Taoist world

Chapter 5652 The final sprint

The strength Jiang Yun displayed was indeed powerful, and it intimidated many people, but the more so, the more people wanted to kill him!

Especially when they thought that as long as they killed Jiang Yun, the other nine people in the Dao Domain would lose their support, which meant that all ten people could be eliminated in one fell swoop.

Therefore, these monks have already discussed with each other through secret transmission.

Since Jiang Yun is no match for him alone, then if 11 people join forces, they won't be able to kill Jiang Yun!

Among these eleven people, except for one who is a monk from the Realm of Suffering, the other ten are all strong men from the Realm of Illusion.

In particular, one of the blue-shirted scribes with blood-red eyes and a single horn was one of the ten monks selected by the Realm of Illusion!

His attack was to transform into a one-horned bull, which was the fastest and rushed to the front. As it ran wildly in the air, even the water below was rippled.

Facing these eleven overwhelming attacks, Jiang Yun didn't show the slightest hint of surprise on his face.

This had long been expected by him.

Seeing that the one-horned bull was about to rush in front of him, he calmly said: "Are there only eleven of you? I thought there would be more!"

This sentence fell on the ears of the eleven people, especially the blue-shirted scribe, and his face couldn't help but turn red.

The eleven of them, to the outside world, would all be monster-level beings, strong men that other monks looked up to. Now that the eleven of them have joined forces, they are already a little ashamed.

Unexpectedly, in Jiang Yun's eyes, the cooperation of the eleven of them seemed not to be taken seriously by Jiang Yun at all.

This is really a great humiliation for them!

As Jiang Yun spoke, his counterattack finally began.

Then he saw his eyebrows split, and a golden light shot out from it, turning into a turbid golden yellow spring and pouring out.

The underworld is filled with endless bones of innocent souls, floating and sinking.

The entire spring exudes an aura of death that makes people feel despair even just looking at it.

But in the center of Huangquan, there is a towering green tree with lush branches and leaves, releasing a rich vitality that is completely opposite to death.

The underworld swelled up and became hundreds of feet in size, just in time to surround the eleven monks, their remaining boats, and the attacks they released.

Immediately afterwards, the countless wronged souls and bones in the underworld all stretched out their arms, extended infinitely, and grabbed the eleven monks, the eleven ships, and even their eleven attacks. .

The one-horned bull had already rushed in front of Jiang Yun, and the one-horned bull on its forehead was about to pierce Jiang Yun's body. It was the first to bear the brunt and was tightly entangled by hundreds of arms.

Even though the one-horned cow made a shocking roar from its mouth, its strong body struggled wildly, trying to break free from these arms, but it was useless, and the body sank downwards little by little.

The other ten attacks, together with the eleven monks, were also struggling hard and continuing to attack, but the two powers of life and death contained in those arms made their attacks useless.

Only the blue-shirted scribe was really strong, and he was about to break free from his palm, but unfortunately, the boat under him was pulled directly into the underworld by his arm.

After just a few breaths, these eleven monks had all sunk into the underworld and disappeared without a trace.

Huang Quan also turned into a golden light again, sinking into Jiang Yun's eyebrows!

This scene once again shocked everyone who witnessed it.

This was a technique they had never seen before.

Life and death, these two completely different powers, were perfectly integrated by Jiang Yun, and they also possessed such amazing power.

A river of death, killing eleven strong men!

Naturally, this is Jiang Yun's self-created life and death method.

With the death of these eleven strong men, the speed of the golden palm under Jiang Yun also increased by eleven points, and Jiang Yun also closed his eyes and sat down.

It seemed that the battle just now seemed easy, but it also cost him something.

At the same time, a silent black sharp blade suddenly appeared behind Jiang Yun out of thin air, stabbing hard at the back of Jiang Yun's head.


Before Jiang Yun could react, a ray of silver light shot out from somewhere and hit the black blade, causing it to fly out and fall into the water.

And Jiang Yun's ear also heard a voice: "No need to thank me!"

Hearing this voice, Jiang Yun couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Because he heard it, it was the voice of Gu Ling Fuyi!

The ancient demon Gu Bu Lao said that Fuyi and the other four ancient thoughts have been hidden in the bodies of some monks and will secretly protect Jiang Yun.

Obviously, Fuyi and the others had always focused their attention on Jiang Yun. When they saw someone sneaking up on Jiang Yun when Jiang Yun was clearly unable to do anything, he also secretly took action and rescued Jiang Yun.

But Fuyi didn't know that Jiang Yun not only knew clearly about the black blade that appeared behind him, but he also knew who the black blade came from.

Dark One!

This eldest disciple of the Lord of the Shadow Pavilion, Dark Star, is proficient in the power of darkness. Because he killed several of his junior brothers and sisters, he hated him equally and wanted to kill him all the time.

However, compared to Taishi Xing, An Yi is obviously much more patient and is always looking for suitable opportunities.

Until just now, when he saw Jiang Yun killing eleven monks with one blow, he took the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

And even without Fuyi's intervention, nothing would have happened to Jiang Yun.

Because in fact, in that blow just now, Jiang Yun didn't use all his strength at all.

The reason why Jiang Yun deliberately pretended to be weak was because he knew that there were several people here who were probably no weaker than himself.

They are also hiding their strength, observing others and themselves in secret.

If you expose your full strength too early, you will naturally be in trouble once you meet them.

Fuyi's voice continued: "By the way, we have detected the aura of Ancient Thoughts on several monks in the Bitter Territory. You have to be careful!"

Jiang Yun nodded imperceptibly and said softly: "Thank you!"

Jiang Yun had already known about this news.

Back when he was in the Xunzu Realm, Ku Chen, a half-step true emperor, was parasitized by ancient thoughts.

For the monks in Kuyu who were originally going to participate in the competition, Kuyin and Kuxin parasitized ancient thoughts in several of them, so that they could improve their strength in the short term.

Next, no one really dared to take advantage of Jiang Yun.

In this melee, more and more monks were eliminated. After nearly half of the monks disappeared, the remaining monks gradually distanced themselves and were divided into three sections.

The ships in the first section rushed to the front. The number of ships was the smallest, only more than fifty. Ming Yuyang rushed to the front and ranked first.

In addition to him, there are not only Fang Taiping, Lu Benxin and Shang Chong from the True Realm, but also Yu Youwei and Yuan Ning from the Huanzhen Realm, as well as swordsmen from the Dao Realm, Xuanyuan Xing and Han Shiru!

Even, there is the dark one, the seven emotions, and the eight sufferings of the realm of suffering.

There are more than a hundred ships in the last section. Among the ten people in the Dao Domain, the two women Lingzhu and Nan Fengchen are in this row.

The second section has the largest number of ships, and most of the monks are here. There are more than 200 people, and Jiang Yun is among them.

After all, this position allows Jiang Yun to take care of Jiansheng and others in the first stage, as well as Nan Fengchen and Spirit Master in the last stage, taking care of both ends.

Of course, everyone knows that these three different positions are only temporary, and many people still hide their strength.

Because until now, no one knows how much distance is left.

When the final sprint is made, the real fight begins.

And a moment later, the monks in three different positions could all clearly see that the blurry shadow standing at the end of the water gradually became clear.

It was a huge eye standing upright!

This also means that the final sprint moment has arrived!

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