Taoist world

Chapter 7852: One-Horn Escapes

The reason why Jiang Yun was able to break the one-horned man's rule was because of his own blood!

The other creatures in the cauldron are basically conceived from the essence and blood of their parents.

But Jiang Yun was born from a drop of blood on the Longwen Red Cauldron.

And the blood on the Longwen Red Cauldron came from countless powerful people outside the cauldron.

It can be said that Jiang Yun was born with power beyond the cauldron.

However, in order not to arouse Jiang Yiyun's suspicion, Blood Spirit had already secretly erased all the aura related to the outside of the tripod in the blood that gave birth to Jiang Yun.

Later, Jiang Yun's special growth experience and Jiang Yiyun's control behind the scenes allowed him to truly become a living being in the tripod and embark on the path of Taoism.

Coincidentally, when he found the game set by Jiang Yiyun before, in order to push open the red rune door and the door of Guantian Palace, Jiang Yun successively devoured a large amount of the same belongings from outside the tripod that Jiang Yiyun wiped on the two doors. of blood.

At that time, Jiang Yun unexpectedly discovered that absorbing the power from the blood outside the tripod could actually break the constraints of the law on his own cultivation.

In addition, in order to supplement his own strength, Jiang Yun took the risk to absorb the power outside the cauldron from the blood.

Even so, Jiang Yun only absorbed a small part;

Most of the blood was still simply swallowed by him and placed in his body, without merging with his own blood.

But the threat from the one-horned man just now made Jiang Yun finally decide to continue to absorb the power outside the cauldron in the blood, thereby breaking the opponent's rules.

Facts have proved that Jiang Yun's approach was right.

The law in the cauldron is indeed heaven, a supreme existence that is difficult to shake.

But the power outside the cauldron contained in the blood smeared on the Longwen Red Cauldron is so powerful and terrifying!

The most important thing is that the birth of laws is inextricably linked to the blood.

Not to mention that the blood can restrain the spell pattern, but just trying to break the rules of the spell pattern is not too difficult.

In addition, the absorption of power from outside the cauldron has also enhanced the power of the original fire and the candle dragon.

Therefore, Jiang Yun not only successfully broke the law, but also brought the one-horned man into his own dark night!

However, precisely because the power outside the cauldron is too powerful and too chaotic, it even contains the blood master's will during his lifetime.

Absorbing these powers into the body is equivalent to drinking poison to quench thirst.

Although Jiang Yun's own strength will increase, he must also try his best to erase the strong will and various attributes remaining in those powers, so as to truly transform all the powers into the power of the avenue, be digested by himself, and become own strength.

At this moment, in Jiang Yun's mind and body, there was too much power outside the cauldron. It had reached saturation and was the limit of the load he could bear, making him like a ignited powder keg that could explode at any time. It can explode anywhere.

Those forces that had not had time to be digested by him were not only attacking and destroying everything in his body, but also had some will in an attempt to seize Jiang Yun's body.

Of course, even if these wills succeed in seizing the body, it is impossible to really resurrect from the dead and use Jiang Yun's body to resurrect.

It's just that the owners of those powers were too persistent in their will during their lifetime, and they were not willing to be absorbed by others, so they almost instinctively wanted to seize and destroy everything.

In short, Jiang Yun's situation is still very dangerous.

While he needs to use the power outside the cauldron to compete with the one-horned man, he also needs to do his best to quickly digest the excess power in his body, fight against the remaining will, and guard his soul and body.

As a Principle, the one-horned man was still extremely powerful, almost as strong as Jiang Yun, even though he was temporarily cut off from the outside world by Jiang Yun.

This caused a stalemate between the two sides.

This stalemate is not good for Jiang Yun.

Because the longer time passes, the more chaotic the power in his body will be.

It is possible that before the one-horned man is defeated, his body will be occupied and destroyed by forces outside the cauldron.

The one-horned man seemed to have seen some clues, so he kept his eyes closed and was not in a hurry.

He just continuously poured out the power of law from his body, and then turned it into water, trying to extinguish the surrounding flames stained with Jiang Yun's blood.

As time gradually passed, and Jiang Yun was multitasking, the flame was finally at a disadvantage and began to be extinguished by the water little by little.

When the flames went out, the darkness surrounding the two people showed signs of collapsing, and the entire space shook slightly.

At this time, the one-horned man opened his eyes, looked at Jiang Yun and said: "As long as I leave here, even if the avenue wants to protect you, you and your senior brother will be dead!"

Naturally, the one-horned man hated Jiang Yun deeply.

As a law, he has never been in such a predicament.

However, Jiang Yun, a human cultivator whom he had never seen before, did it.

Therefore, he also wished he could kill Jiang Yun.

Hearing the man's words, Jiang Yun remained silent and did not respond at all, but he secretly said in his heart: "No, we can't continue the confrontation like this!"

"I still have to take the initiative to defeat the opponent, and then quickly go to Guantian Palace to digest the power outside the tripod!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and simply absorbed the power in the blood again.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun suddenly stretched out his hand and patted the one-horned man.

The power outside the cauldron surged again, and the man could clearly sense it, which also made him feel a chill in his heart.

Especially when Jiang Yun slapped his palm, his expression changed again.

What was photographed towards him was not Jiang Yun's palm at all. It was clearly the shape of countless unfamiliar forces condensed into the palm of his hand!

This force was so strong that the man gritted his teeth and swayed.

In an instant, the man's figure swelled up and transformed back into his original shape, a monster beast that was roughly similar to a deer and had a single horn!


This time, what came out of the monster's heart was no longer a melodious cry, but a syllable that contained the meaning of vicissitudes of life.

Amidst the cry, the monster lowered its head, and the horn above its head suddenly burst out with intense light, and actually stopped the palm from falling!

"Buzz buzz!"

The surrounding water, as if it had been summoned, also turned into magic patterns, rushing towards the monster's horn.

The light of the horn became brighter and brighter, even dispelling the surrounding darkness.

The whole process is extremely short.

In an instant, the light emitted by the horn reached its peak.

The next moment, the unicorn detached itself from the monster's head and shot out like an arrow from a string!


The unicorn passed through the palm first, hitting it and exploding it.

But the strength of the horn remained unabated, and it continued to shoot forward until it hit the night.


The night was suddenly pierced by a unicorn hole!

Seeing Dujiao rushing out of his dark night, Jiang Yun snorted: "You can't escape!"

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