Taoist world

Chapter 8425 The Reappearance of the Forbidden Territory

Previously, Ying Tian'ao wanted to find Lu Yunzi and Zi Shen, but was stopped by Lu Shusheng, while Xiyinzi and others also acquiesced.

Because their mission in entering the cauldron was just to find something that didn't exist, and they didn't want to cause any problems.

Especially as Baji's subordinates, their identities are sensitive.

If they do anything out of the ordinary inside the cauldron, it is likely to cause some unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles.

After all, one tripod and one pole!

As long as Daojun is still the master of Longwen Red Cauldron, there is a possibility of becoming the Ninth Pole.

Even the aloof Baji would not take action against Dao Lord personally, and their subordinates did not want to offend Dao Lord.

But now, the existence of Gu Bu Lao not only makes them feel troubled, but also the other party is likely to hinder their mission.

Therefore, now that they heard Xiyinzi's words again, they did not stop them.

As for Xiyinzi, she already had hatred for Gu Bu Lao in her heart.

She found four people at once and thought she had taken advantage of them.

But I didn't expect that these four people together would be a complete nothing.

This made the complacency she showed just now a joke, which made her lose face.

Although she did not think that Gu Bulao was responsible for any of the Four Symbols, she could only save her face a little by finding out what Gu Bulao knew.

Therefore, even if she is attacked by the rules within the cauldron, she still has to search for the immortal soul.

Although the six Taoist Masters still stood at their original positions and did not move, their spiritual consciousness had firmly covered all directions.

As long as there is any change in the wind, it will be impossible to hide it from them.

Xiyinzi sneered, and his spiritual consciousness rushed out, like a sharp awl, piercing towards the "ancient" eyebrows.

Almost without feeling any obstruction, Xiyinzi's consciousness has entered the "ancient" soul.

However, at this moment, a sneer suddenly appeared in "Gu Bu Lao"'s eyes.

The next moment, all

Someone heard a loud "boom" in their ears.

The loud noise was also mixed with a muffled sound.

Xiyinzi took a step backwards, her face turned slightly pale.

As for the "Gu Bu Lao" in front of her, countless cracks appeared on his body.

Immediately afterwards, the body of "Ancient Immortality" suddenly collapsed and turned into countless fragments.

"Gu Bu Lao" actually blew up his soul!

Although there was a huge difference in strength between him and Xiyinzi, the self-destruction of the soul erased Xiyinzi's consciousness.

Therefore, the muffled groan just now was made by Xiyinzi.

All the creatures inside and outside the cauldron were silent, with various expressions on their faces.

There are doubts, shocks, and regrets...

No one could believe that Gu Bulao would choose to explode his soul at this time.

Gu Bulao is a genuine leader in Dharma cultivation.

Although he had no friendship with most of the cultivators, his self-destruction was a big blow to the cultivators.

Fortunately, the silence around him was broken by Ying Tian'ao's voice, "He should be just a clone."

"If it is really the deity, as the leader of Dharma cultivation, his death will definitely affect the vibration of the laws in the cauldron."

After hearing what Ying Tian'ao said, all living beings suddenly realized.

Especially all the Dharma cultivators did not sense any changes in the power of their own Dharma.

Naturally, this also made them feel relieved.

Xiyinzi also came to his senses, suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the ancient demon, and said coldly, "If he doesn't dare let me search for his soul, then I will search for his disciple's soul."

It is not difficult to see that Xiyinzi is already a little angry at this moment.

Although "ancient"

The self-destruction had no impact on her at all, but as a dignified Dharma master, it allowed a Dharma cultivator in the cauldron to erase a piece of her spiritual consciousness.

For her, this was like being slapped hard in the face by Gu Bulao again.

However, before she could take action, Lu Shusheng had already sent a message to her, "What if she also blows herself up?"

"Can you bear the consequences?"

This sentence immediately made Xiyinzi sober up.

Even if Gu Bu Lao himself explodes, it's not a big deal.

But the ancient demon in his hands is the host of nothing.

If the ancient demon self-destructs and causes the nothingness to escape, then don't go back outside the cauldron.

Xiyinzi glanced at Lu Shusheng gratefully and said, "Thank you."

Lu Shusheng said calmly, "Yes, we must share the same hatred now."

Xiyinzi nodded and said, "Yes, within the cauldron, I will listen to you."

Lu Shusheng turned to the others and said, "Everyone, the ancient master must be hiding nearby."

"I think we should find him first and control him."

"Otherwise, we may not be able to continue looking for things that don't exist with peace of mind."

"Since he can use the rules within the cauldron to form a seal to protect the souls of the creatures within the cauldron, it is possible that he can also cause the creatures within the cauldron to self-destruct."

"Including those creatures with the appearance of nothingness!"

Xiyinzi was naturally the first to agree, and then Ying Tian'ao also expressed his approval.

In the end, the seven people reached an agreement, which was to find Gu Bu Lao first.

They can not interfere with everything in the cauldron, but Gu Bu Lao may hinder their mission.

After everyone reached a consensus, Lu Shusheng still spoke loudly, "Gu Bu Lao, can you show up to see me?"

"Don't worry, we don't mean any harm, we just want to have a chat with you."

The old age is hidden not far away, quietly

He looked at Lu Shusheng quietly, unmoved at all.

After a moment passed, Lu Shusheng spoke again, "Since you are unwilling to show up on your own initiative, we can only invite you out."

As soon as the words fell, the bamboo slips flew out of Lu Shusheng's hand and expanded suddenly, reaching the size of an area, covering the whole boundary.

Everyone looked up and saw clearly that the bamboo slips were densely covered with unfamiliar words.

Each word is as huge as a star, and it exudes strong pressure, causing the space inside the cauldron to vibrate slightly.

In this area, almost all the creatures in the cauldron had expressions of pain on their faces.

But strangely enough, although the pressure was powerful and caused pain to the creatures in the cauldron, it did not really hurt them, and it just made them kneel down one after another.

After a few breaths, the creatures in the cauldron in the gap between the boundaries had already knelt down in a dark mass.

There were less than a hundred people still standing.

In this way, these standing monks are naturally extremely conspicuous.

These monks did not care about their conspicuousness, but looked at the kneeling companions beside them.

Although Lu Shusheng said he was polite, he was not polite at all when he made a move.

Gu Bulao was still hiding in his original position, staring at Lu Shusheng and the others expressionlessly, seemingly unmoved at all.

At this time, Ying Tian'ao pointed at Daoxing Great Domain and said, "That great domain should also be suppressed. He may also be hiding in it."

Lu Shusheng nodded.

The area of ​​bamboo slips has skyrocketed again, covering the entire Daoxing area.

However, a voice of surprise suddenly came from Lu Shusheng's mouth: "This great domain..."


A trembling sound interrupted Lu Shusheng's words.

Above everyone, a vast area like a river slowly emerged.

Hengmen forbidden area!

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