Taoist world

Chapter 6439 Senior Brother Returns

Although Jiang Yun knows how precious time is to himself and the entire Mengyu now, and every time he asks Weiyang's daughter a question here, he may kill a monk in Mengyu, but he has not forgotten that Yuan Ning suddenly appeared when the Second Human Being attacked the Dream Realm!

Yuan Ning is a chess piece that Di Zun placed in the Huan Zhen Realm a long time ago.

Although she did not cause any harm to Meng Yu, and even secretly helped Meng Yu, in the end, Yuan Ning took Xue Qing and many of her relatives and friends to Zhenyu!

Therefore, Weiyang Girl, who now also belongs to Tian Zun, and whose strength and status are much higher than Yuan Ning, suddenly appeared when Earth Zun attacked Meng Realm, so Jiang Yun had to guard against it!

However, Jiang Yun also knew that he could not tell whether Weiyang's daughter was telling the truth, so it was better to make it clear.

If Weiyang Nu really came under the order of Tianzun, and even had some plot against the elder brother, then Jiang Yun would be willing to hand him over to take away the elder brother as long as he could save the elder brother.

Hearing Jiang Yun's question, Weiyangnu smiled and shook her head: "Don't worry, silly boy, I'm here just for your master."

"In addition, if your master hadn't already decided to live and die with Mengyu, I wouldn't even take the initiative to reveal my identity, let alone offer to help you save Dongfang Bo."

"I just need to reveal my identity and say that I want to take away Nan Li, Shou Lao, Wen Qingzi, look at who among them dares to stop me!"

As the number one soul shaper, Weiyang Nu is indeed qualified to say these words.

Jiang Yun pondered for a moment, then finally nodded and said: "Okay, senior, I will take you to see my senior brother."

Soon, the two came to Dongfang Bo.

Dongfangbo is still in a deep sleep.

Weiyangnu knelt down, carefully checked Dongfang Bo's condition and said, "Why was his soul just nourished by a force?"

Jiang Yun said softly: "Yes, a sister just sacrificed her life to nourish the soul of senior brother."

"No wonder!" Weiyang Nu didn't continue to ask, and continued: "However, his soul is still very weak, and it is impossible to cure it in a short time."

Jiang Yundao: "Senior, can you let the senior brother accept the memory of his other half soul first?"

"Of course!" Weiyang said: "If it weren't for that girl's sacrifice, it would still take some effort for me to restore the destiny method in Dongfang Bohun, but now, it's very simple."

While speaking, Weiyang Nu had already stretched out her hand, with a ball of soul patterns wrapped around her palm, and gently placed it on Dongfang Bo's eyebrows.

Jiang Yun felt the aura of rules from the soul pattern, and his mood became tense.

If the fate in the elder brother's soul can be restored, then Mengyu will have hope of winning today.

However, Weiyang Nu looked calm and composed, and even turned to look at Jiang Yundun and said, "Can you tell me now how you plan to reverse the situation in the Dream Realm?"

"After all, even if I can cure your senior brother's soul immediately, it will just give you another false lord in Meng Realm. It will still be difficult to win."

Naturally, Jiang Yun would not hide it from Weiyang Nu, and said truthfully: "Elder brother is the weapon spirit of the Four Realms Cang. He can use the power of the Four Realms Cang to forcibly control the Nine Emperors and Nine Clan."

"I speculate that Senior Brother's control over them should even be able to temporarily suppress the Earth Master's mark!"

"As long as the powerful men of the nine tribes can join the battle and control the emperors who have just surrendered to Earth Lord, then Mengyu will still be able to fight today!"

Now among the powerful people in the True Realm, there are still three False Lords, and the True Level Emperor is missing Mu Yangqing and Madam Lan. If the three Dark Stars who surrendered turn their sides again, then the True Level Emperor of the True Domain, There were only twenty people left.

On the side of Meng Realm, there are four people including Ye Guchen, Situ Jing, Nan Li and Yao Yuanzi, especially the last two, one is the ancient emperor and the other is at the peak of the true level. One against two is more than enough.

