Taoist world

Chapter 7838 Dao Lun Yin

No one in Longwen Red Cauldron knew what this sudden vision was about.

Jiang Yun also didn't know.

He even didn't realize that there were already a lot of wind and ripples quietly appearing in the outside world where he was.

Moreover, they were not affected by the chaotic power of time and space, and passed through the time and space ring unimpeded, quickly approaching Guantian Palace!

Jiang Yun's attention at this moment was naturally completely focused on his senior brother.

Just now, the star point that suddenly overflowed from Jiang Yun's body was discovered by Soul Lotus, who recognized it as the soul belonging to Dongfang Bo and reminded Jiang Yun.

When Jiang Yun was born in this life, he had several seals on his body, forming the word "abandon".

Among them, there are three seals, which prevent him from having a Taoist heart, a Taoist spirit, and a Taoist body.

But later, when Jiang Yun fought against Dao Zun, his three brothers and sisters all chose to sacrifice themselves and helped him break the three seals on his body, thus giving him the Dao Heart, Dao Spirit and Dao Body. .

From then on, and for a long period of time, Jiang Yun was in a state of having four lives.

At that time, Dongfang Bo performed the Death Sacrifice at the last moment and used everything he had to obtain the Dao Spirit for Jiang Yun.

Tao spirit refers to both the spirit of the Tao and the spirit of the Tao bred by monks. It also refers to the spirituality of the Tao.

Only with the spirituality of Tao can we learn Tao!

At that time, Jiang Yun only believed that his senior brother's sacrifice only attracted the power of heaven and helped him acquire the spirituality of Tao.

It was only today, after being reminded by Soul Lotus, that he suddenly understood——

No matter what method the eldest brother used to give himself the Taoist spirit, part of his soul must be hidden in his Taoist spirit!

In other words, part of the elder brother's soul has turned into a part of his own Taoist spirit!

At this moment, Senior Brother's soul will truly vanish into thin air, losing all traces of it.

So much so that even the part of the soul that turned into the Dao Spirit in his body could not avoid it, so it also turned into star points and spread out.

Although Jiang Yun still didn't know who it was and what kind of power it was that made Senior Brother's sacrifice come true and gave him the spirituality of Tao.

However, since the eldest brother can successfully sacrifice, then maybe he can do it too.

Therefore, when he had no choice but to use the runes of the clan sacrifice, he performed the technique of worshiping the heaven.

In turn, he sacrificed his Taoist spirit to an unknown existence, hoping to reshape his senior brother's soul.

Most of the elder brother's soul has dissipated, leaving only his head and a small part of his body.

His lower body, including the two soul-fixing talismans on his chest and dantian, had lost the attachment of his soul body and fell down, floating in the soul blood.

The dissipation of Dongfang Bohun has not ended, it is still continuing.

Even though Jiang Yun sacrificed the Taoist spirit, he did feel that all the Taoist spirit had poured out of his body.

But he was not sure at all whether his sacrifice would be successful, or whether his senior brother's soul could be reshaped.

All he could do was still hold on to the soul-fixing talisman between his elder brother's eyebrows.

It seems that as long as the soul-fixing talisman is not pulled out, the senior brother's soul will not dissipate.

The senior brother stopped talking and just stared at Jiang Yun quietly with eyes filled with reluctance and distress.

As time passed, and after a few breaths, Jiang Yun's eyes gradually showed a look of despair.

Because, the soul of the senior brother only has one head left.

The remaining parts have all turned into star points and drifted away.

At this time, the senior brother finally spoke again: "Fourth brother, let go!"

"No!" Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and said, "Senior Brother, have you forgotten that I have four lives!"

"Our lives are connected. As long as I don't die, you won't die either!"

The eldest brother smiled helplessly but gratifiedly and said: "You boy, your temper is more stubborn than that of an ox, and you don't take me, the eldest brother, seriously at all!"

"When I saw you back then, if I had known your temper, I might not have taken the initiative to speak to you..."

The eldest brother's chattering stopped abruptly.

Because, his mouth has also turned into a star.

Next, comes the nose and eyes!

It wasn't until Jiang Yun's finger flicked that the soul-fixing talisman was finally completely separated from Dongfang Bo's soul.

Also dissipated along with it was the runic thread extending from the soul-fixing talisman.

As if ignited by flames, the rune thread instantly burned the Heavenly Soul Seal on the wall, burning it into nothingness.

The moment the Heavenly Soul Seal disappeared, the Guantian Palace clearly shook heavily.

But Jiang Yun didn't seem to notice it at all. His eyes were only looking at the remaining soul of the senior brother!

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly passed over his body, gently blowing his hair, and continued to blow forward.

There were even ripples that passed before his eyes and spread forward.

The wind and ripples surrounded Dongfang Bo's remaining soul and stopped moving forward.

It's as if this is their end point.


Jiang Yun finally came back to his senses, feeling the wind and lines of the avenue, and murmured, the despair in his eyes was gradually replaced by hope.

He naturally understood that these avenue winds and patterns should not appear at this moment and could not appear.

But they happened to appear!

The reason for their appearance can only be because of the sacrifice they just made!

Soul Lotus also spoke as if talking in a dream: "Among them is the soul of your senior brother!"

Yes, they are here to reshape Senior Brother's soul!

But even though he understood, Jiang Yun did not dare to speak. He even held his breath tightly and did not dare to blink his eyes, for fear that he would disturb them and cause the senior brother's soul shaping to fail.

And then, more and more winds, more and more ripples, began to appear layer by layer, and began to flow towards Dongfang Bo's remaining soul, until it was completely wrapped up.

From a distance, it looks like a cocoon, a cocoon condensed by the wind of the avenue and the lines of the avenue.

Although they were close at hand, Jiang Yun and Hunlian were unable to sense the slightest situation inside the cocoon.

All Jiang Yun could do was wait, waiting to see if his senior brother would break out of his cocoon.

Time, at this time, has completely lost its meaning.

I don't know how much time had passed, but Jiang Yun didn't wait for the cocoon to break, but he heard the vicissitudes of life but also the profound meaning in his ears.

Although each of these voices was saying different words and seemed extremely confusing, Jiang Yun could hear them clearly.

"The Tao has three treasures, the Tao heart, the Tao spirit, and the Tao nature..."

"The Tao has three treasures: those who learn the Tao, those who practice the Tao, and those who practice the Tao..."

These sounds not only rang in Jiang Yun's ears, but also rang in the Boundary Land, Daoxing Heaven and Earth, and even the entire Longwen Red Cauldron.

Daodao Lunyin!

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