Taoist world

Chapter 7689 Turtle in the Urn

, Taoist world!

Chapter 7689: Turtle in the Urn


After Zixu's voice fell, the palace exploded.

Countless magic patterns that came from nowhere appeared out of thin air and condensed into a huge whirlpool of magic patterns.

The vortex rotated, releasing powerful power while chasing straight towards the deep hole Jiang Yun jumped into.

Wherever the whirlpool passes, everything is drawn into it.

The monks from the Ten Thousand Lords Domain gathered here had already been sucked into the whirlpool before they understood what was going on.

Even the fat old man's body was like this.

Immediately afterwards, another shrill scream came.

The bodies and souls of these monks were all torn into pieces by the power of the whirlpool. In an instant, their bodies and spirits were destroyed, and no one could survive.

Although Jiang Yun's reaction and speed were extremely fast, he successfully left the deep cave and found himself in the gap between the Jitian Law Domain.

However, he also immediately noticed that there were already waves of resistance rising from all directions.

Obviously, Zixu completely sealed off this area!

At this point, Jiang Yun believed that Zixu had come prepared to catch or kill him.

In fact, he did not let go of the monks in the Ten Thousand Masters Domain.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not rush to try to break through the resistance around him and escape. Instead, he sent the compass, Hun Chengyu and the soul of the fat old man into his body.

At the same time, he also raised his fist and punched the whirlpool of spell patterns following him.

With a loud "boom", the vortex exploded, and all the patterns that formed the vortex collapsed and dissipated into the darkness.

This level of magic pattern has no effect on Jiang Yun at all.

While Jiang Yun was waiting for Zixu to appear, he said to his fat old man's soul: "I am a monk from the Daoxing Domain."

"You just saw it. In order to catch me, this Zixu doesn't care about your life or death at all."

"Now, if you want to survive, we will cooperate temporarily."

"Tell me the location of the teleportation array you used when you came to Jitian Law Territory, and I will try to take you away!

The fastest escape method Jiang Yun can think of now is to use the teleportation array to leave the Jitian Law Domain.

After all, this is the territory of Jitian Legal Domain.

Jiang Yun escaped in other ways, either by escaping back to the Daoxing domain, or by wandering between domains.

After escaping back to the Daoxing Domain, it may be impossible to sneak into the Jitian Law Domain and then go to the Wanzhu Law Domain in the future.

And wandering between domains is not a long-term solution.

What's more, Jiang Yun believed that even if Zixu knew that he was hiding in Hun Chengyu's body, he would not have thought that his real destination was not the Jitian Law Domain, but the Wanzhu Law Domain.

Therefore, Jiang Yun spoke to the old man, hoping to temporarily cooperate with him.

The obese old man was still a little confused at this moment.

Whether it was Jiang Yun's sudden arrival and dragging out his soul, or Zixu's move to destroy the palace and kill his men, it was all beyond his expectation.

However, as the pinnacle of his origin, and being sent here to perform tasks alone, he naturally has something special about him.

After listening to Jiang Yun's words, he had already reacted, and after a slight hesitation he replied: "The southwest direction is where the teleportation array is!"

The old man knew Zixu far better than Jiang Yun!

He knew very well that although Jiang Yun was also his enemy, Zixu could not be trusted even more.

If Jiang Yun hadn't captured his soul, he would be dead now, so after weighing it, he still chose to cooperate with Jiang Yun temporarily.

After all, as long as you can use the teleportation array, you can return to the Ten Thousand Lords Domain.

After all, it was his hometown. After returning, he might still have a chance to survive.

Jiang Yun's consciousness immediately looked to the southwest, and sure enough he saw a rolled-up formation diagram!

Perhaps it was because the teleportation array and the palace that had just been destroyed were exclusively used by the Ten Thousand Masters Domain, so the distance between them was not far.

If the surroundings were not blocked, Jiang Yun could go directly to the array now, and then try to make the array operate and send him away.

However, Jiang Yun was not in a hurry to escape, but faced the void and said coldly: "Is this your friendship as a landlord?"

"Is this how you entertain guests in Jitian Law Territory?"

Three figures appeared around Jiang Yun.

Standing to Jiang Yun's left and right were two monks whom Jiang Yun had never seen before. They were both half-step detached.

The person directly in front of Jiang Yun is naturally Zixu.

In fact, Zixu didn't notice Jiang Yun's arrival at all!

Before, when Zixu was searching for Hun Chengyu's soul, he was a little absent-minded and not too serious.

He never thought that Jiang Yun would be hiding in Hun Chengyu's body.

At that time, a light flashed in his eyes because he recognized Hun Chengyu's power. It was one of the nine powers that could suppress the transcendence of the nine people outside the tripod!

Zixu has actually known about the Soul Clan, including the Soul Nether Realm for a long time.

Because he is an ally with Ten Thousand Masters.

Naturally, they would chat with each other about the situation of some large areas invaded.

Before he met Beichenzi, he didn't know that the soul clan's power could suppress the transcendent power outside the tripod, so he didn't care.

But after sensing and firmly remembering the power of the nine tribes from Ji Kongfan, he could judge it at a glance.

It was a great joy for Zixu to find the strength of his clan so quickly.

At that time, he wanted to capture Hun Chengyu, search for the soul, and learn more about the situation of the Hun clan.

However, the affairs of the Nine Clans are a huge secret.

In addition, Hun Chengyu is from the Wanzhu Law Domain.

In the Ten Thousand Lords Domain, there are fat old men and other monks in the Jitian Domain, and there may be people from the Soul Clan in them.

Therefore, he thought of sending Hun Chengyu to the palace first, and then sealing the palace, catching all the people inside, checking their identities one by one, and conducting a soul search to see if more useful information could be obtained.

But he didn't expect that Jiang Yun would hide in Hun Chengyu's body!

As for Jiang Yun, Zixu wanted to capture or kill him before, just because the Lord of Heavenly Stems said that Jiang Yun might be a Taoist leader.

Furthermore, unless Jiang Yun is eliminated, Zixu will not be able to conquer the Daoxing Domain.

However, after taking a trip from Beichenzi, Jiang Yun's importance in Zixu's heart was infinitely higher.

Jiang Yun alone has mastered nine kinds of power to suppress the powerful people outside the tripod.

In fact, if Jiang Yun becomes a true Taoist leader, it is very likely that he can overturn the cauldron with his own strength!

Therefore, in Zixu's view, the nine clans combined were not as important as Jiang Yun, so the moment he recognized Jiang Yun, he immediately changed his plan without hesitation.

He killed all other outsiders to silence them to prevent them from leaking the information.

At this moment, this area was completely blocked by him, and three people, including himself, were half-step away and surrounded Jiang Yun.

What's more, this is the Jitian Legal Territory, the territory that truly belongs to him.

Under this situation, Jiang Yun was like a turtle in a urn.

Zixu doesn't think Jiang Yun has the slightest chance of escaping!

Zixu looked at Jiang Yun with light in his eyes and said: "My way of hospitality is to keep you in my Jitian Dharma Territory forever."

And Jiang Yun, who was watching Zixu, suddenly had a light flash in his eyes at this moment!

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