Taoist world

Chapter 7785 I’m not asking you


Master Kuxin repeated these two words, but he deliberately lengthened his voice, paused for a moment, and then continued: "Fellow Daoist Jiang is powerful and compassionate."

"Being able to cooperate with fellow Taoists is naturally a dream for me in the Dao realm."

"It's just that cooperation is related to the lives of hundreds of millions of creatures in both our regions."

"I can't be the master alone. I have to ask the domain master of my hard-crossing Dao Domain for instructions before I can give an answer to my fellow Taoists."

Hearing Master Kuxin's answer, Jiang Yun couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although what the other party said was reasonable, how could Jiang Yun not hear that the other party was obviously not too concerned about cooperation.

It can even be said that they don’t want to cooperate with them!

This made Jiang Yun feel a little strange.

When I teamed up with them to deal with the monks from the Ten Thousand Lords Domain, they were very polite to me. Why did they suddenly change their attitude now?

Could it be because of Hunyou's words of gratitude just now?

Or should we say, what happened after they turned around and endured hardship in the Dao Realm?

Without waiting for Jiang Yun to respond, Master Ku Xin changed his voice and said, "Actually, I came to Fellow Daoist Jiang this time because I wanted to ask Fellow Daoist about the strange sound before and the big net that fell into our bodies. "

"Fellow Taoist's cultivation must have been weakened a little after that big net fell!"

Jiang Yun suddenly understood!

I originally thought that Master Pain came to see me to discuss cooperation, but apparently the other party was more concerned about the Web of Laws.

Jiang Yun thought for a while and said: "Although your domain is considered to be included in Taoism, in fact, most of the monks in your domain practice Buddhism."

"There is a difference between Buddhism and true Taoism."

"And that big net only weakens the cultivation of Tao cultivators. Logically speaking, cultivators from your domain should not be affected, right?"

Jiang Yun still has some understanding of Buddhist practice. Strictly speaking, Buddhist practice can be its own sect, independent of the great road and laws.

Then it should not be suppressed by the web of laws.

Master Kuxin said with a wry smile: "Fellow Taoist is right, but our cultivation has indeed been weakened a little."

"It is precisely because this matter has puzzled us so much that we came here to ask fellow Taoists for advice."

After Jiang Yun pondered, he felt that there was only a dispute between Taoism and Dharma in the cauldron, which meant that Taoist Lord Bai Ye did not recognize or value Buddhist practice, let alone allow the third way of practice to exist.

Since Buddhist cultivators have chosen to side with Tao cultivators, they are classified within the scope of Tao cultivators, so they will be suppressed by the power of laws.

Although Master Kuxin's attitude has changed and he doesn't want to cooperate with him, considering that Kudu Dao Domain is also a Taoist cultivator, he and he are at least on the same front.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not hide anything and told the story that a Dharma cultivator had passed through three places of certification.

After listening, Master Kuxin suddenly showed a solemn look on his face. He glanced at the monks around the nine-petal flowers and said: "As for the place that should be proved, we just regard it as a place of creation or trial. We think it is worth entering." Break in."

"Now, thanks to the reminder from fellow Taoists, we understand the importance of this place of certification."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!"

Master Kuxin saluted Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun returned the salute.

After Master Kuxin straightened up, he continued: "This matter is too important. I must tell the Territory Lord about it immediately, so I will leave first!"

"Friend Soul Daoist, let's go!"

After the words fell, Master Kuxin had turned around, spoke to Hunyou, and walked away towards the way he came.

Hunyou glanced at Jiang Yun and opened his mouth, obviously having something to say.

But in the end, he just cupped his fists and said, "Taoist fellow Taoist, take care. If you need anything, you can come to me at any time!"

Seeing Hun You turn around and leave, Jiang Yun suddenly said: "Fellow Taoist Hun, please stay!"

Hunyou and Master Kuxin stopped at the same time and turned to look at Jiang Yun.

Hunyou had a confused look on his face, not understanding why Jiang Yun was calling him to stop him.

And Master Kuxin's eyes flashed with a hint of vigilance.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said: "Since the noble cannot return to the Soul Realm for the time being, the noble and I also have a deep relationship."

"In addition, our Daoxing Territory also has a tribe of nobles, so the nobles might as well go to our Daoxing Territory!"

Jiang Yun didn't invite Hunyou just to get angry with Master Huxin.

His original purpose of leaving the Daoxing Territory this time was to find and cooperate with the Nine Clans.

After all, if the formation diagram left by Ye Dong is joined by the power of the nine tribes, it will be even more powerful and stronger.

Especially Jiang Yun has swallowed the soul lotus and condensed the soul origin Tao body, and his own soul fire exceeds the original indefinite soul fire.

Once the Soul Clan goes to the Daoxing Territory, they themselves will also benefit. It is truly a matter of mutual benefit.

Regarding Jiang Yun's sudden invitation, Hun You had not yet expressed his opinion, but Master Ku Xin had already spoken first: "Fellow Soul Daoist has now settled in my Kudu Dao Domain with all the creatures in the Hun You Domain."

"Let's let them settle down for a while before we talk!"

Jiang Yun ignored Master Painxin and just looked at Hun You and said, "Friend Hun You, what do you think?"

There was a look of embarrassment on Hunyou's face. He looked at Jiang Yun for a while, and for a moment he looked at Master Pain. It was obviously difficult for him to make a decision.

Master Kuxin spoke again: "Let's do this. Fellow Daoist Soul has a hard time making a decision on this matter, and Fellow Daoist Jiang is also anxious to go to the place where he can get the certificate."

"Then it would be better to wait until Fellow Daoist Jiang returns from the place where he should be certified, and then discuss the matter with Fellow Daoist Soul!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly, and soul fire suddenly rose from his body!

Looking at the soul fire, Hun You's expression suddenly changed!

Jiang Yun's soul fire is not only powerful, but it also includes two souls and six souls of the soul lotus.

The entire Soul Clan was secretly supported by the Soul Lotus, and the sacred objects they believed in also came from the Soul Lotus.

Therefore, how could Hunyou not feel the soul lotus aura contained in Jiang Yun's soul fire at this moment?

In short, Jiang Yun, who is burning with soul fire at this moment, is equivalent to the holy object that he has believed in for countless years in Hun You's eyes!

If Soul Blessing was a little weaker, he would have knelt down on the ground and worshiped Jiang Yun's Soul Fire at this moment!

Naturally, Hunyou also understood that if his soul clan could go to the Daoxing Territory and follow Jiang Yun, it would be of great help to his cultivation.

Hunyou took a deep breath, and just when he was about to speak, the master painstakingly beside him suddenly let out a violent cough.

"Cough cough cough!" Master Kuxin stroked his heart and said, "Fellow Taoist Soul, my injury has recurred again. Let's go back first!"

While speaking, Master Kuxin's other hand was already pulling towards Hunyou's arm.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly made a move, grabbed the wrist of Master Kuxin, looked at him, and said word by word: "Master, I am asking fellow Taoist Soul, not you!"

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