Taoist world

Chapter 8568: Opening the Tomb of All Living Beings

Although all the cultivators outside the cauldron who entered the cauldron have been sent to the Daoxing Realm by the resentment, the cauldron is still filled with endless resentment, omnipresent, everywhere!

All the creatures in the cauldron, no matter where they are, even the creatures of the Daoxing world in the Guantian Palace. They are also surrounded by resentment.

And the creatures in the cauldron are no strangers to these resentments.

In the past, these resentments, together with the resentful bones, almost indiscriminately attacked all creatures.

Therefore, even though they now know that these resentments and resentful bones have become their companions and will fight against the cultivators outside the cauldron together with them, they still dare not act rashly in the face of resentment.

At this moment, countless ambiguous voices suddenly rang in the ears of all the creatures in the cauldron: "Release all the defenses of your body and let these resentments enter your body."

"They will help you temper your bones and improve your strength!"

Hearing these voices, most of the creatures in the cauldron looked at each other and did not release their body defenses.

Obviously, they did not believe what the voices said at all.

Resentment can actually help you temper your body?

Resentment comes from the resentful bones of countless cultivators outside the cauldron who died at the hands of the Taoist.

Even if these cultivators outside the cauldron were powerful during their lifetime and unwilling to sink after death, there is no reason for them to help the creatures in the cauldron temper their bodies!

However, there are some creatures in the cauldron, such as Shura, Ming Yuyang and others in Daoxing Tiandi, who immediately released their own defenses without hesitation after hearing the voices, allowing these resentments to drill into their bodies.

They do not trust resentment, but they are too eager to become powerful.

Even if there is only a little possibility, they are willing to try.


As soon as the resentment entered his body, he heard screams.

Shura felt that all the bones in his body

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were ground to pieces by the resentment.

In fact, his bones were not broken, but when the resentment entered his bones, runes appeared on his bones.

These runes came from the resentment, but more of them were originally possessed by Shura's own bones.

When Shura looked at these runes, his face with twisted features showed shock.

Although Shura's current strength is not too strong, as a cultivator, how can he not understand his own body!

From childhood to adulthood, he has never seen these runes on his bones, and he didn't even notice them at all.

Just like these runes, they were originally deeply hidden in his bones and bone marrow, and never appeared.

Today, after the resentment entered his body, these runes finally appeared.

These runes are all-encompassing, including both Dao runes and Fa runes.

But no matter what kind of runes they are, when they appear at this moment, in addition to bringing great pain to Shura, they are also really tempering his bones and flesh!

"What is going on?"

The huge shock made Shura temporarily forget the waves of pain coming from his bones.

"Where did these runes come from, when, or who left them on my bones?"

Shura opened his eyes and looked at Ming Yuyang who was not far away.

Coincidentally, the latter was also staring at him with his eyes open.

When the two looked at each other, Ming Yuyang grinned, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying, and said, "I remember that when I was just accepted as a disciple, the immortal Gu Bulao told me something."

"He said that every place I live in and every thing I touch has the laws of the great way he secretly arranged."

"These laws of the great way will subtly influence all living beings, so that after we are born, we will have these laws of the great way."

"I originally thought he was talking nonsense and was just fooling me."

"But now it seems that what he said seems to be the truth."

"He should have secretly arranged the runes of the laws of the great way of the bones in every place in the tripod. stars, in every world, silently influencing all living beings. "

"We will not be aware of this influence, but when these resentments appear, it is like the medicine has a medicine lead, which stimulates these great laws in us. "

"In other words, each of our living beings in the cauldron, when they are born, no, in the process of gestation, they are actually practicing. "

"I don't know how many secrets this old immortal has left. "

"Old Xiu, are you looking forward to the changes we will usher in?"

At the end of the speech, Ming Yuyang was already panting and out of breath, but there was a smile on his face, a hideous and expectant smile.

After listening to Ming Yuyang's words, Shura nodded silently.

Although this passage sounds incredible, it should be the truth.

After all, the person who did this was Gu Bulao!

The most mysterious person in the entire cauldron.

And as time passed, gradually, regardless of whether the living beings in the cauldron were willing or not, the resentment began to surge into their bodies.

However, not every living being can endure such intense pain.

Therefore, soon after the resentment entered the bodies of the creatures in the cauldron, their entire bodies suddenly turned into dust.

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\u003eAt the same time, the blood spirit appeared at the top of the cauldron, and behind him, a vast sea of ​​blood had appeared.

The blood spirit calmly looked at the creatures in the cauldron that his divine sense could see, watching their reactions of pain, expectation, or excitement.

Xue Ling said to himself: "Lao Gu is really far-sighted!"

"Who could have imagined that he could allow all the creatures in the cauldron to retain a potential."

"Unfortunately, bones, blood, and soul are equivalent to three heavenly tribulations. In the end, only one-third of the creatures can successfully survive the three heavenly tribulations and complete the transformation."


Xue Ling shook his head and sighed: "I'm afraid it's still not enough to resist the cultivators outside the cauldron."

"And Lao Gu said he has one last way. If it doesn't work, then we can only pin our hopes on him."

Speaking of this, Xue Ling suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the Hengmen forbidden area.

There, there are many cultivators outside the cauldron who are about to pass through and enter the cauldron.

Xue Ling frowned and said, "Old Gu, have you forgotten about these monks outside the cauldron?"


Gu Bulao said indifferently, "Purple God, please open the Tomb of All Living Beings and release them!"

In the Tomb of All Living Beings, Purple God, who was sitting cross-legged on his tombstone, stood up and said, "Okay!"

After the voice fell, Purple God suddenly raised his hand, and a large black banner appeared in his hand!

Then, Purple God held the black banner with both hands and waved it in a strange trajectory.

And every time the banner danced, it would outline a group of black light and shadow.

There were more and more light and shadow, and Purple God's hands waving the banner became slower and slower.

Finally, when Purple God stopped waving, he shouted, "Open the Tomb of All Living Beings!"

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