Taoist world

Chapter 7552 The Pavilion Opens

From Guantian's words, it was not difficult for Jiang Yun to deduce that the reason why she left Daoxing Tiandi more than two months ago was obviously specifically to rob this pavilion.

As a powerful Taoist cultivator, Jiang Yun naturally understood that this pavilion was a Taoist artifact.

Guantian and most of the monks in Daoxing Heaven and Earth in front of him are all Dharma cultivators, and they practice the power of various rules.

Even if the pavilion was given to her, it would be of no use to her. There was no need to take such a big risk and go to the Hongmeng camp to snatch it all by herself.

Hearing Jiang Yun's question, Guantian hesitated for a moment before replying: "I didn't want to rob it, it was Lord Tianzun who asked me to rob it."

"I don't know why she asked me to rob that pavilion."

"Tianzun?" Jiang Yun was startled at first, but then felt a little relieved.

Until now, Jiang Yun was still unsure of Tianzun's strength. He couldn't even tell whether she was a Dharma cultivator or a Taoist cultivator.

However, Tianzun has a calm personality, careful thinking, and resourcefulness.

In fact, in Jiang Yun's view, she and Jiang Yiyun were the same kind of people.

Moreover, Tianzun cares more about Daoxing Tiandi than Jiang Yun.

Therefore, since she asked Guantian to snatch that pavilion, there must be a special reason.

What's more, as a weapon spirit, Guantian is probably the most powerful person next to Tianzun in today's Daoxing world.

If something happens to her, it will be a huge loss to the entire Daoxing world.

But Tianzun still wanted her to risk her death to seize the pavilion.

This means that in the eyes of Tianzun, the importance of that pavilion exceeds that of Guantian!

Guantian continued: "After I went to the Hongmeng camp, I failed to snatch it and was injured by them. When I was about to escape back to Daoxing Heaven and Earth, I found that they had completely blocked Daoxing Heaven and Earth, preventing anyone from entering at will."

"In desperation, I had no choice but to flee to other places and come back after recovering from my injuries."

"In the past two months, including this time, this is the third time I've come to rob."

"Thanks to meeting you this time, otherwise, I would definitely have failed."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun couldn't help but frowned and said, "Have you gone and robbed me three times?"

"Although you are injured every time, you can still escape in the end?"

"Yes!" Guantian nodded.

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the Hongmeng monks behind him who were being pushed farther and farther away by Bei Ming, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I will give you that pavilion."

"But not yet."

"Because there may be strong men from Hongmeng or some agencies ambushing us inside the pavilion."

"I'll give it to you after I've taken care of everything inside."

"Now, you need to take a good rest and heal your injuries. I will protect you. We will talk again after we get to a safe place."

Guantian was indeed injured again just now, and she trusted Jiang Yun very much, so she nodded, closed her eyes, and began to heal.

Looking at Guantian, Jiang Yun also closed his eyes and said to himself: "Something is wrong!"

There is another reason why Jiang Yun just gave up on turning around to Daoxing Tiandi and why he is not handing over the pavilion to Guantian now.

Although Jiang Yun admitted that he was much stronger now, he felt that the process of snatching this pavilion was a little too easy!

That's the Hongmeng camp!

Not to mention whether there are Tao demons behind Hongmeng, at least Hongmeng has gathered together almost all the powerful Taoists in the entire Daoxing domain.

Their purpose is to destroy Daoxing Tiandi.

Even though there must be some strong people who have not come here, there must be hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and strong people are like clouds.

However, in this situation, not only did he steal the top magic weapon from a Taoist world, but he was also able to leave unscathed!

Those who are at the peak of their origin are not just decorations.

If they really tried their best to stop him, not to mention they could keep him, but they would definitely not be able to let him leave so smoothly.

Especially Guantian.

Although the opponent's strength is also very strong, it is even more unreasonable to enter and leave the Hongmeng camp three times and finally retreat completely.