If we add the nine strong men from the nine tribes, although Mengyu's overall strength is still weaker than Mengyu, it is not far behind.

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, a hint of anger suddenly appeared on Weiyang Nu's face and she said, "Even without Dongfang Bo, Hun Ji will come back obediently!"

Jiang Yun was stunned for a moment before he realized that Hun Ji was Wei Yangnu's disciple!

Presumably, when Weiyang Nu saw that Hun Ji was willing to surrender to Earth Lord, she must have felt a ball of fire in her heart!

Hun Ji was also a member of Tianzun, but she actually surrendered to Earth Zun. No matter what the reason was, Weiyang Nu was extremely dissatisfied.

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly and said, "You can't blame Senior Hun Ji for this..."

Weiyangnu interrupted Jiang Yun's words unceremoniously: "There is no need to intercede for her. If she cannot atone for her sin today, I will kill her myself!"

Naturally, Jiang Yun couldn't say anything more about the matters between his master and his disciples. He shut his mouth obediently and stopped speaking. However, his consciousness was divided into two. One part was watching the senior brother's situation, and the other part was paying attention. The battle situation in the Dream Realm.

Although Jiang Yun and Wei Yangnu had not left the battlefield for a long time, the huge gap in strength had caused more and more monks to die in the Dream Realm, including some of Jiang Yun's acquaintances.

This also made Jiang Yun anxious, but he did not dare to rush Weiyang Nu, so he could only grit his teeth and wait.

Fortunately, just over ten breaths passed before Dongfang Bo, who had fallen into a deep sleep, groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, a roar suddenly burst out from his mouth, and his body suddenly trembled violently.

Weiyang Nu's palm, which never left Dongfang Bo's eyebrows, exerted a slight force, and the rules of the soul surged, turning into a ball of light, wrapping Dongfang Bo's whole body, and Dongfang Bo gradually calmed down.

Weiyangnu explained: "The fate in his soul has just been restored, which means that two different memories suddenly overlapped, which he couldn't bear for a while. Don't worry, he will be fine soon."

Jiang Yun nodded and suddenly asked nervously: "Will this overlap of memories allow him to remember what just happened?"

Jiang Yun was worried that his senior brother would remember his actions against his master and Dongfang Ling, and Dongfang Ling's sacrifice for him.

In that case, given the character of the senior brother, he would never be able to forgive himself.

Weiyang Nu glanced at Jiang Yun and said, "It's hard to say. You may remember it, or you may lose it."

"If you're worried, I can erase some of his memories now."

Jiang Yun hesitated and said, "Then please ask Senior to erase his memory after entering the Dream Realm!"

Weiyangnu nodded and stopped talking. After ten breaths passed, the light on Dongfang Bo's body disappeared. He also raised his head and looked at Jiang Yun. Although his face was extremely pale, he showed a smile and said : "Fourth brother, senior brother didn't recognize you before, you didn't blame senior brother, did you?"

Hearing Dongfang Bo's first words after he woke up, Jiang Yun's nose couldn't help but feel sore, and tears almost flowed out.

My senior brother is finally back!

Although Jiang Yun wanted to reminisce with his senior brother now, but unfortunately it was not the right time, so he took a deep breath, shook his head hastily and said: "Of course I won't blame senior brother, senior brother, please don't speak for now, just listen to me. !”

"The Earth Master sent people to attack the Dream Realm. The Dream Realm is in danger. Can Senior Brother use the power of the Four Realms to help the nine strong men temporarily suppress the Earth Master mark in their souls so that they can fight."

Dongfang Bo smiled and nodded: "Of course, as long as the Earth Lord doesn't come in person, I have a way to suppress their marks."

"Get them here now!"


Jiang Yun is now equivalent to the dream realm. With a sweep of his spiritual consciousness, he has found Jiang Wanli and others who were hiding and brought them directly into the Four Realms!

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