Taoist world

Chapter 564 Another Soul

Jiu Sha Di Luo Gong!

This bow that Jiang Yun obtained from the Chang family of the Taoist clan in the Qingzhuohuang Realm was finally caught by Jiang Yun for the first time.

Since Jiang Yun had decided to kill this group of sea tribesmen as payment for the Taoist clan's blood debt, how could he really let Hai Qingshan escape?

Now, he is going to try the power of this bow.

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The entire bow is half a man tall. The bow and strings are made of unknown materials. The whole bow is pitch black and smooth as a mirror. There are no carvings on it. When you hold it in your hand, you can feel a sense of heaviness.

Although this bow is only half a man tall, it weighs more than ten thousand jun. If Jiang Yun hadn't been so physically powerful, he might not have been able to lift the bow with one hand.

Immediately afterwards, a similarly black arrow appeared in Jiang Yun's hand and was gently placed on the bowstring.

There are only nine arrows in the Nine Evil Arrows, each named after the evil spirit. Each evil spirit is stronger than the last evil spirit. What Jiang Yun took out now was only the least powerful one evil evil spirit arrow.

Jiang Yun is no stranger to bows and arrows, because when he was in Mangshan, this was a weapon that he and all Mangshan people often used.

Although he had not used it for many years, holding the bow in his hand immediately brought him back to the original feeling.


With a crisp sound like the clash of metals, Jiang Yun easily opened the bow to full string, pointed at the almost invisible figure of Hai Qingshan, and shot an arrow.


The evil arrow turned into a black light, suddenly flashed from Jiang Yun's eyes, disappeared into the void, and disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Yun also put away the bow again. He no longer looked to see if his arrow hit the target. Instead, he looked at the woman again and said, "Can you feel the talent of the sea clan in my body?"

Jiang Yun initially absorbed the Sea Clan's talents from Xue Qing, but because there were too many demon Clan talents in his body, he could not integrate and refine them, which led to several backlashes in the Sea Clan's talents.

Thanks to Master Gu Bulao's secret action, he sealed the talent of the Sea Clan and told Jiang Yun the method of unsealing it, but Jiang Yun never unsealed it.

But I didn't expect that the woman in front of me could actually feel it.

The woman's eyes slowly returned from the direction where the arrow was shot. She sighed leisurely and nodded: "I can feel it, and this talent seems to have been sealed by external forces."

Jiang Yun didn't speak anymore, but still stared at the other person, and it wasn't until a moment later that he said, "You don't seem to be afraid!"

The woman also looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Why should I be afraid?"

"Because I'm going to kill you!"

"Is it because I'm afraid that you won't kill me?"

"makes sense!"

Jiang Yun laughed and said: "I have no enmity with you. I shouldn't have killed you originally, but unfortunately, you are from the Sea Clan, your clan, and you killed my fellow sect and occupied my sect. You have killed too many of my people, so I must kill you!"

While speaking, Jiang Yun had raised his hand, but his palm was hanging in the air.

Although what he said was true, looking at the woman in front of him, he still couldn't bear to do it.

However, the woman suddenly laughed and said, "What's the use of the life fire you just absorbed?"

These words shocked Jiang Yun's heart again.

Because after he killed nearly a hundred sea tribes just now, he indeed used the flameless puppet lamp to absorb their life fire.

After all, the life fire in the Flameless Puppet Lamp has never been replenished, and since this time he has to save the Taoist Sect and fight against the three major forces, he must be as prepared as possible.

It's just that few people, whether human or demon, can see this life fire, but this woman can actually see it!

But before Jiang Yun could speak, the woman continued: "By the way, I can also see several seals on your body!"

Jiang Yun took a deep breath, his expression regained his composure and said, "Who are you?"

Except for people with extremely high strength, such as Xue Robe, they can discover these secrets about themselves. Until now, no one else can know.

But this woman exposed her secrets again and again, which made Jiang Yun unable to help but become curious.

"My name is Hai Yixue, the sea of ​​the sea, the memory of memories, and the snow of snow!"

Sea, memory, snow!

This name made Jiang Yun's heart beat heavily.

He even subconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky covered with dark clouds and pouring rain.

Because he thought of another woman, a woman he could think of when he saw snow or a sunny day - Xue Qing!

Although there has not been a sunny day in this mountain and sea world for a long time, Jiang Yun thought of Xue Qing who didn't know where he was and whether he was safe because of Hai Yixue's name.

After a moment, he looked at the sky and said calmly: "Go away. I won't kill you today, but I hope you and I won't see each other again!"

Hai Yixue blinked her eyes and said, "Did you change your mind because of my name?"

Jiang Yun said calmly: "If you don't leave, my mind may change again!"

"Okay, I'm leaving, but before I leave, I want to tell you one more thing. In addition to the seal on your body and the talent of the Sea Clan, I also saw another soul in your body!"

"A soul who looks very similar to you, but has longer hair and an older appearance than you!"

"What did you say!"

Jiang Yun suddenly withdrew his gaze and looked at Hai Yixue in front of him.

However, at this moment, a blue mist suddenly rose up around Hai Yixue, covering her whole body.

"Speak clearly before you leave!"

Jiang Yun hurriedly reached out and grabbed into the mist, but his palm clearly touched Hai Yixue's body, but his hand was empty. Hai Yixue in front of him was like a mirror, a flower in the water, and the moon, which he could see but couldn't touch.

Naturally, this is because Hai Yixue cast some kind of teleportation spell.

Hai Yixue blinked at Jiang Yun and said, "If we can meet again next time, maybe I will tell you in detail!"


As she finished speaking, the blue water mist around her, including her body, exploded and turned into water droplets all over the sky, disappearing without a trace.

Jiang Yun stood there blankly, staring blankly at the place where Hai Yixue disappeared, as if he had turned into a statue.

If Hai Yixue just saw a soul in his body, then he wouldn't be too surprised, because there is indeed a soul-like Su Yang in the flameless puppet lamp.

But Hai Yixue revealed the appearance of that soul, and this appearance was exactly the same as the one he saw sitting on the square black stone in his dream.

"What on earth is going on? Is what she said true or false? There are two souls in my body? Who is that soul? Who am I?"

Although Jiang Yun had many doubts in his heart, no doubt had ever given him such a shock and shock as it did now.

It wasn't until a black light suddenly appeared in front of him with a roaring sound that he woke up.

This is the evil arrow. At the tip of the arrow, there is a trace of red slowly seeping into the arrow body.

Obviously, a evil arrow successfully killed Hai Qingshan.

Putting the arrow back into his body, Jiang Yun closed his eyes. After a moment, he opened them again, and his eyes had regained their former calmness.

Taking one last look at the direction of the Boundary Sea in the distance, Jiang Yun finally turned around and sped away in the direction of Nanshan Prefecture.

Only half a day passed, and a city appeared in front of Jiang Yun, as well as six teleportation arrays in the middle of the city!

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