Taoist world

Chapter 6572 Where the corpse is

The series of abnormal reactions shown by the ancient demon at the end stunned Ji Kongfan, who had always been calm.

For a moment, he couldn't understand what the ancient demon was doing.

Although the influence of extra-legal divine patterns on the minds of living beings is indeed far greater than that of negative auras.

But as Gu Yao is a powerful pseudo-master, a few extra-legal divine marks entering her body would at best make her feel a little uncomfortable. She really shouldn't have such a big reaction!

After being stunned for a moment, Ji Kongfan came back to his senses.

He first stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, grabbing the severed tail of the ancient demon that had fallen on the ground.

Then, with a flash of his body, he also rushed out of the Dharma Master's world and went after the ancient demon.

Ji Kongfan was worried that the ancient demon was using some conspiracy.

It seems that she is trying to survive by cutting off her tail, sacrificing a section of her tail to save her own life, but in fact, her clone or power is hidden in her tail.

If you ignore the cut-off tail and go directly to chase the ancient demon and leave the world of the Dharma Master, what if the cut-off tail suddenly turns into an ancient demon and takes the opportunity to attack the formation.

Not only will the array be destroyed, but Xuanyuan Xing will probably die.

Holding the broken tail, Ji Kongfan temporarily did not bother to check whether there was any power and consciousness of the ancient demon hidden in it. His consciousness was released and he stared at the ancient demon.

However, after seeing clearly the situation in the boundary gap, Ji Kongfan's figure that had just rushed out stopped.

Because, he saw that the densely packed extra-legal divine patterns that filled the million-mile radius did not stop the ancient demon.

They had the same reaction as when they saw themselves coming. Facing the ancient demon's rush, they immediately moved to both sides and moved away, allowing the ancient demon to escape unimpeded.

After just a few breaths, the ancient demon disappeared from Ji Kongfan's sight.

Ji Kongfan frowned and muttered to himself: "I was scared by the Extra-Law Divine Mark just now and had to cut off my tail to survive. Now when the Extra-Legal Divine Mark sees her, she doesn't stop her!"

Ji Kongfan stopped chasing the ancient demon.

Because there is no enmity between him and the ancient demon, and he really doesn't know what happened in the Transcendence Land, and whether other ancient cultivators and ancient spirits will also rush out.

Of course, Ji Kongfan also didn't know that the ancient demon had already taken away the Dream Realm.

If he knew it, then Ji Kongfan would catch up with the ancient demon and keep him behind at all costs, even if the formation diagram might be destroyed.

Therefore, after standing silently in the boundary gap for a moment, Ji Kongfan turned around and returned to the world of the Dharma Master.

At this time, he focused on the severed tail in his hand.

With his spiritual consciousness sweeping over, Ji Kongfan noticed several extra-legal divine patterns that he had previously sent into the severed tail.

Other than that, there is nothing special about this truncated tail.

Obviously, in order to allow himself to escape safely, the ancient demon sent all the extrajudicial divine marks into its tail, and then cut off the tail.

"No, there's an extrajudicial mark missing!"

Ji Kongfan is very clear about these extra-legal divine marks in his body, and even knows their exact number.

At this moment, he discovered that the extra-legal divine mark he had penetrated into the ancient demon's body was missing one.

"The missing one should still be hidden in the ancient demon's body."

Ji Kongfan's brows furrowed even more tightly, and he said in a voice that only he could hear: "Why, after the ancient demon was penetrated by the lawless divine mark into his body, did he shout for mercy, senior?"

"Who is the senior she is referring to?"

"Why have I never felt any senior in the lawless divine pattern!"

A wind of annihilation rose up in Ji Kongfan's hand, and after annihilating the ancient demon's truncated tail, the lawless divine pattern appeared in his palm.

Staring at the extra-legal divine pattern, Ji Kongfan's eyes suddenly flashed with light and he said, "Could the senior the ancient demon mentioned be the person Jiang Yun saw?"

"If so……"


As Jiang Yun continued to penetrate deeper into the realm of ancient rules, time almost stopped passing.

Although the negative atmosphere around him is getting stronger and stronger, Jiang Yun's mind has become more stable and has not been affected at all due to self-discipline.

Even Jiang Yun's courage gradually grew.

Not only did he begin to speed up his walking speed, he was also able to distract himself from looking at the sources of ancient principles with various images.

The source of ancient principles is not an illusion or a ball of light, but can be transformed into various concrete images.

These images were so strange and varied that they were simply beyond Jiang Yun's cognition.

If Jiang Yun hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have been able to imagine that what he saw would be the source of some ancient rule!

For example, he once saw a piece of soil flying freely in the air at extremely fast speeds.

Jiang Yun guessed that the other party should be the source of earth rules, or the source of earth rules, or even the source of wind rules.

But when he seized the opportunity, got closer and felt it, he suddenly discovered that this piece of soil turned out to be the source of power!

He really couldn't understand what the relationship between the rules of strength and soil could be.

In the end, he could only reluctantly understand that power rises from the ground...

There are other sources of rules that Jiang Yun couldn't find.

For example, the rules of thunder that he understood did not seem to exist here at all.

Jiang Yun has paid special attention to the source of thunder since he entered the world of ancient rules, but he has never seen it.

While observing the origins of various ancient rules, although he could not comprehend them with his heart, the whole process also greatly helped Jiang Yun to understand and recognize various rules.

If those negative auras didn't exist, then the journey here would definitely be described as wonderful for Jiang Yun.

However, the more sources of ancient principles he saw, the more doubts Jiang Yun had in his mind.

The first doubt was that he remembered Yao Yuanzi once said that ancient rules are extremely complicated and complicated, and one rule often contains multiple rules.

Later monks took apart an ancient rule and obtained new simpler rules, which are called new rules.

However, in this world of ancient rules, most of the sources of various rules that Jiang Yun saw were still single.

The second doubt is the origin of these ancient rules!

The realm of ancient principles is beyond reincarnation!

In other words, the source of all the ancient principles here will always exist and will not disappear since they were brought here by Master.

So, every time reincarnation starts again, doesn’t the True Domain lose the source of ancient principles?

Without the source of ancient rules, there would be no new rules, and there would be no powerful monks!

Even the entire bureau will not exist.

It's impossible for the people who laid out the plan not to discover such a huge flaw.

If every time reincarnation starts again, the source of ancient principles will reappear, then how does the source of ancient principles here come from?

Also, even if the source of all ancient principles here is covered by the aura of that corpse.

However, during the reincarnation when the master awakened, he took away the source of all the ancient principles from the true domain. The people who planned it should be able to discover it, but why didn't they stop it or search for it?

Jiang Yun really couldn't think of an answer to these two doubts.

Perhaps we can only get the answer when we meet Master.

In this way, Jiang Yun didn't know how long he had been walking in the world of ancient rules, and his speed finally slowed down again.

Because, in his current position, the light from the source of ancient principles is very rare and can hardly be seen.

However, the fog formed by the negative aura is overwhelming and everywhere!

This place seems to be the nest of negative atmosphere.

Naturally, that should be where the body is!

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