respond, a breeze suddenly blew through the hall.

Behind Jiang Yun, an old man with a pale golden complexion appeared.

The one who came was Qi Xiao, the only Dharma-level emperor of the Qi family! Qi Xiao stared at Jiang Yun's back and asked word for word: "Have you really seen my brother?"

Jiang Yun was naturally aware of Qi Xiao's arrival. He turned around with a hint of surprise on his face and said, "Is Emperor Xuan the senior's brother?"


Qi Xiao nodded and said: "Back then, I was supposed to participate in the battle against the ancients, but my strength was a bit weak, so my brother took the initiative to ask me to fight on my behalf."

Jiang Yun said with a look of surprise on his face: "That's it."

"I met Emperor Xuan hundreds of years ago."

"I was still very weak at that time, and Emperor Xuan admired me quite a lot and wanted to accept me as his disciple. However, the senior also knew that I had a disciple, so he could only decline Emperor Xuan's kindness."

"Although we failed to become masters and disciples, Emperor Xuan still focused on cultivation and gave me many pointers, which benefited me a lot."

"Finally, he gave me a power to defend myself."

While speaking, Jiang Yun opened his palms, and a golden light lit up in his palms. There were thousands of light spots in it, gathering and dispersing freely, like living creatures. It was the power given to Jiang Yun by Emperor Xuan.

This is also the characteristic of the Qi family's gold power, so as soon as Qi Qi fell, he could immediately recognize that this was the gold power that belonged to his Qi family.

Qi Xiao and Qi Luo both stared deeply at the golden light in Jiang Yun's hand without saying a word.

Jiang Yun was not in a hurry and just let them look at the golden light.

Although most of what he just told about his acquaintance with Emperor Xuan was lies, there was also truth within the lies.

Emperor Xuan wanted to obtain Jiang Yun's Five Elements artistic conception. Logically speaking, the two should have a hostile relationship.

But until Jiang Yun left Sijingzang, Emperor Xuan didn't really hurt him.

But now that Jiang Yun wants to win over the Qi family, he can only try his best to beautify his relationship with Emperor Xuan.

After a while, Qi Xiao finally looked away from Jin Guang and turned to Jiang Yun. His eyes were obviously much softer and he said, "Where did you meet him?"

Although Qi Xiao did not fully believe Jiang Yun's words, at least the golden power in Jiang Yun's palm did belong to Qi Xuan.

And Qi Xiao knew his brother's character very well.

When he thought about it, if his brother didn't really want to protect Jiang Yun, he would never give his power to Jiang Yun.

Since his brother wants to protect Jiang Yun, at least his relationship with Jiang Yun will not be hostile.

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I can't talk about that place."

"Not only me, but even Emperor Xuan will not tell you."

"I'm not looking down on you, senior. You are not qualified to know about that place."

"I also ran into it by mistake. Thanks to my senior brother being there, I was able to leave alive."

Qi Xiao was still a little angry at first, but after hearing Jiang Yun's last words, he suddenly understood.

Jiang Yun's senior sister is so powerful, so naturally his senior brother will not be weak either.

And since only strong people like Senior Brother and Sister Jiang Yun could survive in that place, he probably wasn't qualified to know about it.

At Qi Xiao's age, he has long lost any curiosity.

He knew very well that not every question had to have an answer.

Therefore, he did not continue to ask what kind of place it was, but changed the subject and said: "My brother, are you okay?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "More than good, he is there, his status is extremely high, he is truly a master."

A smile finally appeared on Qi Xiao's old face. He pointed at the chair and said, "My dear friend, please sit down quickly."

He did not call Jiang Yun the leader of the alliance, but called him a little friend, which made the relationship between the two parties even better.

Obviously, it means that he has believed most of Jiang Yun's words, so his attitude has also changed.

More than an hour later, Jiang Yun finally walked out of the Qi family and said with a sigh of relief: "With the support of the Qi family and the Kun family, once the blood clan arrives, we can begin to conquer the Hundred Clans Alliance!"

"Now, it's time to go home and take a look!"

At the same time, many powerful people who were always paying attention to Jiang Yun with their spiritual consciousness saw their expressions change when they saw Jiang Yun walking out of the Qi family safely.

Among them, there was a strong man who directly transmitted the message to others: "Everyone, this Jiang Yun is clearly trying to defeat us one by one."

"If we wait any longer, I'm afraid we will all become like the Kun family and become his Jiang Yun's slaves."

"So, I suggest that we take advantage of now to kill the Jiang family!"

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