There is no need for more, as long as there is a strong man like Xie Lingzi or even the original Xie Daozi sitting in, he can make Guantian unable to leave.

If the Hongmeng camp really only has this strength, then Jiang Yun is confident that he can wipe out the entire camp with his own strength!

Therefore, Jiang Yun wondered whether the monks of Hongmeng might have deliberately let him snatch that pavilion.

As for Guantian, they also deliberately refused to kill or capture him.

If this is the case, then there is naturally some secret hidden in the pavilion, and it may even be a secret that is detrimental to himself or Daoxing Tiandi.

If I rashly bring the pavilion back to Daoxing Tiandi, I am afraid it will cause trouble to Daoxing Tiandi.

Therefore, before clarifying these things, Jiang Yun could not hand over the pavilion to Guantian, nor could he return to Dao Xingtiandi.

In this way, after Bei Ming and the two of them finally got rid of the pursuit of the Hongmeng monks, they randomly found an uninhabited area and stopped.

Jiang Yun waved his sleeves and sent Guantian into his Taoist realm, and he also entered.

In the Tao Realm, the pavilion stood quietly on a flat ground.

The Ancient Artifact Spirit was almost stuck to the pavilion, studying the runes on it.

The lanterns hanging on the building had their eyes tightly closed, not daring to make any sound.

Because, around the pavilion, there were sitting cross-legged, Long Xiangzi and four other monks from outside the tripod!

Even if this pavilion is a top-notch Taoist weapon, being surrounded by these four people, one does not dare to act rashly.

Jiang Yun asked the ancient weapon spirit to study the building in order to find a way to enter it.

Long Xiangzi and the others are protecting the safety of the ancient weapon spirits.

Guantian, who was brought into the Taoist world by Jiang Yun for the first time, was happy at first when he saw the pavilion, but when he saw Long Xiangzi and the four others, his happiness suddenly turned into shock.

She felt like she was no match for any one of these four people.

Naturally, she never expected that there were so many powerful people hidden in Jiang Yun's Taoist world.

Jiang Yun did not introduce them, but simply said: "We are all friends, don't worry."

After finishing speaking, he directly asked Long Xiangzi: "Did you find anything?"

Long Xiangzi shook his head and said, "No, there hasn't been any movement since we arrived in this building. We doubt there is anyone inside."

"No one?" Jiang Yun frowned slightly. Although he had seen many monks flying out of the pavilion with his own eyes, the total number could not exceed a hundred.

This pavilion is tens of thousands of feet high and can only accommodate less than a hundred monks. Moreover, these monks are not very strong, which is really unreasonable.

Jiang Yun walked to the side of the ancient weapon spirit again and asked: "Have you found a way to enter?" Although the ancient weapon spirit looks tall and thick, and has a bad temper, when he studies the magic weapon, he seems to be a different person. , not only looked extremely focused, but also had a mesmerized expression on his face, completely immersed in it.


Hearing Jiang Yun's words, he said without looking back: "This is a Taoist weapon, I'm not very familiar with it."

"However, the four patterns engraved on it seem to be separate, but when combined together, they can form a new pattern, which should be the time pattern."

"Therefore, if you want to enter this pavilion, you can only open it with the power of time!"

While speaking, the Ancient Artifact Spirit pointed to a location in the pavilion.

Jiang Yun nodded secretly. He was worthy of being an ancient weapon spirit. Even without the passage patterns, he could tell that this pavilion contained the power of time.

Jiang Yun didn't talk nonsense, raised his hand and waved gently in the direction of the ancient weapon spirit's finger.

The power of time crashed into the pavilion, and countless lines suddenly appeared on the surface of the pavilion.

Immediately afterwards, under the influence of the power of time, these lines seemed to bloom, and quickly sunk inward, revealing a row of gates that were about ten feet high. There are four doors in total, with patterns of spring flowers, summer sun, autumn wind and winter snow painted on them.



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