Taoist world

Chapter 7479 Betrayal of Dao Lord

As soon as Jiang Yun said this word, the banshee's expression suddenly changed.

Because she clearly felt that the seal that Jiang Yun had just penetrated into her body suddenly exploded.

Every rune that makes up the seal stretches infinitely, condensing into a large net that instantly covers every part of his body.

Although this net is not too strong, under this restraint, it has weakened my cultivation by at least 30%!

If she faced other enemies, even if her strength was weakened by 30%, Banshee was confident that she could kill them, but at this moment, she was facing Jiang Yun.

Therefore, the banshee reacted very quickly. The snake letter that was about to touch Jiang Yun's eyebrows suddenly retracted and gave up the attack.

In her eyes, countless rays of light flashed like stars, and the banshee suddenly closed her eyes.

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly turned pitch black.

The originally blue sky seemed to be suddenly shrouded in a layer of black cloth, turning day into night.

Jiang Yun was not surprised at all by this change, and even ignored it.

He firmly grasped the banshee's snake tail with one hand, and on the other hand, blazing flames appeared again, and he slashed at the snake's tail fiercely.

But at the same time, two golden claws suddenly stretched out from the snake's tail, and they also grabbed Jiang Yun's chest fiercely.


Jiang Yun did not dodge, letting the pair of claws grab his chest, but the flaming knife in his hand also slashed at the snake's tail.


Along with the shrill screams from the banshee's mouth, Jiang Yun felt a sharp pain in his chest, but his body relaxed. The snake's tail wrapped around it had been loosened, and the banshee hurriedly retreated.

The banshee retreated. Although the distance was not far, it had already disappeared from Jiang Yun's eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was completely in darkness, unable to see anything or hear any sound.

Even other feelings are slowly fading away.

Reaching out to touch his bloody chest, Jiang Yun stared at the darkness in front of him and said calmly: "Do you Zhulong also have a clan?"

Candle Dragon!

This is a kind of creature that Jiang Yun knew from the mouth of Emperor Yue. It also comes from outside the tripod. It can be day when its eyes are opened and night when it is closed. It is extremely powerful.

Jiang Yun originally thought that Ye Bai was Zhulong, but later he learned that the real Zhulong should be the real body of Bai Ye who made a bet with Dao Lord!

Even if he knew, Jiang Yun didn't know much about Zhulong.

When Jiang Yun saw this banshee before, he felt familiar and thought she had some relationship with the ancient demon.

After learning that the other party also came from outside the tripod and was a Dharma cultivator, Jiang Yun finally understood why he felt familiar with the banshee.

Because Ye Bai once used a candle, and after it was lit, the candle also turned into a half-human, half-snake shape.

This made Jiang Yun realize that this banshee should be related to Zhulong.

However, the candle transformed into a human face with a snake body and a single eye with a vertical pupil, which was somewhat different from the image of a banshee, so Jiang Yun was not sure yet.

Now, the banshee closed her eyes, causing Jiang Yun to immediately fall into darkness, which allowed Jiang Yun to be sure of the other party's identity.

In fact, two dragon claws appeared on the snake tail of the banshee just now, which probably represents her identity, which is higher than Ye Bai.

And the other party came to save Ye Bai, or to snatch the candle!

As soon as Jiang Yun finished speaking, the erratic voice of the banshee sounded from all directions: "Jiang Yun, I admit that I underestimated you.

There was no longer any bewitchment in the banshee's voice, only gnashing of teeth and endless resentment.

Jiang Yun's last flaming knife almost cut off the banshee's snake tail.

The banshee continued: "It seems that you have noticed my identity a long time ago, so you took the initiative to fight me!"

In fact, when Jiang Yun took the initiative to choose to fight the banshee, he was still not sure of the other party's identity.

It's just that as a demon refiner, Jiang Yun has a certain advantage against the demon clan. \u003cbr.

However, of course Jiang Yun would not tell the real reason. He still said calmly: "I asked you before if you were from outside the tripod. You didn't answer at all. Is it to cover up for Beichenzi?"

Bai Ye and Daojun are opposites.

This Longwen Red Cauldron belongs to Daojun, and Beichenzi is Daojun's subordinate.

Bai Ye's ability to send a candle and Ye Bai into the Longwen Red Cauldron may be due to his ability.

But this banshee was specially sent to Jiang Yun twice by Beichenzi to deal with Jiang Yun.

Dao Lord's men actually took the initiative to help Bai Ye's men!

This means that Beichenzi has clearly colluded with Bai Ye secretly to take advantage of others!

And Beichenzi is responsible for controlling the Longwen Red Cauldron!

His betrayal of Daojun may cause Daojun to lose the bet with Bai Ye!

Once Daojun hears something, Beichenzi will definitely die.

Therefore, it was certainly impossible for the banshee to admit that she came from outside the tripod before.

But now, this dark space must be controlled by the banshee, and she was also angered by Jiang Yun, so she admitted her identity.

However, the banshee did not answer Jiang Yun's question and said coldly: "You know this, but it means nothing to you at all, because you are going to die soon!"

"Your six senses will slowly disappear, but I will leave your body sense so that you can experience all kinds of pain before death!"

Jiang Yun said nonchalantly: "Since I'm about to die, why not just let me be a sensible person."

Jiang Yun knew that the woman was hiding now and must be trying to break the demon seal, so she did not take action against him immediately.

As for himself, he wanted to take this opportunity to get more useful words out of the other party's mouth.

As for the magical power of closing one's eyes to the night, Ye Bai and Candle had also used it on Jiang Yun before, but Jiang Yun finally destroyed it with the Dark Beast, so he was not worried at all.

However, the banshee's voice no longer sounded, apparently she had made up her mind that even if Jiang Yun was really going to die, she would never say anything to Jiang Yun again.

After waiting quietly for a moment, Jiang Yun deliberately said with a bit of regret: "It seems that you want me to be a fool. Let's see who of us dies first!"


After Jiang Yun finished speaking, Beiming had appeared, and after appearing, his body directly swelled to a million feet in size and continued to expand.

Relying on the connection with Beiming and the fact that the banshee left Jiang Yun body consciousness, that is, touch, Jiang Yun can judge his position based on Beiming's vibrations.

Next, Jiang Yun began to attack the surrounding darkness.

Jiang Yun used this method at the beginning to force Ye Bai to take the initiative to put away his magical power of closing his eyes for the night.

It's a pity that this time, whether it was Bei Ming's body's surge or Jiang Yun's attack on the darkness, it had no great impact on the surrounding darkness.

The darkness here seems to have tenacious vitality. As long as it is destroyed, they can quickly reappear.

Not far from Jiang Yun, the figure of the banshee emerged from the darkness and said coldly: "Do you think I don't know how you defeated Ye Bai!"

"Besides, I'm not Ye Bai. Your dark beast has no effect on me!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly, but also did not respond. He still joined forces with Beiming to destroy the darkness around him.

If what she did was really useless, it would be impossible for the banshee to speak.

Sure enough, seeing Jiang Yun unmoved, the banshee gritted her teeth and said viciously: "Since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you!"

She began to mutter words, like chanting, speaking an ancient language.

As she chanted, the pupils in her eyes suddenly turned into vertical pupils, and her hands turned into two claws, flashing with little golden light.

She still failed to break the demon seal, but she was worried that Jiang Yun would really break this dark space, so she could only take action forcefully, not to mention killing Jiang Yun, but even severely injuring Jiang Yun.

The next moment, she appeared silently behind Jiang Yun, raised her paw, and grabbed at Jiang Yun. But at this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly spoke again and uttered another word: "Burn!"

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