Taoist world

Chapter 8571 It’s not the right time


In the huge body of the blue whale, a wave of water suddenly rose up into the sky, and continued to spread out, and turned into water drops all over the sky, falling in all directions.

From a distance, this scene looked like a huge umbrella covering the sky and the earth was propped up on the back of the blue whale.

And the water drops that were scattered in all directions were not real water, but Tao patterns.

Tao patterns of water!

The main avenue that Dao Dui cultivated was the Tao of water.

As the continuous water waves sprayed out, a long and distant wailing sound came out from the mouth of the blue whale. .🅆.

Silently, the body of the blue whale exploded, and it also turned into countless water drops, which also stretched in all directions.

When a whale falls, all things come to life!

Water, which originally symbolizes the meaning of life, can nourish all things.

However, the water formed by the self-explosion of the blue whale, no matter where it falls, will not bring any vitality.

On the contrary, it can grab vitality!

Grab the vitality of everything, even space.

In short, where the water patterns reach and cover, space begins to wither, stars begin to fall, and life begins to pass away!

And the area covered by the water patterns is even more astonishingly vast.

In just a few breaths of time, with the blue whale's self-explosion as the center, within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, although it is not completely collapsed, it is already riddled with holes and cracks.

Looking around, it is like a dry and exhausted land.

Fortunately, there are almost no living creatures in Daoxing Realm.

Otherwise, Dao Dui's whale fall will take away the lives of countless creatures.

One whale falls, everything dies!

Dao Dui's figure appeared from the blue whale's self-explosion.

At this moment, his breath is also a little weak, and his face is even more pale.

It is not difficult to see that performing the Whale Falling Technique is also a heavy burden for him.

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In particular, in order to exert the power of this technique as much as possible, he still resisted the suppression of the rules in the cauldron and suffered the backlash of the power of the rules.

His eyes and consciousness calmly swept across the space of billions of miles, admiring his masterpiece, and said to himself: "Jiang Yun, he should be dead!"

The water pattern transformed by the Whale Falling Technique actually appeared from the body of the blue whale first.

Then, the water pattern will first seize the vitality of the blue whale itself, causing the whale to fall.

Those water patterns can even seize the vitality of space.

It is conceivable that all the vitality that was swallowed into the body of the blue whale by the Whale Swallowing Technique will be deprived first!

Including Jiang Yun!

Therefore, in Dao Dui's opinion, no matter how strong Jiang Yun's vitality is, he should not be able to withstand his own technique.

However, just as he finished speaking, Jiang Yun's cold voice rang in his ears: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm still alive!"

Jiang Yun's figure also walked out of the void and stood in front of Dao Dui.

Seeing Jiang Yun, Dao Dui's pupils suddenly condensed slightly!

Because, compared with before, Jiang Yun at this moment, just turned a little paler.

Besides that, there was no other change.

Dao Dui was really surprised.

He knew better than anyone the power of the Whale Fall Technique and how much vitality the Whale Fall could capture.

Even a cultivator who had just glimpsed the Transcendent Realm would instantly lose all vitality under the Whale Devouring Technique.

But what happened to Jiang Yun?

A cultivator who had not even reached the Transcendent Realm actually had more vitality than a cultivator who had just glimpsed the Transcendent Realm?

However, Dao Dui's shock was fleeting, and he soon regained his composure and said, "So my guess is right."

"There is some connection between you and this Daoxing Domain."

"In a sense, you are Daoxing Domain, and the vitality of Daoxing Domain is your vitality!"

Dao Dui's guess about Jiang Yun was very close to the truth.

However, he had never encountered, or even heard of, a cultivator who would condense a domain into his own Dao body, so he could not imagine the true situation of Jiang Yun.

But he was right, the reason why Jiang Yun was alive was because Jiang Yun was Daoxing Domain.

No matter how strong Dao Dui was, no matter how powerful the Whale Falling Technique was, it was impossible to seize the vitality of a domain in an instant.

Not to mention Dao Dui, even if Dao Jun came in person, he could not do it.

As for Dao Dui's guess, Jiang Yun naturally would not respond.

Jiang Yun's eyes were fixed on this "barren" boundary seam, and he was also shocked by Dao Dui's strength!

Although he had admitted that his master was right and that he had underestimated the strength of the cultivators outside the cauldron, at this moment, facing Dao Dui's attack, his mind was still greatly shocked.

Dao Dui was suppressed in strength and was backfired by the rules in the cauldron, but he could still cause such amazing damage.

If there were no rules in the cauldron, if he could be free from any constraints and could really attack with all his strength, then ten of himself added together would probably not be his opponent.

Jiang Yun finally turned his gaze to Dao Dui, without saying a word, he raised his hand directly, and slashed at Dao Dui with a human knife.

Dao Dui frowned and said, "I have taught you so much, why do you only have these few skills over and over again, and nothing new?"

Dao Dui was really puzzled. Jiang Yun couldn't have known that these spells would have no effect on him at all, so why did he continue to use them?

This time, Jiang Yun gave an answer: "Because it's not time for me to use my full strength yet."

Dao Dui heard this sentence, Jiang Yun was deliberately despising

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But in fact, Jiang Yun was telling the truth.

He was still distracted by thousands of cultivators outside the cauldron.

If he used his full strength, even if he could kill Dao Dui, those thousands of cultivators outside the cauldron could also kill him afterwards.

So, he could only attack Dao Dui constantly even though he knew it was useless.

At another location, the Soul Origin Dao Body had defeated another person who had just seen the Transcendent, and continued to move towards the third person who had just seen the Transcendent.

The Nine Clans Chains had begun to tremble violently, and it was almost impossible to continue to isolate all the Transcendents outside the cauldron.

At the same time, in the forbidden area of ​​Hengmen, hundreds of non-cauldron cultivators also entered the cauldron.

Long Xiangzi and others who were waiting here immediately went to meet them.

As soon as the two sides fought, the later non-cauldron cultivators recognized the identities of Long Xiangzi and others.

Suddenly, these non-cauldron cultivators started shouting.

"You are so bold that you dare to help the creatures in the cauldron and attack us!"

"Do you know who we are?"

"Believe it or not, when we go back, we will bring people to destroy your sect family!"

As for these words, Long Xiangzi and others seemed to be deaf to them. They ignored them and focused on attacking, forcing those non-cauldron cultivators to scold and fight.

Outside the black cloud, Di Zun, who had completely cut off the chains of Daoxing Tiandi Faith and Qiyun Power, looked at the empty front and showed a look of doubt on his face.

Although he knew that neither Tianzun nor Renzun was his opponent, it was beyond his expectation that the two of them would leave like this at this time.

At other times, he would definitely take the initiative to find these two people and ask them clearly.

But now, he just shook his head, stood up, and stepped into the black cloud.

What greeted him was Daoli Daokun who was trapped here!

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