Taoist world

Chapter 6468: Dividing and Reuniting Everything

The Earth Lord's eyes, with a hint of pride, were always staring at Jiang Yun.

When he saw that the expression on Jiang Yun's face did not change at all, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

It felt to Di Zun that Jiang Yun had known his actions for a long time and knew that such a scene would happen.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was indeed thinking to himself: "Sure enough, the Earth Lord is still the same as before, hiding his power of assimilation in the bodies of all the monks in the earth."

"Those monks seem to be his disciples or subordinates, but in fact, everyone's cultivation level is equivalent to his cultivation level, and everyone is equivalent to his clone!"

"If there is danger, Earth Lord can absorb the power of these monks and use it for himself, or he can transform himself into anyone so that no one can find his whereabouts."

"His power of assimilation is indeed brilliant. He simply combines Ji Kongfan's method of division and union, and Yao Yuanzi's power of all things into one!"

Yes, no one knows that Di Zun relies on his special power of assimilation to secretly train the carefully selected monks in Di Ya to become his own clones! As long as there is still one person who has the power of Earth Lord hidden in his body, Earth Lord will never be truly defeated.

The real purpose of Jiang Yun's mission to restore the Earth Master's strength was to verify his guess.

Because the power hidden in other people's bodies was left by his own body. Jiang Yun couldn't tell it at all, and it couldn't be erased.

Now, Jiang Yun's guess came true, and he realized that in addition to He Lianyue, there might be other monks from Diya who also had the power of the Earth Lord hidden in their bodies.

Even if Di Zun drains the power of all the other Diya monks, Jiang Yun doesn't care, but what he is worried about is whether Di Zun will also do something in the bodies of his senior brother and second senior sister to hide his power.

If so, then if you want to deal with the Earth Lord, you will hurt the senior brother and the second senior sister, and may even kill them! "The only way is to hope that Master and the others can quickly deal with Shou Lao and others. Here, I will continue to defeat Di Zun and force him to take the initiative to take back the power in the bodies of Senior Brother and Second Senior Sister."

The body of the Earth Master swayed one after another, appearing next to every Diya monk, absorbing the power within their bodies.

Naturally, his aura became stronger and stronger, until after reaching the peak, Jiang Yun took one step forward and finally walked towards the Earth Master again.

And his attack method was still to turn his hands into fists and smash them into Di Zun's face.

Seeing Jiang Yun's fist, Di Zun's obviously healed nose could not help but feel a faint feeling of pain again, which also made him angry. He shouted coldly: "Are you acting like a reckless man?" If you use brute force, can’t you change your attack method?”

Of course, it was impossible for the Earth Master to let Jiang Yun's fist hit him in the face again.

He reached out and grabbed the void, and a black sword appeared in his hand. It burst out with endless sharp and terrifying sword energy, forming a huge sword flower, spinning crazily and wrapping around Jiang Yun's fist.

Although Di Zun is not a sword cultivator, at his level, except for a few top sword cultivators, such as San Chiqing, the great swordsman of Zhenyu, his attainments in swordsmanship have almost surpassed that of Jue. Most swordsmen.

Therefore, this sword was fast and fierce. Wherever the sword flower passed, the seams that had long been riddled with holes continued to collapse.

Thinking about it, Jiang Yun would definitely try his best to avoid his sword.

If he didn't hide, no matter how strong Jiang Yun's body was, his fist would be cut into pieces by the sharp sword energy.

However, what surprised him was that Jiang Yun acted as if he had not seen the sword flower. He did not dodge at all and hit the sword flower hard with his fist.

However, Jianhua was neither broken by Jiang Yun's fist, nor was Jiang Yun's fist crushed by Jianhua.

Jiang Yun's fist, together with his arm, suddenly became illusory and passed through the sword flower.


After crossing the sword flower, Jiang Yun's fist became solid again, and he hit the Earth Lord in the face again! "Damn it!"

Earth Zun let out a roar that shook the heavens. While he staggered back, he also reached out to cover his face.

