Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter five hundred and ninety seventh the problem

Mobile phone direct access: m.xinwanben.com

"It's only Jiang Province now, and the headquarters hasn't noticed it yet, but once the other party expands? Do you know what the consequences will be when the other party expands its scope? Damn, once this trend continues, all of us will become a joke, Don't even think about it when I'm not having a good time!!!"

"You don't know such a big news at all? What's the use of me asking you!"

Roar like thunder.

A group of Max's top executives did not dare to say a word, because they knew that what they said was true.

In just a few days, the Jiang Province market was directly robbed, and it was robbed by others with super high prices and super profits. They are the kind who have no temper at all. At such a price, they have no chance at all. of!

You must know that the previous competitive market generally relied on new products, activities, promotions, price reductions, etc. What about now? Such a price steals their market, which makes them bound to become a joke,

Max immediately launched activities such as price reductions, promotions, etc. in Jiangxi Province. For two days in a row, the effect was minimal, and it was completely useless.

As a last resort, they bought some crispy-flavored family barrels to study together, and they finally understood that their crispy-flavored chicken was completely different!

Exclusively for Rain Mountain? Bishuixuan's new product?

The president of the China region was so angry that his roaring throat had become inflamed these days and he was still roaring frantically.

"Now you tell me there is no way? There is no way?"

The regional top management below looked at each other in dismay, and finally one of them tentatively asked: "The biggest key to the other party now is the source of this batch of chicken. The taste and taste are indeed better than ours, and we can't compare at all, even if The price is low, so we really have no way to deal with it now, this should let the headquarters find a way.”

Headquarters don't want to do anything, let them find a way? How can people's chickens be so good? Don't you always brag about your chicken world number one?

Then let the headquarters find a way!

But the president of the China region almost exploded when he heard it, did he react? His current status is not tenable, and when something like this happens, he may come down and roar: "Headquarters headquarters, you know the headquarters, so what do you idiots do? Don't you have any other way? You can't find the source of this batch of goods? As long as we have it, won't all the problems be solved? I will personally go to the headquarters to provide feedback when it comes to supply, understand!"

Restocking the source, this is a big thing, but he has a certain power.

The people below looked at each other in dismay, even if they found a source, would you dare to use it? Isn't this hitting the headquarters in the face?

Max's roar kept ringing. If he came down, then he wouldn't be able to mix in the future. He finally managed to mix up. Countless people stared at this position!

Now that this phenomenon occurs in a large area in Jiang Province, it is bad news for him.

The most important thing is that once the headquarters knows that their market has been taken away by the crispy flavor, he can't bear the consequences of welcoming him!

"Now that I know the problem and don't deal with it immediately, are you here waiting for me to treat you to a fried chicken? The meeting is over!"

Don't you say that we dare to leave the meeting?

A group of high-level executives had 10,000 MMPs in their hearts, but they still left honestly, preparing to find someone who could supply the Crispy Flavor.

It's too easy to find this person, after all, is the source of Bishuixuan's supply provided by him?

They also understand that the most urgent task now is to find the source of supply. It is best to cut off the supply of Kui's flavor. Once it is suppressed or expanded, then Kui's flavor can really steal their market in China.

Soon, they found Jiang Xiaoye!

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, I'm the president of Max China. I want to discuss with you about the cooperation of the rain pheasants you breed. If possible, I can go to you now to show my sincerity. Do you have any questions? Although the conditions are put forward, we can meet your needs in any way, and the price is not a problem."

As soon as the call was connected, the other party was chattering for a while.

Obviously, Max knew that his attitude must be good, and he decisively lowered his attitude. The other party would also give a chance to cooperate if he said so, and he directly stated that he was taking advantage of him, and the other party would definitely agree.

But Jiang Xiaoye's words instantly made him dumbfounded.

"What? Meikes? What is Meikes? Oh, I remembered, it was the Meikes that my dad and my grandfather went to work with you and was hospitalized by you? This is strange, don't you say I raised It’s all rubbish, so are our people rubbish? How can we continue to cooperate? Sorry, these rubbish I raised are not worthy of cooperation with you, and there is no need for us to continue to communicate.”

Are you uncomfortable? I make you more miserable!

Jiang Xiaoye is in a very good mood, huh? Silly? I am a person with a fairy hanging, you continue to chatter?

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xiaoye blocked the phone and thought it was over after the call was over? There is no sincerity at all, no, there are not enough chickens, this is no good!

Jiang Xiaoye began to think of other ideas.

The phone is hung up!

All the high-level executives were listening. Looking at the blind voice, they were stunned for a while. What's the situation? The tone of the other party seems to be unpleasant to them?

When did your company get offended?

"Check, check! Where are the people from Jiang Province? Check it out for me!"

The other party started from Jiang Province, fearing that it was a problem in Jiang Province, and thinking of the turmoil in Mond a few days ago, they suddenly had a bottom in their hearts, and the president of the China region almost died on the spot.


Soon, the agent on Mond's side came with Mond's secretary.

They didn't know that the new Crispy's product was the same batch of chickens they rejected.

"What the hell is going on, tell me!"

As soon as I saw the high-level Huaxia people in the conference hall, I suddenly felt bad, and why did these eyes eat them?

"Say, say what? I just took over, I don't know anything!"

The person in charge of Jiang Province wants to scold people, he doesn't have time for the meeting, he has been dealing with the mess, how the hell does he seem to have blamed all his sins on himself? Roaring you ah roaring!

"You said, what happened to Mond a few days ago? Did you refuse a family who came to him to cooperate in selling chickens, Yushan Village, do you remember?"

The president of the China region also woke up, and immediately pointed to Mond's former secretary.

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