Taoist world

Chapter 764 Making a choice

During Jiang Yun's third year of seclusion, it actually took him less than half a year to complete the conception of the ghost spirit.

In addition, he also had an unexpected gain!

It was that he finally sensed his own soul!

When he was in the Yin Spirit World, he forcibly swallowed Gui Li's ghost energy with his life fire, and thus felt that there was a layer of shackles surrounding his life fire!

This shackle is his soul, which limits the growth of his life fire.

If there is no shackles of the soul, then his life fire will be even more powerful with the help of the art of nirvana.

At that time, Bai Ze was shocked by Jiang Yun's discovery.

Because even in the Blessed Realm, it is impossible for a monk to sense his own soul.

But Jiang Yun had a strong feeling that if he absorbed more ghost energy, he would be able to sense his own soul!

Now, with the help of the ghost energy in the Biangan flower, he finally succeeded in breaking the shackles of his soul and clearly felt his own soul!

The most direct benefit this brought to him was that his life fire, vitality and consciousness became more powerful.

What you see, hear, and listen to becomes clearer.

However, what he didn't expect was that although he successfully sensed his own soul, there was actually a layer of shackles outside his soul that was far more powerful than before!

He also knew that this shackles came from the seal like the word "cloud" on his back!

Even with his current strength, he tried his best to attack this seal, but there was no response.

This reminded him of what Hai Yixue told him back then.

There is another soul hidden in his body, a soul that looks the same as himself, but has gone through more vicissitudes of life.

If there hadn't been a conversation with Jin Cunyao three years ago, Jiang Yun would naturally have thought that the other soul in his body was actually himself.

But now, he doesn't think so.

In fact, he didn't even know what kind of existence that soul was!

Therefore, he simply stopped paying attention to it all.

But at this moment, standing under the seven suns, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a breath hidden in these seven suns!

But the breath was fleeting, and when he looked for it again, he couldn't find anything.

And those seven suns, regardless of their height or temperature, made it impossible for him to check, so after pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun couldn't help but shake his head.

When you are not strong enough, it is best not to have too much curiosity!

Even if there is indeed a breath among the seven suns, it is actually not surprising.

After all, he believed that the firebird should have been born from the sun.

After retracting his thoughts, Jiang Yun did not check his current cultivation level. Instead, he stepped out of the courtyard and immediately saw Liu Peng sitting among a pile of stones outside the courtyard!

"Master! You are out of seclusion!"

Seeing Jiang Yun's appearance, Liu Peng's face immediately showed a look of surprise. He put his hands on the ground and climbed up with great difficulty.

After finally standing up, his knees weakened and he wanted to kneel down again, but was stopped by Jiang Yun with a wave of his sleeves.

Looking at Liu Peng who was pale and swaying slightly in front of him, Jiang Yun had an indescribable feeling in his heart even though his face was expressionless.

Because Liu Peng had already made his decision in the past three years and swallowed the detoxification pill!

Today, Liu Peng has only a little of the poisonous energy that was originally filled in his body, and his original cultivation of the Cave Heaven Realm is gone.

However, the sudden loss of cultivation made it impossible for his body to bear it, so he appeared extremely weak.

Jiang Yun didn't know why Liu Peng finally made such a choice, but he could imagine that Liu Peng must have gone through some extremely painful suffering before he decided to swallow the detoxification pill!

After a long silence, Jiang Yun slowly said, "Do you still want to practice?"

As Jiang Yun asked this question, Liu Peng's body suddenly trembled.

After a moment of silence, Liu Peng shook his head and said: "Master, the way of formation is vast and unfathomable. I only hope that I can gain something from formation in my lifetime!"

Liu Peng's answer brought a smile to Jiang Yun's face and said, "Okay!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yun flashed and appeared in front of Liu Peng. He stretched out a finger and gently tapped Liu Peng's eyebrows.

"From now on, I will teach you all the formation knowledge I know."

"Although I don't know much about formations, I can never deviate from the original principles. By tracing back to the roots and simplifying the complex, I believe you can outperform the old!"

"That's all I can teach you for now."

"In addition, I also promise you that as long as the master does not die, you will definitely become a formation master in your lifetime!"

"Thank you Master!"

Liu Peng bowed deeply to Jiang Yun, and looking at Liu Peng, the smile on Jiang Yun's face became even wider.

Because he knew that his disciple had finally let go of his attachment to practice.

Letting go is actually a kind of practice!

However, this practice is about cultivating the heart!

Although Liu Peng no longer has any cultivation, no ability to go to heaven or earth, or to overturn rivers and seas, he has found his Taoist heart and his own Tao!

There are thousands of paths to practice, but the final result is the same goal through different paths, the great path!

Although Jiang Yun didn't know if there was anyone in the spiritual world who could achieve greatness without any cultivation, he was full of expectations and hopes for Liu Peng!

Because just as his senior brother told him back then, the people on the Hidden Peak, or in other words, the disciples their sect accepts, are all weird enough!

If you have no cultivation and achieve the great road, wouldn’t you also belong to the ranks of weirdos!

As for the guarantee he gave Liu Peng, naturally he wanted to use his identity as an alchemist to extend Liu Peng's life as much as possible, so that he could one day realize enlightenment!

ft first release"

"Okay, I'm going out in a few days. I don't know when or if I can come back, but I will give you a few things."

"These few things are enough to protect you and your family and survive safely!"

Liu Peng raised his head and said with firm eyes: "Master will definitely return safely!"

"Haha, okay, then master will lend you some good words!"

Jiang Yun only gave Liu Peng three things, the Antidote Pill, the Lihuo Pearl, and the Soul Poison from the Other Side!

Firebird summoned a large number of Lihuo Pearls for Jiang Yun twice in a row. Jiang Yun did not use all of them, and there were still about a hundred beads left. He kept fifty for himself and gave the rest to Liu Peng.

In the last year of seclusion, Jiang Yun also successfully extracted the soul poison from the other shore flower.

Although this is different from the soul poison from the other side of the body of the third senior brother, it is also extremely toxic, and there is almost no cure in the living world!

Having these two things in hand is enough to ensure the safety of the Liu family.

However, Jiang Yun was still worried, so instead of removing the formation he had set up around the residence, he spent another three days reinforcing the formation.

Even the first four small formations of the Jiuxue Chain Formation were all completely arranged.

This can not only ensure the safety of the Liu family to the greatest extent, but also allow Liu Peng to study the formation method with the help of four small formations.

After placing Liu Peng, Jiang Yun also made some preparations, especially collecting his stone eggs made of breath soil.

Although the stone egg has been cracked, half of it is still intact, and this half is so strong that it can even withstand the Zangdao sword!

In short, on the fifth day, Gu Luo's voice finally sounded in Jiang Yun's ears: "Fellow Taoist Gu, are you ready to go?"


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