Taoyuan Mountain Village

The second thousand five hundred and seventy-fourth chapter presents clothes

"Clothes? We have new clothes? And shoes?"

"Am I right? For us?"

"How much does a suit cost? And these shoes, so heavy, how much does it cost?"

"Why give it to us? Is it really for us?"

"I have new clothes!"

Many people hold on to their clothes and do not let go, regardless of whether the clothes are suitable or not, for fear that they will be taken back as soon as they let go, one by one is more excited.

Jiang Xiaoye quickly shouted after seeing it: "Everyone has a share, a coat and underwear, as well as shoes and socks. These clothes are the best workers' clothes. The shoes are called labor insurance shoes, and the socks and underwear are all pure cotton. , I gave them all to you. For the past two days, everyone will wear these clothes to work. Don't be afraid of getting dirty. These clothes will not be washed badly, and the knives in your family will not be cut. Don't hold your own inappropriate ones. It's not good if you don't wear it properly."

Now many people hold on to their ill-fitting clothes and don't let go. These people don't care whether they fit or not, as long as they can wear them.

Almost most people never wear new clothes in their entire life.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Gao Shanyuan hurriedly shouted: "Look at what you guys look like? Are you bandits? Can't you see how many clothes are there? One person, find a suitable one, and then go inside and change, man. Go here, women go there, many of you are the team leaders and team leaders of the production team, don’t embarrass us Qingyuan, hurry up!”

He looked a little embarrassed, a group of people hugged like bandits and didn't let go.

"How big are we?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"Just line up. The person I arrange can see at a glance how big your clothes are. Take off your shoes after lining up, so that the person I arrange can identify how big your feet are. You will all change into the new clothes here later. ." Jiang Xiaoye immediately motioned to Su Can.

Su Can took a few people over.

"The men are divided into three teams, come here, the lesbians are divided into one team, go this way!"

"What are you doing, put down your clothes and shoes, and get in line quickly!" Gao Shanyuan immediately yelled loudly.

"Everyone, listen to me, everyone has a share. After changing clothes, everyone will go to dinner. After we have eaten and drank enough, let's go to work." Jiang Xiaoye also spoke again.

A group of people looked at each other, many people put down their clothes and went to line up, someone took the lead, and soon more and more people reluctantly put down their clothes and went to line up.

"Secretary Xiao Ye, can we wear our own clothes? How can we wear these new clothes to work?" A farmer couldn't help shouting.

"Why so many things?" Some leaders were angry.

Jiang Xiaoye said with a smile: "Everyone, this time it's not just about clothes, but it's work clothes, clothes for work. There will be many reporters here this time, as well as many foreign reporters, you have to wear your own clothes. Those clothes, they will take pictures of you at that time, and then go to the world to publicize how poor and miserable our country is, and the clothes you wear can't cover your buttocks. You say, can this be done? Guys, this is not just a question of clothes, it is also a matter of our Lugu Village, your Qingyuan, and the face of our entire country, you say, should you wear them?"

The reporters who came in the afternoon were definitely more ruthless than the other.

Jiang Xiaoye's words caused a group of people to look at each other, and soon someone shouted: "We listened to Secretary Xiaoye, Secretary Xiaoye, have you given us all these new clothes?"

"It's all given to you, and it's divided into your hands. Everything you wear is yours. If you don't want to wear it or don't wear it, then I will take it back, as well as those ragged clothes on your body. If you want to take it back, take it back, if you don’t want to take it back, throw it together and burn it together, the era of lack of food and clothing is over!”

Jiang Xiaoye nodded, and the clothes were naturally given to them.

And in the future, six thousand bodies will be given, not only these, but even some people from other battalions will have to put on these new clothes at that time. The power of the group, the display of the group, it is very shocking.

It is difficult for foreign journalists to rely on these to catch some problems!

"Secretary Xiao Ye, where did you buy these clothes? How much did you spend?" Gao Shanyuan looked at the beginning of the distribution of clothes, a little unbelievable. Where did all the clothes come from?

You know, there are only so many factories in China that make clothes.

How much is it?

Jiang Xiaoye looked at him and said, "Clothes are worthless. I have a factory and make them all by myself. By the way, leaders, you can also wear one when the time comes. Now our city secretary Zhang, and our Ganshan. The county magistrate is still working in the fields, I'll see if I can unify the clothes later and say hello to them."

To unify, anyway, these clothes have to be dealt with, and he needs to change a new batch of clothes.

Gao Shanyuan was dizzy and dizzy. Does he even have a factory that produces clothes? Wouldn't this be the factory in Lugu Village? Moreover, Secretary Zhang in the city actually works here?

Ma Baoguo helped in the past, but he found that he was a bit amateur and could only instruct people to go in and change clothes.

The eyes of Su Can's group are too vicious, whatever type of clothes they take, they're absolutely suitable.

After all, after practicing to a certain extent, it is very sensitive to body shape.

The little donkey came to see him and wanted to play with him, but Jiang Xiaoye didn't have time to play with it, so he smiled and said, "Go play by yourself, I still have work to do here."

The little donkey reluctantly left.

Jiang Xiaoye watched the little donkey leave, thinking

After thinking about it, he said, "Old horse!"

Ma Baoguo was instructing people to change clothes when he heard the shout and ran over quickly.

"Go, arrange the meals, and make sure everyone is full today, but don't let it go bad, you have to pay more attention to this." Some people have been hungry for a long time, and they will feel hungry even if their stomachs are supporting them. , which is quite normal.

He whispered: "The water in the village, let everyone drink a bowl first."

Ma Baoguo hurriedly nodded his head to make arrangements. He knew how amazing the water in the village was. In the past, Jiang Xiaoye arranged for the newcomers that he just sent, and he thought it was Jiang Xiaoye who felt bad for them to eat too much.

Later, I found out that as long as I drank a bowl of village water, I would never suffer from overeating and vomiting again.

The water in their village is amazing!

"Comrades, we're going to have dinner after changing our clothes. You can find a place to put the things you brought, and keep your valuables on your body. Eat your fill, rest well, and we'll work in the afternoon!"

When you have enough food and drink, it is time to work.

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