Because, he can be sure that there is also a blood flower blooming on his face at this moment.

Jiang Yun succeeded in the attack, and no longer stopped, but pursued the victory, followed Di Zun's retreating body closely, and came to Di Zun's side.


Di Zun didn't even have time to lower his palms from his face and shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the time around Jiang Yun stopped flowing, and Jiang Yun's figure also stopped.

If Earth Lord's clone can see this scene, then he will definitely understand that in fact, his original Lord has also mastered the power of time and the rules of time in these years! Just as Di Zun settled the time, Jiang Yun's voice sounded in his ears again: "You knew me well back then, but now you are very strange to me!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Along with Jiang Yun's voice, there were three dull crashing sounds, which were caused by Jiang Yun's fist hitting the Earth Lord's body three times in a row.

After three punches fell, a stream of blood suddenly spurted out from Di Zun's mouth. He staggered back and disappeared into the darkness.

Apparently, Di Zun no longer fought directly with Jiang Yun, but chose to hide temporarily.

Because Jiang Yun was right, the Earth Lord didn't know anything about him, so he didn't know that Jiang Yun also had the power of time! But Di Zun discovered that Jiang Yun understood him very well.

Even the magical power that he had never used before and the power hidden in the body of the Diya cultivator could not be hidden from Jiang Yun.

Invisible in the darkness, the Earth Lord's face was extremely gloomy! If Jiang Yun was weaker than himself, then it would be okay to know him. But now that Jiang Yun's strength was stronger than his own, and if he knew himself so well, he would not see any hope of winning in this battle.

Taking advantage of this gap, Earth Lord's consciousness also looked around.

At this moment, in the area where Di Zun and Jiang Yun were fighting, apart from the Di Ya monks who were unconscious and deliberately protected by Di Zun, no other monks could be seen.

Although everyone wanted to witness the battle between Jiang Yun and Di Zun with their own eyes, they also knew it very well.

If he really stayed here, he would most likely be caught by Di Zun, who would then use him and others to threaten Jiang Yun and force Jiang Yun to admit defeat.

Therefore, they are now running to kill Shou Lao and others.

Fierce battles are also taking place in many places in the Dream Realm.

Calling it a battle is a bit misnomer.

Because of the two warring parties, one side was not only alone, but also completely passive and unable to even fight back.

On the other side, there were tens of thousands or thousands of people at the most, and each of them was trying their best to use their most powerful attacks, either jointly or in turn.

It is conceivable that in this type of fighting, the party that can only take a beating, no matter how strong it is, cannot escape the fate of being killed.

The Earth Lord was too lazy to look anymore, withdrew his consciousness, stared at Jiang Yun again and said: "Why did his strength suddenly become so strong? He was indeed not taken away from him. What is going on!"

"Do you really want to force me to use my trump card?"

"But, that trump card was used by me in a land outside the law. If I use it now, then..." Just when Di Zun thought of this, there was a "boom", and the darkness he was hiding in had been destroyed by Jiang. Yun punched it away.

Jiang Yun looked at Di Zun who had reappeared with a smile and said: "I still want to hide in my home!"

"Don't worry, Earth Lord, your clone cannot escape from this dream realm today!"

Di Zun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was about to speak, but suddenly a burst of earth-shattering cheers came from afar.

In a gap that was probably millions of miles away from where Jiang Yun and Di Zun were, a huge, broken stone sword lay quietly in nothingness.

That is the Sword in the Stone, a powerful true-level emperor of the demon clan from the True Realm Demon Yuan Sect! Now, he is dead, becoming the first true-level emperor to die in the hands of a group of dream realm monks who are the strongest but law-level emperors. At this moment, these dream realm monks are hugging each other, laughing crazily and shouting, Excited! However, as they smiled, tears fell in their eyes, and there was bitterness in their smiles.

Soon, they wiped away their tears, restrained their bitterness, and continued to rush towards the next True Realm's True Level Emperor.

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