Taoist world

Chapter 944: High morale

The thirteen Huang Guard Captains represent the thirteen strongest teams under Huang Yu.

After Huang Yu had already made it clear that he refused Jiang Yun's challenge, at this moment they all stood up and asked for a fight with Jiang Yun, which really made Huang Yu feel a little embarrassed.

However, Huang Yu also understood.

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Although these Huangwei captains were his subordinates and should logically share the same hatred as Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun was a foreigner after all.

They were dissatisfied with Jiang Yun's previous behavior of driving away Huang Ning, and now he was so arrogant that they really couldn't swallow it, so they tried their best to be scolded by themselves, but also wanted to fight Jiang Yun to vent the bad anger in their hearts!

But Huang Yu really didn't want them to be enemies with Jiang Yun.

But before she could speak to appease everyone, Elder Huang had already taken the lead and said: "Now it's a competition between hundreds of teams, so naturally every Captain Huang has the right to make a decision."

With an understatement, he blocked what Huang Yu wanted to say.

So, the final result was that except for Huang Yu who refused, the other 48 teams all agreed to Jiang Yun's challenge!

Mr. Huang looked at Jiang Yun again and said: "Jiang Yun, our army of the Huang tribe encourages competition, so I will give you a chance to complete the challenge!"

"Furthermore, since this challenge is raised by you and your team is at a numerical disadvantage, I will give you some help. You can choose to defend or attack!"

In the eyes of everyone, even Yi Zheng and others, in this situation, it is definitely better to choose to defend.

After all, they originally defended the pile of spiritual stones with nine people and blocked the attack of a thousand people.

However, Jiang Yun unexpectedly said again: "Then I will choose to attack!"

Ten thousand people faced nearly half a million people, but they still chose to attack. This made the people watching the battle not know whether to admire Jiang Yun's courage or to think that Jiang Yun was really looking for death.

Huang Lao nodded and said: "Okay, Jiang Yun's team chooses to attack, and the other 48 teams are responsible for defending."

"You all go back and prepare. In three hours, the competition will begin!"

Although Mr. Huang asked everyone to go back individually, the forty-eight Huang Guard Chiefs gathered together and discussed in low voices.

Each of these Wild Guard Chiefs has a certain amount of experience, so they know very well that although they have a huge advantage in numbers, they do not dare to underestimate the Nine Blood Chain Formation.

If their forty-eight teams just fight on their own, and each team only focuses on its own defense and does not cooperate with other teams, then it is very likely that they will be defeated by Jiang Yun one by one.

Therefore, what they have to do now is to find a way to gather their 480,000 people together!

As for Jiang Yun, he naturally returned to his team.

Seeing the uneasy expressions on the faces of everyone including Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng, Jiang Yun just smiled and said: "Don't think so much, how do you usually train, how will you fight in a while, I have everything !”

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun closed his eyes and sat aside without making any preparation at all.

Compared with the forty-eight Huangwei chiefs who were anxiously discussing, Jiang Yun's calmness once again aroused the emotion of the onlookers.

No matter whether Jiang Yun wins or loses in the end, his calmness and composure alone are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But Jiang Yun's team of ten thousand people no longer has this calmness.

Although they have confidence in Jiang Yun, they also have confidence in the Nine Blood Chain Formation.

But to be honest, when they heard that Jiang Yun wanted ten thousand of them to challenge forty-eight people, they inevitably felt flustered and uneasy.

Because this is a losing battle for anyone.

During these three hours, they had no intention of recharging their energy and waiting for the battle to begin. They had been waiting in fear.

Some people even want to retreat.

In this way, three hours passed quickly, and Jiang Yun opened his eyes.

But at this moment, on the platform, Huang Yongfeng and others had already stepped into it.

Because Jiang Yun chose to attack, the 480,000 people had to prepare a defensive formation first.

Although it was said that the time had come, it took more than an hour to set up the formation of 480,000 people.

In fact, it didn't take so long originally, it was because Huang Yongfeng and others did it deliberately.

The reason is to put more and more pressure on Jiang Yun and his team by delaying time!

If there was no Jiang Yun, then their approach would indeed be effective. After a long wait, it is very likely that the morale of everyone in Jiang Yun's team would gradually become low or even disappear completely.

But looking at Jiang Yun, whose face was always calm and unchanged, and feeling the innate calmness in his body, it made the ten thousand soldiers become equally calm.

In particular, Jiang Yun's words made their morale not lowered, but even higher.

"The long time it took them to set up their formation shows how deeply they fear us!"

Finally, 480,000 people completed the arrangement of their formations, and looking at the formations they had set up, everyone couldn't help but be a little speechless.

Because what they set up was exactly what Huang Ning planned to have Yi Zheng and the others set up not long ago...;...; the turtle shell formation!

Although the turtle shell formation sounds a bit embarrassing, I have to say that the defensive power of this formation is extremely powerful.

Especially when facing an enemy that is outnumbered by oneself, it is almost impossible to be broken.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that although Huang Yongfeng and others had enmity with Jiang Yun and were full of anger towards Jiang Yun, they really did not despise Jiang Yun or the Nine Blood Chain Formation.

Their purpose was also very clear, that is, no matter what, they could not allow Jiang Yun to break through their defenses and win, so they chose this most secure method.

As Mr. Huang signaled to Jiang Yun and the others that they could begin to break the formation, Jiang Yun's eyes slowly swept across the 10,000 Huang soldiers in front of him, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"Brothers, if we lose this battle, we will be known as a useless team."

"If we win, we will become famous all over the world!"

Jiang Yun's simple words not only calmed everyone's anxious hearts, but also made their blood boil again.

Be famous all over the world!

Yi Zheng said loudly: "Yes, let them see who is the real waste team!"

Mo Fancheng then said: "Yes, if we are a waste team, then the other teams are even worse than waste!"


Amidst the laughter, all ten thousand soldiers stood up and geared up, their morale was high!

Jiang Yun waved his hand: "Go to battle!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yun took the lead, and ten thousand soldiers followed closely in a nine-blood chain formation!

This moment is truly the center of attention!

Everyone cheered up, widened their eyes, relaxed their consciousness, and waited for the upcoming battle.

They had never even heard of such a battle, let alone seen it.

In the military competition of the Desolate Clan, this was also the first time that a small team challenged nearly fifty teams.

Although almost none of them believed that Jiang Yun could win in the end, at least they would be able to feast their eyes on it.

Especially in this battle, Jiang Yun finally led the team in person, which made everyone look forward to it.

As a general, Jiang Yun is the main leader of this formation. With his joining, how will the power of this formation change.

Yi was waiting for ten thousand soldiers. Although their fighting spirit was high, it was impossible to say they were not nervous. But at this moment, Jiang Yun's voice sounded in each of their ears again.

"Don't be nervous, you just need to follow my orders and treat it as a daily drill."

"When necessary, I will temporarily gain control of your body so that you can win without defeat!"

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