Taoist world

Chapter 5840: Becoming a Buddha immediately

For Jiang Yun, this blow was already his extraordinary performance.

In addition to all his own strength, the flesh and blood of more than a thousand True Realm monks, after being fused with Jiang Yun's Tao Realm, were all transformed into power and provided to Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun knew that this blow would definitely not kill Ren Zun, but if it could injure Ren Zun, it would be enough.

In an instant, Jiang Yun's Taoist world was completely overwhelmed by the powerful light emitted by the thunder.

Renzun was being attacked by Jiang Yun and Ming Yuyang at the same time.

In the Realm of Illusion, even all the true emperors who were fighting couldn't help but stop fighting at this time.

Everyone spreads their spiritual consciousness as far as possible into Jiang Yun's Taoist realm.

Although they also did not believe that the combined attack of Jiang Yunming and Yu Yang could pose any threat to Renzun.

But what if?

Ever since they stepped into the Realm of Illusion and met Jiang Yun and others, the real-level emperors under Renzun have had their perceptions overturned by the reality that happened time and time again.

In fact, their two companions of the True Level Emperor had already been killed.

This has not happened in the True Realm for many years, but it has happened in the Illusory Realm.

So, it is not impossible for Renzun to be severely damaged by Jiang Yun and the two.

And if something like this really happens, then they will probably lose this battle in the end.

After all, although Gu Bulao and the other four were all injured by Ren Zun, as a true emperor, their body recovery speed was astonishing.

Now, the Demon Lord and Gu Bu Lao have both sat up.

If Ren Zun is injured and these four people attack Ren Zun again, and even add Ming Yuyang, then Ren Zun is really in danger.

Therefore, Youqing and others have secretly decided that if Renzun no longer sends people over, then they will rush into the Dao Realm as quickly as possible, take Renzun's clone away, and then return to the true realm. .

No matter what, the clone of Ren Zun cannot be allowed to perish here.

"Buzz buzz!"

Under everyone's attention, Jiang Yun's Taoist world suddenly trembled violently, and then, four figures flew out from inside.

Everyone hurriedly looked at it and found that Han Shiru and four others were flying out.

The four of them have obviously successfully survived the Great Emperor Tribulation and become true Emperors.

Jiang Yun sent them out to prevent them from being affected by the battle.

The four of them, just like the previous swordsmen, although their realm has not been stable after coming out, they all want to see if Jiang Yun can defeat Ren Zun.

However, before they left the Dao Realm, Jiang Yun had already told them to immediately go to the depths of the Bitter Realm as quickly as possible to stop the more than two thousand monks in the True Realm.

For the entire Dream Realm, the more than two thousand True Realm monks are the real enemy.

Especially now, those True Realm monks have not found the Jiyu yet.

No matter how bad the Bitter Territory is, there is still the existence of the Great Emperor.

But the strongest angel patroller in the gathering area is nothing more than a quasi-great emperor.

Once a True Domain monk is allowed to step into the Jiyu, Jiyu will not be able to resist at all.

Therefore, Han Shiru and the other four people looked at each other, all faced the Taoist realm, clasped their hands and bowed deeply.

After straightening up, they immediately turned around and rushed out into the depths of the Bitter Territory.

Although more than two thousand True Domain monks have entered the Bitter Realm for a short time, it has already turned into a hell on earth! Looking around, the remains of the world and creatures are floating everywhere in the gap between the boundaries.

The endless blood gathered into rivers, and I didn't know where they were going.

Some monks who were not completely dead were lying in the gap between the boundaries, some were wailing, and some were expressionless.

And in those worlds that have not yet been encountered by the True Realm monks, all the creatures are even more frightened and have no master.

Those who had the strength immediately took their family members and disciples to escape as much as possible, although they had no idea where they could escape.

And those without strength can only gather together as a family and wait for death to come! In the Ku Temple, all the disciples of the Ku Temple, headed by Kuyin Buddha, now have extremely ugly expressions.

Although the True Realm monks are still quite far away from the Temple of Pain, this does not mean that they can escape.

Although Kumiao's overall strength is somewhat strong, there is no way it can be the opponent of the True Domain monks.

I have tried hard to leave everyone behind and escape into the Realm of Illusion more than once.

But Ku Lao is in the Huan Zhen Realm. If he is caught by Ku Lao, he will still die.

Therefore, he did not dare to escape and could only wait patiently like everyone else.

In the entire Ku Temple, there is only one place that is extremely peaceful now.

That is the center of the Temple of Pain, where Shura is under house arrest! Although above here, the situation in the Dream Realm is still clearly shown, showing Jiang Yun's Dao Realm.

However, Shura was sitting under the statue of Tathagata with his eyes closed and no expression on his face.

It seemed that he no longer cared about the outcome of this war, and gave up trying to persuade him to lead people to fight against the True Realm monks and save as many creatures as possible in the Suffering Realm.

He just sat here, his lips moving.

Only Master Du'e, who was closest to Shura, could hear clearly that Shura was reciting the first scripture that all disciples who worshiped in the Temple of Suffering need to learn.

It is said that this kind of scripture was created and left by the Tathagata.

Although Master Du'e was extremely anxious now, his mood and mood slowly calmed down amidst Shura's chanting.

It seemed that as long as he was by Shura's side and he could hear Shura's chanting, he would no longer have any negative emotions.

However, although he had peace in his heart, it was still impossible for Master Du'e to be indifferent to everything that happened in the outside world like Shura, let alone Jiang Yun's life and death.

After all, Jiang Yun is the grandson of his good friend.

Therefore, Master Due always raised his head and looked at the picture above.


In the picture, there was a sudden violent explosion sound.

Jiang Yun's Dao Realm had completely exploded, and everything inside had turned into nothingness. Only two figures could be seen flying out.

These two figures are naturally Jiang Yun and Ming Yuyang.

Obviously, even if they join forces, they are still no match for Renzun.

In other words, in the entire Dream Realm, Illusion Realm Realm and Four Realms Possession, no one can stop Renzun anymore.

But at this moment, in Master Du'e's ears, Shura's chanting sound suddenly disappeared, replaced by Shura's voice: "Du'e, did you hear it?"

Master Due hurriedly lowered his head, first tilted his ears, and listened carefully, but did not hear any sound. Then he looked at Shura in confusion and said, "What did you hear?"

Shura said softly: "The voices of all living beings!"

As Shura's words fell, countless noisy voices suddenly sounded in Master Du'e's ears.

"Buddha, save us!"

"Merciful and compassionate Masters of Ku Temple, we are your loyal believers. Please show mercy and save us!"

"We are willing to do anything to save us."

"What a temple of suffering, what a Buddha, what a master, they are all liars. They can't save themselves now, how can they come to save us!"

"Tathagata, you are the biggest liar. You created the Temple of Suffering and said that you are compassionate and save all sentient beings, but all you want is the power of our faith!"

Hearing these noisy sounds, Master Due was stunned.

Of course he knew that these voices of begging, praying, or cursing came from all the creatures in the Suffering Realm.

Facing the monks in the True Realm and facing death that may come at any time, they can only place their hope in the Ku Temple and the masters in the Ku Temple to save them.

However, when they found that their prayers and begging had no effect at all, they felt extremely disappointed! Hope turned into anger, pleading turned into abuse.

Just when Master Du'e didn't know what to say, Shura suddenly stood up slowly, clasped his hands together, faced the statue of Tathagata, and said softly: "Let go of your obsessions and become a Buddha immediately."

Immediately afterwards, the Tathagata statue suddenly opened its mouth and spoke at the same time as Shura, word by word.

"I, am, like, come!"

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