Taoist world

Chapter 8231: Walking out of the Hundred Whirlpools

After Zhang Taicheng took the Hongmeng puppet into his body, Jiang Yun suddenly smiled and said, "Brother Zhang, let's discuss something."

"Can you give me that puppet?"

Zhang Taicheng didn't see the change in Jiang Yun's pupils just now, so when he heard Jiang Yun's request, he couldn't help but said with some surprise, "Everyone outside the tripod knows that Brother Xuhuo has a unique vision and his eyes are higher than his head."

"Ordinary treasures cannot enter Brother Xuhuang's eyes."

"Why are you still interested in this useless Hongmeng puppet now?"

Although he was asking, Zhang Taicheng shook his hands, and the Hongmeng puppet reappeared in front of the two of them.

"Since Brother Xuhua wants it, just take it!"

Jiang Yun was equally surprised by Zhang Taicheng's generosity.

However, Jiang Yun naturally would not show it, and said with a smile, "I have no interest in this puppet. What really interests me is the person who refined this puppet."

"Perhaps, I can find some clues through this puppet."

Jiang Yun's explanation made Zhang Taicheng look astonished.

Because in Zhang Taicheng's view, since this puppet appeared on the Luo Ling side, it must be like the dragon pattern and have an inseparable relationship with Dao Lord.

And with Daojun's strength, it is absolutely impossible for a puppet to be so weak if it is refined by himself, so it is most likely that it should be refined by one of Daojun's subordinates.

Xuhua may know this person and want to have a relationship with him through a puppet.

Zhang Taicheng stopped asking, "Brother Xu, please put away the puppet quickly so we can leave."

Jiang Yun stopped being polite to Zhang Taicheng and took the puppet into his body with a wave of his sleeve.

At the same time, a pile of Hongmeng Yuanshi appeared in front of the two of them.

Jiang Yun pointed at the Hongmeng Yuan Stone and said, "I will divide these Hongmeng Yuan Stones into three parts. You and I will each take one. I will give one to Zhong Wen later."

Jiang Yun asked Zhong Wen for the Hongmeng Yuanshi. Zhang Taicheng could understand it, but he didn't expect that he would have his own share. \u003cb


He said with some suspicion, "Just because of a useless puppet, Brother Xu is so generous."

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "Puppet is only secondary, the key is that I think Brother Zhang is trustworthy!"

"Furthermore, at present, we are only keeping these Hongmeng Yuan Stones. Whether they will be ours in the end is yet to be seen."

"So, why don't I be generous first, and I can gain some trust from Brother Zhang."

After hearing Jiang Yun's explanation, Zhang Taicheng couldn't help laughing and said, "Brother Xu, I find you very interesting."

"In that case, I won't be polite."

After Zhang Taicheng accepted the Hongmeng Yuan Stone, the two of them rushed towards the exit hand in hand without further delay.

And when the two people left this space, another figure suddenly appeared here.

It was the old man who looked very similar to Gu Bu Lao.

The old man looked at the place where the Hongmeng Yuan Stones were piled up before, frowned and said, "As expected of a monk from outside Ding, he is really strong."

"So far, only one person has died."

"What's even more pity is that I wasted a puppet."

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have used this puppet!"

"However, fortunately there is already hatred between them."

"In this way, as long as we get rid of that Zhong Wen, that's it."

After finishing speaking, the old man took a step forward and disappeared.

Although Jiang Yun and Zhang Taicheng went to several different spaces along the way, they did not continue to deliberately look for good things.

The two just exchanged experiences in this land of hundreds of whirlpools.

Compared to Jiang Yunlai, Zhang Taicheng except Hongmeng Yuan

In addition to the stone, two magical artifacts were also found.

However, they are all for half-step transcendence and are of little value to him.

In this way, the two of them spent most of the day and finally found the exit from the Land of Hundred Whirlpools.

In order to prevent others from knowing about their alliance, the two decided that Jiang Yun would leave first, while Zhang Taicheng waited for a while.

Jiang Yun walked out of the Land of Hundred Whirlpools and found that Zhong Wen was still the only one here.

Whether it's ancient hatred or Yuanjue Mo Forget, they haven't appeared yet.

Seeing Jiang Yun appear, Zhong Wen smiled lightly and said, "You were the last one to go in, but the first one to come out. You are indeed an expert in treasure hunting!"

"How was it? How was the harvest?"

Jiang Yun waved his sleeve, and a Hongmeng Yuan Stone appeared in front of Zhong Wen.

Jiang Yun deliberately wiped his sweat and said, "There is nothing to gain. It is just to snatch these Hongmeng Yuanshi from the hands of Zhang Taicheng and Yuanjue."

"This portion is for your Excellency, please accept it!"

"Give it to me?" Zhong Wen looked at Jiang Yundu with a half-smile but said, "Eating people has short mouths, but taking people has short hands!"

"If I collect these Hongmeng Yuan Stones, and they come to trouble you later, won't I have to help you out!"

"You'd better keep it for yourself!"

Jiang Yun waved his hand, sat down next to Zhong Wen and said, "Thieves also have their own ways. I have my own rules in this industry, and I'm not afraid of them at all."

"Besides, they may not come out alive."

Then, Jiang Yun told Zhong Wen the truth about how he stole the Hongmeng Yuan Stone.

At the end, Jiang Yun patted his chest and said, "They took action first, so these Hongmeng Yuanshi are compensation for me."

"If they really dare to cause trouble for me again, I will naturally have ways to deal with them."

Regarding what Jiang Yun said, Zhong Wen was only interested in one thing: "Is there a Hongmeng puppet inside?"


Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Yes, I don't know who refined it."

Zhong Wen looked thoughtful, while Jiang Yun deliberately urged, "Sir, please accept these Hongmeng Yuan Stones as soon as possible."

"I'm not bribing you, but doing this as a reward."

"After all, if you hadn't told me that there are good things here, I wouldn't have entered this place of hundreds of whirlpools, and I wouldn't have been able to get these Hongmeng Yuan Stones."

"If you are really worried, I can swear an oath that I will never tell anyone else about this."

Zhong Wen came back from his thoughts, took a deep look at Jiang Yun and said, "Then I will be disrespectful."

Zhong Wen put away the Hongmeng Yuan Stone, and Jiang Yun really acted as if nothing had happened, closed his eyes, and meditated.

After a few hours passed, Zhang Taicheng also walked out.

When he saw Jiang Yun, anger suddenly appeared on his face and his eyes widened.

However, in the end, he did not take action against Jiang Yun, but sat down far away from Jiang Yun.

More than an hour later, Yuanjue also left the Land of Hundred Whirlpools.

His eyes swept over Jiang Yun and Zhang Taicheng, his eyes flashing coldly.

However, in the end, he also sat down at a distance, neither taking action immediately nor saying a word.

As a detached and strong man, he certainly could not complain to Zhong Wen and ask Zhong Wen to seek justice for him.

He could only wait for the opportunity to take revenge on the two of them.

Zhong Wen saw the reactions of Yuanjue and Zhang Taicheng, as well as the positions where the three of them were sitting, and smiled proudly in his heart.

Because his goal was achieved!

Finally, Mo Wang also walked out of the land of hundreds of whirlpools.

Although Jiang Yun closed his eyes, his consciousness was always looking at his surroundings.

Naturally, he was the first to see Mo Wang's appearance, and he immediately became alert and even prepared to take action!


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